Dwelling within the Past

Falling For You Again


“You’re coming this afternoon right? I heard the Elites will be there.” A girl whispered to her friend. Her friend nodded and clapped her hands eagerly. Not too far from them, there was a young girl sitting by herself, staring out to the streets outside. She looked down at the cup in her hands and sighed pitifully.

“So it’s today huh?” She mumbled to herself. As the sun rays beamed through the glass window, the reflected off the bracelet on her arm, catching her attention. She turned her wrist sideways to reveal the locket that was attached to it.

“So long as she’s happy… I’m happy… I guess” she sighed with her eyes closed.


“Okay, so have you given the instructions to each stall yet?” Yuri asked Yoona. Yoona nodded and handed Yuri a checklist that was all marked off. Jessica and Sooyeon were busy untangling the ropes in the corner of the room whilst Sooyoung was on the phone with one of the festival’s committee members.

“Why do you need ropes anyway? It’s like you’re trying to kidnap someone.” Jessica struggled with the ropes around her arm. Sooyeon was helping untangle the ropes and started wrapping it around her arm into a neat circle.

“Yeah, you could say that. We’re not exactly kidnapping though. We’re arresting.” Yoona laughed back. Yuri smiled along with Yoona, knowing exactly what she had meant. She then looked around and noticed that there were two people missing from the group.

“Where’s SeoHyun?” Yuri asked Yoona curiously.

“She’s just gone over to Leeteuk’s. Even if he is part of the team to get Taeyeon back, he still has to prepare the food for his stalls as well. SeoHyun just decided to help him.” Yoona answered calmly. Jessica and Sooyeon had now finally untangled the ropes after a good forty minutes of work. Jessica sat back down onto the floor tiredly and massaged her arms.

“Are you ever going to tell her?” Jessica asked tiredly. Yuri walked over to Jessica with a bottle in her hand and passed it over to the tired princess and sat down next to her. Yoona looked at Jessica with confusion, wondering what she had meant.

“Tell who what?” Yoona asked back. Jessica opened the bottle and took a sip from it as she nodded her head towards Yoona’s direction. Yoona reacted by pointing to herself with surprise.

“Well Tiffany and I already know. Don’t you think it’s time SeoHyun knew about your secret?” Jessica explained further. Yoona froze for a moment as she stared at Yuri. Yuri looked back at Yoona, also waiting for an answer.

“I don’t think I can. SeoHyun’s probably the last person who would believe in this.” Yoona said quietly. Sooyeon finished wrapping the rope and walked up to Yoona, handing her the roll of rope and stood beside Yoona.

“If you want I can just tell her what I am first.” Sooyeon suggested. Yuri and Yoona nodded slowly at the idea before they abruptly stopped and stared back at Sooyeon.

“What are you anyway?” Yuri asked curiously. Jessica looked up at Sooyeon, also wondering what her mirror image was.

“You’re not an immortal; you don’t seem to get injured at all.” Yoona added. Sooyeon chuckled to herself and nodded, confirming Yoona’s statement.

“No, I guess I’m not like you. I’m what the mortals would call err… what was it? The souls of the dead…” Sooyeon was trying to find the word that had just escaped her mind completely.

“Ghosts?” Jessica finished off for her.

“Yes! That’s the one. Ghosts.” Sooyeon clapped her hand and pointed at Jessica. Jessica blinked a few times before furrowing her eyebrows. To her understanding, a ghost did not have an actual body and would usually be floating around haunting people.

“If you’re thinking about what humans think ghosts are, then you’re wrong.” Sooyeon raised her eyebrow at Jessica. Jessica shook her head to get out of her daze and focused back on Sooyeon.

“Honestly, humans are so close yet so far when it comes to the paranormal. Honestly there are quite a lot of super natural beings that blend in with the humans, for example, your immortal friends.” Sooyeon nodded her head towards Yuri and Yoona.

“Okay, enough of this paranormal talking. We need to head down to the stalls and help them prepare the main event. Elites still have a duty to the community.” Sooyoung interrupted them and clapped her hands impatiently.

“She’ll find out eventually. I’m sure she’ll understand.” Jessica smiled innocently to Yoona. Yoona just nodded as all four of them followed behind Sooyoung.


“Miyoung-ah. Are you done yet?” Taeyeon called out through her house. Miyoung rolled her eyes when Taeyeon called her and slammed down her luggage.

“Almost TaeTae.” Miyoung called out sweetly as she zipped up her suitcase, silently cursing when the zipper got stuck. Taeyeon walked in to see what was taking Miyoung so long and paused when she saw the luggage on the floor.

“What’s this?” Taeyeon asked as she gestured towards the luggage. Miyoung stopped trying to close the suitcase and stood up tiredly, fixing her hair that was messed up from the hard work.

“We’re going tonight, remember? We should put the suitcase in your car so that we’re not late for the plane.” Miyoung said innocently. Taeyeon continued to stare at the suitcases before finally looking back up to Miyoung.

“You promised Tae. Soon as the festival is over we’ll go back to Japan.” Miyoung turned her head to the side. Taeyeon swallowed down hard before stiffly nodding. Truthfully, Taeyeon had forgotten that she was to move from Korea. All that she could think about was meeting Yuri and Yoona at the festival after a week of not seeing each other.

“Y-Yeah… As promised” Taeyeon stuttered. Bubz then came into the room and nudged Taeyeon behind her leg. Taeyeon turned around and picked up the grown puppy and held him in her arms.

“I’ll… prepare Bubz’s stuff then…” Taeyeon said barely audibly. Miyoung just nodded with a smile as Taeyeon walked back out with the dog in her arms. Miyoung followed Taeyeon for a short while out. Once Taeyeon was a safe distance away from the room, Miyoung rushed back to the room to finish off her packing.

“Miyoung-ah.” Taeyeon called out from down stairs. Miyoung let out an annoyed sigh and walked up to the door.

“Yes Tae?” Miyoung called out. Taeyeon then appeared at the top of the stairs with Bubz still in her arms. She crouched over and let Bubz gently walk out of her arms before standing up and walking to Miyoung again.

“Would you be okay for today? Or at least until around five?” Taeyeon asked curiously. Miyoung stood up straight and gave Taeyeon a surprised expression.

“I think so. Is something wrong?” Miyoung asked curiously.

“SM College has a presentation to do with the Elites to get more students to enrol next year. I have to go and prepare a few things with Yuri and Yoona for tonight.” Taeyeon explained calmly. Miyoung’s eyes opened wide at the thought of Taeyeon seeing her two friends without her.

“Can you skip out on it? We still have to arrange our luggage and arrange our citizenships in Japan.” Miyoung suggested as she held up some paperwork. Taeyeon looked at the paper with a blank expression before reaching to the back of her own pocket to pull out some papers.

“It’s all been done. The packing looks like it’s been done too. If we miss out on anything I’m sure we can buy it once we get there.” Taeyeon said calmly. Miyoung bit her lower lip and furrowed her eyebrows at Taeyeon, silently cursing her for her efficiency.

“How about I help you then? We can get a lot more done if there were two of us.” Miyoung suggested. Taeyeon blinked at her suggestion before raising one of her eyebrows.

“Come on. It will be fun.” Miyoung laughed. Taeyeon pursed her lips together and gave a defeated sigh.

“Yeah… sure, why not? But I don’t think we’re coming back after the arrangements are done, so let’s just pack everything into the car now.” Taeyeon nodded her head towards the driveway. Miyoung nodded eagerly and immediately started lugging the suitcases down. Taeyeon helped with a few and took Bubz along with her. She packed the last of the luggage into the boot of her car and paused when she caught glimpse of her house. She sighed with the thought that it would probably be the last time she would ever see it again.

“Tae?” Miyoung peered out from the car to see Taeyeon staring at the house. Bubz, who was already in the car, gave Miyoung a snarl and loud bark, catching Taeyeon’s attention. Taeyeon snapped herself out of the daze and gave a long sigh.

“Let’s go, before we’re late.” Taeyeon muttered under her breath. Miyoung watched as Taeyeon walked around the car with her head bowed down. Once she entered the car, Miyoung closed her door and seated herself comfortably.

“Let’s just enjoy the last day, shall we?” Miyoung tried to cheer Taeyeon up with a smile. Taeyeon just nodded and proceeded to heading towards the festival grounds.


“Ah yes. The Elites and Miss Choi. Glad to have you join us. Might I ask where the leader of the Elites is?” the committee lady asked politely.

“She… Will be here shortly. Can we rehearse our parts first? We promised to help a few people around with their stalls and a few events.” Yuri lied flawlessly. Yoona nodded with Yuri and pulled off the best smile she could.

“Oh… No problem. Shall we continue?” the lady smiled back calmly. Sooyoung, Yuri and Yoona nodded as they were ushered backstage. As the rehearsals were going on, Taeyeon’s car parked into one of the reserved parking lots. Taeyeon got out from her car and reached into the back seat to bring her pet with her, leaving Miyoung to open the door for herself.

The two then proceeded towards the stage where Yuri and Yoona were rehearsing their speeches. While Taeyeon was busy with Bubz, Miyoung spotted the two on stage and immediately pulled Taeyeon to a stop. Taeyeon looked up from her pet and wondered why they had suddenly stopped.

“A lot of people seem to be having trouble with their stalls. Why don’t we help them for a bit?” Miyoung lied as she scanned the perimeter. Taeyeon took a hesitant scan around herself to see that barely anything was getting set up. Miyoung then let out a gasp and pointed to the lonesome stall in the opposite direction to the stage.

“That one looks like they need help” Miyoung said all too eagerly. Taeyeon stared at the stall to see an elderly woman setting up a game stall. There was nothing much to help with except fill the large container with water. Taeyeon turned and gave Miyoung an odd look.

“She might catch a cold. She is an elderly mortal after all” Miyoung shrugged innocently. Taeyeon looked back at the lady and saw no threat whatsoever.

“But I need to do my rehearsals.” Taeyeon said calmly.

“You can just get your speech later. I’m sure you’ll do fine, no one will care if you mess up.” Miyoung by now was already ushering Taeyeon to the stall. Taeyeon opened to argue back but closed it again once they reached the stall.

“Excuse me ma’am. Would you like us to help with anything?” Miyoung asked the woman kindly. The woman turned her head from the pond and stared at the two confusingly. Bubz then gave a loud bark and started moving around in Taeyeon’s arms.

“Oh my. Such a cute dog.” The lady exclaimed once she caught sight of the dog. Taeyeon let Bubz down onto the stall’s table and patted its head before rolling up her sleeves.

“Do you need any help with anything?” Taeyeon asked politely. The woman then smiled as she shyly pointed towards the large prizes.

“Oh I’m sorry to trouble you, but could you hang those prizes up. My son was supposed to have helped me but he ran off to get the last of the prizes” the woman said apologetically.

“Oh it’s fine” Miyoung answered quickly as she pushed Taeyeon to the prizes.

After Taeyeon had finished setting up the woman’s stall, she picked up Bubz again and started heading towards the stage. The area around them was slowly starting to fill up with people setting up games, food and merchandise for the festival. A few children were running around whilst their parents were making preparations. One of the younger boys ran into the back of Miyoung’s leg and fell backwards before he started crying.

“Kids…” Miyoung rolled her eyes and walked on. Taeyeon, who was further ahead, heard a young child crying and looked back to see Miyoung walking away from the crying child. She immediately frowned and stopped walking.

“Miyoung… That young boy is crying.” Taeyeon said seriously as she nodded to the child’s direction. Miyoung turned to see the boy with dirtied legs and tears streaming down his face but did not walk back to help him. Taeyeon gave an annoyed huff and walked past Miyoung to the crying boy.

“Hey Tae aren’t you…” Miyoung said as Taeyeon was heading towards her. When Taeyeon walked straight past her, her voice trailed off as she watched Taeyeon bend down to the crying child.

“Hey… Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked calmly towards the boy. The boy took her hands away and stared at Taeyeon before he started crying again. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows. Bubz was then wriggling around in her arms, reaching for the young boy. Taeyeon lifted the dog up towards the boy as Bubz started the boy’s face.

The young boy stopped crying for a moment as he stared up at the dog. His tears stopped once he saw the fluffy white Pomeranian.

“Feeling a little better?” Taeyeon asked kindly. The boy did not respond as he continued to look at the dog in her arms.

“If you stop crying, and stand up like a big boy, I’ll let you pat him.” Taeyeon offered as she stood up again. The boy looked up at Taeyeon with a confused expression. Taeyeon just remained standing and waited.

“Come on. Pick yourself up. The floor’s dirty.” Taeyeon urged. She shook Bubz slightly in her arms to tempt the young boy. Naturally, the boy wanted to pet the fluffy dog and slowly started brushing his hands. He then put them against the floor and slowly pushed his body up. He wobbled slightly with the cut in his leg. Before he could fall over again, Taeyeon quickly caught his arm and held him up with one hand. She then bent down again and held the young boy steady with Bubz in front of him.

“If you fall over, don’t dwell around on the dirty floor. Pick yourself up and continue on. Once you try to get up, others will help you in case you fall again. At the end…” Taeyeon slowly trailed off as she slowly put Bubz into the boy’s hands.

“There will be a reward for all your hard work.” Taeyeon finished off calmly. The boy’s face immediately lit up as soon as he touched Bubz’s soft fur. He then looked up at Taeyeon and gave a confident nod to confirm that he understood what Taeyeon was saying. Miyoung from afar was watching impatiently. She had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot impatiently.

“He’s so soft.” The boy giggled when Bubz his face. Taeyeon smiled softly at the young boy’s expression and ruffled his hair.

“Noona is very kind. Thank you for helping me.” The boy thanked with a wide smile. Taeyeon just nodded and used her hand to wipe away the dirt on his cheeks. The boy then looked pass Taeyeon to Miyoung and his expression dropped to a frown. Taeyeon followed his gaze to where Miyoung was and let out a long sigh.

“Noona isn’t like her. Noona shouldn’t be playing with bad people.” The boy pouted. Taeyeon just let out a low chuckle and patted the boy’s head.

“Thank you for your advice. Noona will remember it well.” Taeyeon said calmly. The boy then gave the dog another pat on his head before giving it back to Taeyeon and continued to watch the ball of fluff in Taeyeon’s hands.

“Noona. Can I play with him another day?” the boy asked innocently. Taeyeon was shocked with the little boy’s question and didn’t give a response. Bubz turned around and gave Taeyeon a whine, persuading her to allow him to play with the boy.

“I’m sorry, but noona won’t be here for much longer.” Taeyeon said disappointedly. The boy pouted at Taeyeon’s response and continued to stare at the dog.

“Then stay here.” The boy said innocently. Taeyeon blinked a few times at the young boy’s demand and couldn’t help but feel a little hesitant to ruin the boy’s hopes. Just as she was about to disappoint the boy, his mother came to help him.

“Ah, sorry for troubling you with my son. He can be very straightforward sometimes. Thank you for helping him.” The mother rushed before dragging the boy away. The boy turned back to wave sadly at Taeyeon as Taeyeon returned the wave sadly. Bubz also contributed by giving two barks.

“Noona shouldn’t be playing with bad people huh?” Taeyeon chuckled as she repeated the child’s advice. She then stood up straight again and started walking to her rehearsals.

“Tae. Aren’t you excited? In seven hours we’ll be flying to Japan and starting a new life.” Miyoung said excitedly once Taeyeon was beside her. Taeyeon ignored Miyoung’s excitement and continued walking on, her cold exterior returning once more. Miyoung was a little stunned that Taeyeon had just walked past her without so much as a glance.

“TaeTae… Is something wrong?” Miyoung asked curiously. Taeyeon just shook her head stiffly before continuing on. Miyoung let out a disappointed sigh and followed quietly behind Taeyeon.

As they were approaching the stage, the committee lady came up to greet Taeyeon enthusiastically.

“Sorry I’m late.” Taeyeon apologized calmly.

“Oh don’t worry. The other two Elites had told me you would be coming late. They’ve already finished their parts so they left not too long ago.” The lady smiled brightly. Taeyeon nodded at the lady’s words and was handed her speech for the night. Whilst the lady was explaining to her what she had to do, she was scanning through the page speech. Miyoung was sitting down not too far from them with an agitated dog in her arms.

“Hey, I don’t like you, you don’t like me. It’s even, get over it.” Miyoung whispered harshly to Bubz. Bubz threateningly bared his teeth and let out a low snarl. Miyoung then just rolled her eyes and picked up the dog to put him on the seat beside her.

“Now sit still. Stupid mutt” Miyoung grumbled. Bubz did one better and hopped over to one seat further from Miyoung before resting comfortably; checking once in a while to make sure that the immortal remained one seat away from him.

“Animals…” Miyoung sighed tiredly.

“Should just leave you at the airport” she continued to mutter as Taeyeon was taken to shown where her place was on the stage.


“So we have the ropes ready, the people executing the plan are all set… all we need now… are the chaser and the one being chased.” Yuri checked off her list.

“Where are Sunny and Gi Kwang? We’re going to need quite an impact to make the chaser actually chase.” Yoona asked curiously.

“She’s going to meet up with a few of her friends. Apparently they can help with all this.” Sooyoung shrugged. Sooyeon and Jessica were now fixing a few of the trip wires on a few of the stalls.

“All done?” Sooyeon asked Jessica. Jessica came out from underneath the stall and dusted her hands with a proud grin. She then stopped when she noticed that one of her nails had broken off.

“I broke a nail.” Jessica exclaimed in shock. Yuri and Yoona just rolled their eyes whilst Sooyeon rushed over to Jessica’s side.

“Oh. Wow, how unlucky” Sooyeon said sympathetically. She then raised her hand up to notice that she had broken two.

“I broke two!” Sooyeon yelled even louder. Jessica whipped her head to see Sooyeon’s and immediately felt pity for her. Whilst the two were fussing over their nails, Yuri, Yoona and Sooyoung were laughing amongst themselves.

“Honestly… Some things never change.” Sooyoung commented. Yuri and Yoona just nodded in agreement as the two were now talking about how they would have to cut the rest of their nails to make it even.

“But honestly. Where is Tiffany?” Yoona suddenly said out aloud. Yuri and Sooyoung just shrugged in response.

“We can always make Yuri the chased.” Sooyoung suggested. Yoona just rolled her eyes and leaned against one of the stalls.

“Yeah sure. Yuri drowning in the nearby river. Somehow that’s not going to work.” Yoona said sarcastically. Yuri laughed at Yoona’s response and nodded in agreement.

“We could throw one of them” Yoona nodded her head towards Jessica and Sooyeon’s direction.

“I vote Jessica.” Sooyoung said calmly. Yuri turned and glared at Sooyoung fiercely.

“I second that.” Yoona added. Yuri’s eyes opened wide as she stared at Yoona.

“Two against one. Jessica it is then.” Sooyoung continued.

“Hey!” Yuri then yelled. Yoona and Sooyoung then started laughing out loud, catching Sooyeon’s and Jessica’s attention.

“We’re joking. We will already have Miyoung to deal with. Adding a Yuri to the job would make things much harder.” Sooyoung chuckled. Yuri leaned against the stall with her arms crossed and gave an annoyed huff.

“I don’t think we will need to use them though…” Yoona suddenly whispered. Yuri turned to glance at Yoona.

“The plan would only work if we had Tiffany… I’m still hoping that she still believes in herself and helps us… I know she’ll come after Taeyeon… She promised that she wouldn’t give up.” Yoona continued in a hush tone. Yuri nodded slowly as she stared at Jessica talking to Sooyeon.

“Knowing Tiffany… She would be the last person to break a promise.” Yuri added. Sooyoung raised her eyebrow at the two talking to themselves.

“I have no idea what you two are talking about.” Sooyoung blurted out. Yuri and Yoona just smirked as they continued to keep their gaze into thin air.

“We’re talking about Taeyeon’s future.” Yoona replied vaguely.

“If the future doesn’t come meet with Taeyeon… She will forever dwell within the past.” Yuri smiled. Jessica turned when she felt someone watching her to catch Yuri’s gaze. Jessica waved at her and smiled back widely.

“I’ve met my future already. Yoona needs to make her future… and Taeyeon needs to acknowledge her future.  For the moment, we will focus on Taeyeon’s future.” Yuri continued.

“You guys seriously need to get your heads checked. What’s with this future talk?” Sooyoung was now starting to get worried for the two. Yoona then finally looked up at Sooyoung and smiled softly.

“It’s not what. It’s who.” Yoona answered calmly.

“Who’s Taeyeon’s future then?” Sooyoung corrected herself. Yoona then stood up straight and gave a smirk.

“Tiffany of course”












Fast update huh? XDDD

(well fast compared to my usual time....)

I know I know... There was a time when i would udpate non-stop. T_T
I'm sorry but I've been taken off the sugar rushes. The sweet sixteen was still going strong. Soon as i hit 17, BOOM, Old granny walking through


So, I asked you guys what you thought of me. ^^
Most responses were like "you're talented, good writer, etc etc etc"
That wasn't really what i was aiming for but i guess it will do.
The responses i was aiming for were like what some of you mentioned.


‘likes to things lol so all in all you are pretty awesome’

‘can't cook like Tiffany (can Tiffany cook? idk) and Jessica. Don't get me wrong but I remember that burnt pancake you showed me. MHM that looked good... O__O" Otherwise, you seem really cool and talented. You can write awesome stories and draw pretty pictures’ (This is true. I cannot cook T_T)

‘i think you are perfectionist? 
and i kind of scare of you.....:D hehe’

‘well your impression to me is nice , hardworking(lol XD), kind , humorous- I read every of your a/n and i love your jokes :)’




I asked those because I want to like erase any awkwardness.
For one, I am not a perfectionist... Far from it. 'If it just works, let it be' That's my motto :\
Ermmm.... yeah that comment about me being a fail at cooking is 100% true. T_T My pancakes turn into black rock. Literally black rock (no joke whatsoever)
Hardworking.... Hmmm.... Nope... Not in my dictionary xD 


I noticed that some of you find authors intimidating. Having talked to many authors myself... truth is... o_o We're intimidated by readers.
You shouldn't be intimidated by authors. We just happened to be so bored that one day we decided to click the 'Start Writing' button on asianfanfics and write down the things that we would never write in real life situations because people find it weird if we start talking about 'what if thiss happens' (wow long sentence. If you didn't get it... Then... idunno. I dont get it myself)



Some of you wonder where I get my ideas from... o_o
In real life I'm very realistic... Like full on 'science proves this, science proves that etc etc etc' (Yeah I'm an atheist >~<)
And because of that. Everytime i open a word doc, My left brain goes into overdrive (left controls imagination, right = the sensible side)
I guess i use my right side too much in real life, that once i left my left side loose, it just goes haywire o_o


(Hahaha See? I do read the comments >D So don't go saying things in the comments behind my back. I'll know about them -narrows eyes-)



Mkk let's try another question this time.

It's been decided that the second season will be called 'Falling For You Again: Family Descendants'

My question for you guys is....

What do you think the second FFYA will be about ;]


Please leave a response. I'm interested in what you guys think ^^



Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1126 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)