Friendly Pranks

Falling For You Again


“Where is it?” Taeyeon muttered coldly as she opened the file cabinet for Gi Kwang.

“Should be right about… here” Gi Kwang chuckled as he pulled out an old newspaper.

Taeyeon took the newspaper away from his hands and turned her back towards him as she scanned the newspaper. As she reached the third page she noticed a picture of the town hall with a news article under it. In the top of the tower there were two figures standing there. Not even bothering to take a closer look Taeyeon took out the scissors and started cutting out the picture.

“Cute isn’t it?” Gi Kwang smiled from behind.

Taeyeon just ignored him as she finished cutting the two figures out. She saw her and Miyoung talking casually in the town hall with Miyoung smiling brightly. Within a second Taeyeon scrunched up the cut out and put it into her pocket.

“Was that it?” Taeyeon asked bluntly.

Gi Kwang’s jaw dropped as she stared at the pocket where Taeyeon had put the ruined cut out.

“That was heartless” he remarked.

Taeyeon just shrugged as she put the newspaper back and slammed the cabinet shut.

“If that’s all you had to show me, I suggest you stop hanging around here. For the final time I’m not going back to even so much as visit the Legion. I know what you’re capable of.” Taeyeon turned her back as she headed out of the library.

The girls who were still watching were now staring at Gi Kwang. He just gave them a fake smile back whilst on the inside he was filled with disgust.

*Humans are even worse than the fake immortals* Gi Kwang thought to himself as he also exited the library.

As he was walking out he saw Taeyeon walking down the street with her hands in her pockets. He then looked around to see that Taeyeon’s car wasn’t there.

Gi Kwang chuckled to himself as he watched Taeyeon kick a rock on the floor.

*I don’t know why she looks after them so much. Hmm…* Gi Kwang then remembered that there was someone else with Yoona in the library. *What was that girl doing there?*

A sudden smack was then heard as Gi Kwang toppled over and fell face first into the pavement, cutting his cheek.

“Oi!” he yelled as he covered his scratch as it healed.

“Don’t use that tone of language with me!” the person who slapped Gi kwang rebutted as they raised their chin up at him.

“Oh… It’s you” Gi Kwang rolled his eyes as he wiped his cheek, the scratch now fully healed. “What do you want now?”

The figure glared at Gi Kwang’s rudeness.

“How did she react when she saw the picture?” they asked suddenly as they crossed their arms.

Gi kwang just shrugged.

“I don’t see how a picture of her and Miyoung will change anything. I mean it just makes her hate the Legion more in my opinion” said Gi Kwang in a bored tone.

“Well. The Legion did warn her about being with a human right? She will eventually see that the Legion was protecting her.”

Gi Kwang raised his eyebrow at the figure.

“And that concerns you how? I know you weren’t part of that”

The figure just smiled.

“Well, I may not have been part of that. But all we are concerned about is getting Taeyeon back. That’s all I care about.”

“Taeyeon seems really ticked off by us though. If we keep pushing she won’t even come close to us even more.” Gi Kwang informed.

The figure just nodded.

“That’s why we will use that human girl. And if needed, those two impure immortals.” They smirked.

Gi Kwang rolled his eyes.

“Sure. What do you plan on doing? Kidnapping her? Those impures and Taeyeon will be around her a lot more with the Legion being so close.”

“That’s what I plan on doing. As for Taeyeon and the other two, it’s easy. I’m sure Sooyoung is willing to help with it”

Gi Kwang raised his eyebrow curiously.

The figure just smiled innocently at him.

“Let’s go now. Those humans seem to be drooling a lot” said the figure as they pointed their thumb towards Yoona’s fangirls behind them.

“They just can’t resist something they can’t have” Gi kwang chuckled as he started walking away.

The figure turned back at the group of girls and shot all of them a glare. Each and every one of them froze at the cold stare that was noticeable under the hood of the figure’s jacket. They could have sworn they saw a hint of blue in the person’s eye.

*Humans…* the figure growled as they hurriedly walked away.




Yoona dropped Tiffany off at her own home and allowed Tiffany to gather her stuff and walk into her home.

“So do you have any plans you need Yuri and I to help with?” Yoona offered as Tiffany exited the car.

Tiffany just shook her head proudly.

“I think I can manage. Besides it’s me that I want her falling for. I don’t want to risk her falling for you or Yuri instead” Tiffany joked.

“Haha. Please. Yuri and I are the last people she would fall for. You think after a century our relationship would be better. Seems to be doing the opposite though” Yoona chuckled.

Tiffany just smiled as she gave a small bow to Yoona.

“Thank you” Tiffany thanked.

Yoona raised her eyebrow curiously at Tiffany.

“Please don’t act polite around me. It reminds me of my human age.” Yoona said bluntly.

Tiffany just giggled.

“Forever twenty two. Every girl’s dream” Tiffany nodded.

Yoona nodded as she held up a peace sign.

“I guess I am every girl’s wish” Yoona said cheekily.

Tiffany just rolled her eyes as she waved at Yoona.

“Bye Yoona. Thanks for the lecture. Honestly without you I really don’t know where I’d be right now.”

Yoona just shrugged.

“Well if I hadn’t then Yuri, Taeyeon and I would probably be in Alaska or the Amazon forest”

Tiffany stopped smiling.

“That is not something to joke about…” Tiffany said seriously.

Yoona nodded in agreement.

“Knowing Taeyeon, we’d be wrestling leopards or something right now” Yoona shook her head to get rid of the mental image.

“Okay so are you leaving soon? My feet are getting sore from just standing here” Tiffany suddenly sighed.

“Oh right. Well bye Tiffany. If you need anything you can just call us or you can just tell SeoHyun to find me” Yoona smiled innocently.

Tiffany just smirked at the last statement and nodded.

“Bye” Tiffany waved finally.

Yoona returned the wave before driving off in Taeyeon’s car down the street. Tiffany blew onto her fringe tiredly as she walked up to her door and knocked.

“Who is it?” Jessica’s voice yelled out lazily inside the house.

“Who else do you think it is?” Tiffany chuckled from the outside, waiting for the door to burst open.

The door remained shut for another minute as Tiffany raised her eyebrow at it.

“Stay out there” Jessica yawned from the inside.

Tiffany’s jaw dropped at Jessica’s laziness.

“Jessica. Open up” Tiffany whined as she started knocking again.

Tiffany could hear Jessica turn up the TV even louder, trying to block out Tiffany’s voice.

“Honestly” Tiffany scoffed as she put her stuff down and tried to open the door.

As she tried to pry the door open she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see SeoHyun standing there with a bag of groceries.

“Oh Tiffany unnie. Welcome back” SeoHyun greeted as she joined Tiffany onto the front porch.

“Did you bring your keys SeoHyun?” Tiffany begged as she helped SeoHyun with the bag.

SeoHyun just shook her head.

“Jessica said she’d open the door for me” SeoHyun answered innocently as she knocked on the door.

Sadly though, Jessica couldn’t hear with the TV blasting up so loud.

“You can try Seo. But Jessica is in her lazy mode again.” Tiffany giggled as she saw SeoHyun’s bewildered expression.

SeoHyun looked at Tiffany with her eyebrows raised high.

“Here, stay here. I’m sure one of the windows is open” Tiffany huffed as she handed the bag over back to SeoHyun.

SeoHyun just watched as Tiffany walked around the house, trying to open any of the windows, hoping that one of them was unlocked.

SeoHyun sat down on the porch and waited.

“Why did Sunny have to go out all day” SeoHyun sighed.

“Got it!” SeoHyun heard Tiffany yell.

Soon a loud thud was heard from inside of the house, followed by running footsteps.

SeoHyun waited patiently from the front porch as she took out an apple and took a bite from it. She jumped out of her socks when she heard a loud high pitched scream.

“AHHHHHHHHH! OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL TIFFANY?! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!” SeoHyun heard Jessica yell on the top of her lungs.

“This is what you get for locking me and SeoHyun outside!!” Tiffany yelled back.

“OM MY GOD! OH MY GOD! GET IT OFF ME!!! EWWW IT’S CRAWLING EVERYWHERE!!!” Jessica yelled hurriedly as SeoHyun heard her running around the lounge.

“No thank you. It took enough guts to put it ON you. What makes you think I’m going to take it off you?” Tiffany’s voice was moving closer towards the door.

SeoHyun then heard the door click open as Tiffany’s head peered out and took her stuff in.

“Come Seo. We don’t want you freezing outside” Tiffany smiled innocently as she walked into the house.

SeoHyun jumped up from her seat as she walked in. She looked to her left to see Jessica standing there, solid stiff. She then noticed dirt all over her clothes and floor and especially on her hair.

“Ahhmm….” SeoHyun said confusingly.

“Get it off me SeoHyunnie” Jessica whined as she closed her eyes shut.

It was then that SeoHyun realised what Tiffany had really done. Not only was there dirt all over Jessica but there were noticeable earthworms on her too. SeoHyun looked to the side to see a bucket which was used to hold the dirt and worms.

“Ewww gross” Tiffany shivered from the kitchen as she began cleaning her hands rapidly.

SeoHyun really had a hard time keeping in her laugh at the scene. Tiffany had a mad expression on her face as she was focused on cleaning her hands whilst Jessica was standing there, petrified with the worms crawling all over her.

“Oh look, one’s crawling down your shirt” Tiffany suddenly called out as she pointed her soapy fingers towards Jessica.

That was all that was needed to trigger Jessica. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she shook all the worms off her and started shaking everything off her. She then bolted upstairs to immediately get into the showers.

“Now that’s the most energy I’ve seen Jessica ever had” Tiffany giggled as she washed the soap off her hands.

SeoHyun nodded in agreement, she then sighed when she saw the trail of dirt all over the floor.

“Don’t worry SeoHyun. I’ll clean it up… but can you please get rid of the worms first?” Tiffany pleaded as she dried her hands.

SeoHyun just nodded as she put the groceries down and started to put the worms back into the bucket using a dustpan whilst Tiffany went to fetch the vacuum machine. From upstairs they could hear Jessica’s whining and the water running from the showers.

“I’m just glad Sunny isn’t home at the moment” Tiffany chuckled as she pushed the vacuum out.

“Sunny would kick us out if she knew…” SeoHyun whispered.

Tiffany nodded.

“That would be the least of our problems”

“Ewwww… Tiffany!!! I’ll get you back!!!” they heard Jessica yell from upstairs.

Tiffany held up the vacuum stick and rested her chin against it.

“I don’t think so~” Tiffany mused as she tilted her head to the side and smiled brightly.

SeoHyun giggled along at her two older friends being so childish.





The next morning Jessica woke up especially early. Not because she couldn’t sleep, but because she still had a score to settle with Tiffany. She crept up to Tiffany to see her sleeping soundly with her pink heart plush toy.

“We have a score to settle” Jessica muttered as she held up a water balloon filled with orange juice above her head.

She lifted the balloon above her head, aiming for the sleeping Tiffany and making sure she wouldn’t miss.

“One… two… thr” Before Jessica could even finish Tiffany sat up from her sleep and was about to rub her eyes lazily except for the fact that she had bumped into Jessica’s forehead.

Jessica felt the impact of the two skulls colliding and dropped the orange juice filled balloon. The balloon came falling down onto Jessica’s head, bursting upon impact.

The juice burst everywhere all over Jessica’s head and Tiffany’s head as well.

“Unnies… It’s time to…” SeoHyun’s voice slowly trailed off as she saw the two completely soaked with orange juice.

SeoHyun couldn’t hold in her laughter as she laughed at the two. Jessica’s mouth was hanging open as the orange juice was dripping down her head. Tiffany sat there with her hands apart as she saw her whole body soaked.

Tiffany and Jessica exchanged a glance with orange juice filled eyes.

SeoHyun was now laughing so hard that she was crouching over the floor, holding her stomach in pain. Jessica and Tiffany had a smile growing on their face as they realised how stupid they must’ve looked in front of SeoHyun.

The two of them then joined SeoHyun in laughing as the orange juice started to become sticky against their clothes and bodies.

Tiffany stopped laughing for a while as she watched Jessica keep laughing. She pinched Jessica’s cheeks and smiled.

“It’s been a while since you smiled. Then again, you always have delayed reactions. Better late than never though” Tiffany smiled when Jessica looked at her.

Jessica lifted her hand up to pat Tiffany’s wet hair.

“Let’s get cleaned up. It’s getting uncomfortably sticky” Jessica smiled as she slowly moved out of the room.

Moving her arms and feet stiffly in a mechanical motion as the uncomfortable stickiness was getting worse.

SeoHyun finally started to calm down as she stood up again, wiping the tears from her eyes from laughing too hard.

“You think that’s funny SeoHyunnie?” Tiffany smirked as she stood up next to SeoHyun.

SeoHyun just smiled innocently and nodded.

Tiffany narrowed her eyes at SeoHyun as an evil expression came onto her face. She then attacked SeoHyun with a sticky hug as SeoHyun squirmed in her arms.

“Ewww sticky!” SeoHyun squealed.

“Just giving the cute maknae a warming hug” Tiffany chuckled as she tightened her grip.

“Arghhh” SeoHyun yelled as she tried to get Tiffany off her.

After SeoHyun was just as sticky as she was she let her go.

“Let’s get cleaned up” Tiffany smiled as she left SeoHyun who had a look of disbelief on her face.





The bell rang to signal that the classes were over for another day.

Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun smiled at each other as the smell of orange juice still lingered around them.

Tiffany then suddenly remembered something.

“Oh right. I won’t be coming home tonight.” Tiffany said bluntly.

Jessica dropped her bag as she looked at Tiffany with disbelief.

“What?!” Jessica yelled, causing the whole classroom to look at them.

Tiffany shook her hand quickly, telling Jessica to keep it down.

“It’s not what you think I swear. I need to… It’s like… It’s hard to explain” Tiffany stuttered.

“Who are you with Tiffany?” Jessica glared at Tiffany.

Tiffany shook her head defensively.

“Nooo. I’m not with anyone. I’m just staying over someone’s house that’s all” Tiffany explained.

“I don’t think that’s helping…” SeoHyun whispered from behind as Jessica crossed her arms.

“I’m going over their house to help them that’s all… They suffer from insomnia” Tiffany tried to make up an excuse.

Jessica’s jaw dropped as she took Tiffany’s explanation the wrong way. Tiffany hit her forehead with the bottom of her palm with disbelief.

“I swear on my own life I’m not sleeping with anyone” Tiffany suddenly promised as she held her hand up in oath.

Jessica narrowed her eyes sceptically.

“And if I am then I am to burn all of my pink belongings” Tiffany added.

Jessica considered the offer.

“Fine.” Jessica sighed, knowing Tiffany would never risk her pink belongings. “Tomorrow is a Saturday, so I guess it’s okay.”

A smile grew on Tiffany’s face as she hugged Jessica.

“Knew you’d understand. See you tomorrow” Tiffany hurriedly said as she dashed out of the classroom again.

Jessica sighed as she stood next to SeoHyun.

“She’s hiding something” Jessica muttered.

SeoHyun just bit her lower lip nervously.

“Do you know what it is?” Jessica asked.

“Hm?” SeoHyun exclaimed innocently as she looked at Jessica.

Jessica raised one of her eyebrows at SeoHyun’s strange reaction.

“You know don’t you?” Jessica queried.

SeoHyun just shook her head innocently.

Jessica narrowed her eyes.

“Oh look. It’s getting late. Let’s go” SeoHyun suddenly changed the topic as she pointed to the clock on the wall and pulled Jessica along.

*They’re hiding something* Jessica thought to herself as SeoHyun dragged her out.






I forgot the random fact in the chapter before so here's 2 for you ^^


Random Fact #6:

A slug has 4 noses. FOUR!!!

(Hayfever must be a pain in the ....)


Random Fact #7

An average person spends 3 years of their life on the toilet


(.... On my death bed I'm going to want those three years back)






That's all from me ^^


Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1119 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)