YoonFany's Date

Falling For You Again


“That’s the end of today’s lesson. Make sure you revise your notes tonight” the professor said lazily as he packed up his books

“Finally” Tiffany rolled her eyes as she quickly grabbed her books and shoved it into her bag. She then took out her new iPad and made a run for the door.

“Jessica! SeoHyun! I have to go! See you at home!” Tiffany yelled hurriedly with a quick flick of the wrist for a wave

SeoHyun and Jessica had barely even gotten out of their seats as they sat there, confused at Tiffany’s sudden rush

“Who cares? She can do whatever she likes” Jessica said coldly as she threw her bag over her shoulder, hitting the person behind her

“Excuse me?!” the girl said in an annoyed tone

Jessica just shot the girl a glare before she walked away from her

SeoHyun behind her bowed in apology and quickly ran up to catch up with Jessica.

As they were walking down the hall, Jessica noticed a poster up beside one of the walls.

‘Festival of the Lights. Come one Come all’

“Hey SeoHyun?” Jessica suddenly said slowly as she turned around and face SeoHyun.

SeoHyun looked curiously at Jessica.

“Yes?” SeoHyun answered curiously.

“Do you feel like going out next week?”

SeoHyun blinked a few times.

“There’s a festival going on. I thought we might be able to get our minds off a few things there.” Jessica shrugged.

SeoHyun couldn’t believe her luck.

“Or maybe not…” Jessica said as she misunderstood SeoHyun’s silence.

“Wait Unnie. Of course I’d like to go.” She answered all too hurriedly.

Jessica raised her eyebrow at SeoHyun’s enthusiasm.

“I thought we should have a little bonding moment… That’s all” SeoHyun said hesitantly.

Jessica just nodded slowly.

“Next week it is then. You can invite Tiffany for me.”

SeoHyun nodded as Jessica started walking away. When Jessica was a safe distance away SeoHyun let out a high pitched squeal of excitement.

*That was so much easier then I though* she celebrated.



“Ooof” Taeyeon exclaimed as she walked out to the car park of Leeteuk’s restaurant.

She looked up and shot a glare at the person who walked into her. As she got a good look at the person she rolled her eyes.

“What do you want Gi Kwang?” Taeyeon sighed.

Gi Kwang just smiled down at Taeyeon and shrugged.

“I thought it would be nice to eat here once in a while” he answered innocently.

“Sorry in even numbers only” Taeyeon gave a fake smile as she pushed Gi Kwang away from the restaurant.

“Aww. Come with me then” Gi Kwang answered back cheekily.

Taeyeon just ignored him as she walked pass him and towards her car.

“I found something that might interest you by the way.” Gi Kwang suddenly said as he gave a stretch.

“There’s nothing that you have that will interest me” Taeyeon said coldly as she opened her car door.

“Oh?” Gi Kwang challenged as he flashed a smirk. “What if I said there is a picture of you and Miyoung somewhere in the library?”

Taeyeon froze.

“I was searching through some old documents. I found you and her in the background of one of the newspaper articles. Quite a cute picture too.” Gi Kwang shrugged.

Taeyeon closed her car door and turned her body towards Gi Kwang.

“I’m sure I looked through all of them” Taeyeon said quietly as she furrowed her eyebrows.

Gi Kwang smiled.

“A certain someone saw that some newspapers of the 1900’s were missing. Do they decided to help the library out” Gi Kwang explained.

“What?!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she walked up to him.

“Well the library was looking for donors. There was no point in us looking after it. So the new leaer-to-be decided to donate it.” Gi Kwang defended.

“Who is this new leader of yours?!” Taeyeon growled.

Gi Kwang just kept a straight face as he raised an eyebrow up at Taeyeon.

“Well. You could see for yourself if you want. They’re waiting to meet you” he offered.

Taeyeon threw him away by the collar and made a sound of disgust.

“I want nothing to do with your leader.”

Gi Kwang brushed his collar down and straightened his shirt again as he frowned at Taeyeon.

“This is my best shirt you know?!” He said in an aggressive tone.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes.

“Well. I can take you to the library and show you the documents. From there it’s up to you what you do with it” Gi Kwang suggested as he took his car keys out.

Taeyeon sighed as she used her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose.

“Why would you want to do that?” she asked with frustration.

Gi Kwang shrugged.

“Until the new leader is officially MADE the leader, I still have a duty to protect you, my official leader”

Taeyeon kicked a rock towards Gi Kwang’s direction.

“I’m not your leader. How many times do I have to say that?!”

Gi Kwang flinched backwards as he held his hands up defensively.

“Woahh” he chuckled. “Okay you’re not my leader. But do you still want me to take you there? I’ve got an eternity of time to kill you know”

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Gi Kwang’s sarcasm. She then reached in her pocket to pull out her own car keys as she headed to her own car.

“I’m driving” she said bluntly.

Gi Kwang just shook his head as he stopped her.

“I’m bad at giving directions. Let me drive instead. It will be with your car too, so don’t worry, I’m not taking you back to the Legion” he reassured.

Taeyeon glared at his from the car door but nevertheless she backed away from the door and chucked the keys at him. Gi Kwang got into the driver’s seat as Taeyeon walked around to the passenger seat.

As they buckled their seat belts and started backing out the driveway Gi Kwang had a mischievous thought run by him.

“But first! We’re going to get some scissors” he suddenly exclaimed.

Taeyeon raised an eyebrow at him.

“Well we’re not going to take the whole document. Just cutting the picture of you and her out. Right?” he said innocently.

Taeyeon just sighed and rolled her eyes as she leaned her head against the car window.







Tiffany quietly walked up to the library and stood at the door. She made sure she had her iPad to take down her notes and prepared herself as she entered the library.

As she looked around the library she noticed a group of girls surrounding an area and knew that that was where she needed to go to find Yuri and Yoona. As she pushed through the group of girls she noticed that there was only Yoona sitting on the table waiting for her.

“Oh. Tiffany. Come” Yoona smiled as she patted the seat next to her.

Tiffany awkwardly moved between the walls of girls and sat beside Yoona, conscious of all the eyes staring at her.

“Don’t you think we should move somewhere else?” Tiffany asked hesitantly.

Yoona just chuckled.

“Nahh. It’s fun like this. Watch their reactions when I do this…” Yoona whispered as she slowly leaned in towards Tiffany’s ear.

Tiffany’s eyes opened wide as she worried about the girls’ reaction. She watched as she got mix reactions. Most of their jaws dropped in unison but some people had looks of disgust, frustration, humour and there was even a girl picking her own nose.

“We’re over a century old”

Tiffany suddenly jumped as she heard Yoona’s raspy voice in her ear. She brought her hand up to her ear as she flipped her head around and shot Yoona a frown.

Yoona pulled back innocently as she rested her elbow onto the table.

Yoona’s words then slowly started to process in her head.

“… A century?” Tiffany asked again to confirm.

Yoona just nodded.

“Taeyeon’s almost two centuries actually” Yoona shrugged.

Tiffany’s eyes popped out of her sockets.

“Taeyeon is 185. Yuri is 122 and I’m like 111 this year. You lose count after a while.” Yoona smiled innocently.

This time it was Tiffany’s jaw’s turn to react. It dropped as though it had a tonne of metal pulling it down.

“Yeah… So that’s why I don’t really call you guys Unnies… It’s kind of awkward” Yoona scrunched her eyebrows together and shook her head.

“But you guys look… Much younger” Tiffany said hesitantly.

Yoona smiled as she pinched her own cheek.

“Forever twenty two. Yuri and Taeyeon are forever twenty three. We just don’t age.” Yoona explained.

Tiffany just nodded slowly as she unlocked her iPad. Her eye then caught back to the group of girls staring at her.

“I don’t think it’s safe to talk here…” Tiffany swallowed down hard.

Yoona then noticed that the fans were now staring at them even more intensely.

“Okay. Pass me your iPad and I’ll write it out. These files won’t be leaked right?” Yoona asked curiously as she took the iPad.

Tiffany nodded.

“Taeyeon put a finger scanner on it somehow…” Tiffany pouted.

“Yeah. Taeyeon hacks a lot of things” Yoona chuckled as she opened the app and waited for Tiffany to scan her finger print.

When the app was finally opened Yoona got onto type out a few dot points.

‘- Taeyeon is forever 23 but in human years is 185 (really old huh?)
 - Immortals heal really fast (you already knew that… probably)
 - Immortals never sleep… Ever
 - Immortals do not have the need to eat so you can probably cancel your cooking ideas. (Taeyeon doesn’t like eating that much)
 - Our eyes change during a full moon so you can’t go moon watching. (we don’t like to be known)
 - Pure bloods eyes change to a blue colour, normal immortals change to a red. (Yuri + Yoona = normal, Taeyeon = Pure blood)
 - Don’t ask Taeyeon about how to become one of us. You will risk your chances with her.’


“I think that’s all of it” Yoona said proudly as she passed the device to Tiffany.

Yoona watched as Tiffany read through the notes.

Tiffany’s expressions changed from perplexed, to confused, to surprised, to disappointment and finally back to confusion.

“So… Taeyeon has lived around ninety times my age… Never has to eat or sleep… and really has no interest in anything?” Tiffany asked slowly.

Yoona gave a shrug before a nod.

“Pretty much yeah”

Tiffany gave a defeated sigh as she rested her head against the top of the table. Yoona patted her back comfortingly.

“Don’t worry. You have Yuri and me with you. We’ve had around a hundred years of experience” Yoona chuckled.

Tiffany just nodded sadly against the table.

“This is harder then I originally thought” Tiffany sighed.

Yoona just shrugged.

“You really didn’t expect us to be like others did you?”

Tiffany remained silent.

“Did you…?” Yoona opened her eyes wider.

Tiffany bit her lower lip with embarrassment.

“Kind of…” Tiffany admitted.

Yoona shook her head with disappointment.

“Oh right!” Yoona suddenly exclaimed as her eyes caught sight of the poster on one of the shelves of the library. “You’re going to ask Taeyeon out to the festival right?”

Tiffany lifted her head up and gave Yoona a confused look.

“What Festival?” she asked innocently.

Yoona’s jaw dropped. She then used her hands to mechanically turn Tiffany’s head towards the shelves, telling the people blocking the view to move with a simple hand gesture.

“What’s that?” Tiffany asked again.

Yoona gave a sigh of disbelief.

“The posters have been up for weeks and you didn’t even look at any of them?” Yoona asked in a critical voice.

“They’ve been up for weeks? Really? I guess I never noticed” Tiffany shrugged.

Yoona used her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose.

“Okay let’s just forget about when you noticed them. Are you going to ask Taeyeon out to the festival? That’s all that I’m asking.” Yoona sighed with defeat.

Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows as she began to think about what possibilities there were at the festival. As the ideas flooded her mind her face lit up.

“Yes! I’m going to ask Taeyeon out to the festival!” Tiffany exclaimed a little too loudly.

The group of fan-girls around them all gasped. They then started getting rowdy and moved towards Tiffany.

“You can’t ask Elite Kim out. She’s ours.” They all said something similar towards those lines.

Yoona quickly grabbed onto the back of Tiffany’s shirt as she dragged her away from the crowd.

“Everyone! At ease!” Yoona yelled trying to calm them down.

As they saw Tiffany being defended by Yoona they got even more rowdy and started advancing even faster. Yoona pulled Tiffany even closer to protect her from the rage of the other girls.

“Excuse me ladies” a sudden deep voice said aloud.

The whole crowd stopped moving and turned their head towards the voice.

“Thank you” the voice thanked as two figures walked into the middle of the crowd.

As Yoona caught sight of the owner of the voice she immediately backed up. She then looked across to see someone else and gasped.

Tiffany was still trying to straighten herself up from Yoona’s grasp as Yoona froze. Tiffany finally managed to steady herself as she looked at Yoona.

“Yoona?” Tiffany waved her hand in front of Yoona’s face.

Yoona didn’t even flinch. Tiffany decided to follow her gaze and look behind her.

“Oh Taeyeon” Tiffany smiled as she caught sight of Taeyeon behind her.

That smile soon disappeared as she looked at the figure beside her. The figure had an arm around Taeyeon’s waist and was escorting Taeyeon through the crowd with a wide smile on his face. As they reached the opening Tiffany got a good view of the figure’s features. He was incredibly handsome, his side-ways smile was as bright as pearls, the sides of his eyes wrinkled with the stretching of his smile and his arms had impeccably muscles.

Tiffany wasn’t interested in his features. She was more concerned with the fact that he seemed a lot more comfortable with Taeyeon then anyone she has seen.

“T-Taeyeon… What is he doing here?” Yoona stuttered as she took a step back.

Taeyeon had a frown on her face as she slapped the male’s hand away from her waist. A sense of relief rushed through Tiffany as she saw Taeyeon’s actions, but was still lingering as she saw him smile whilst rubbing his sore hand.

“Relax Yoona.” Taeyeon reassured Yoona as she walked away from the male and towards the ‘archives’ section of the library. As she walked pass Yoona she handed her car keys to her, sending a silent message towards Yoona.

The girls around them then started whispering to each other. Starting rumours that Taeyeon now had a new boyfriend and how cute the two looked together.

Yoona remained stiff as she and Tiffany were left alone with the male. She quickly tugged on Tiffany’s arm, signalling her to step back.

“Gi Kwang! Where is it!?” Taeyeon exclaimed from the archives.

Tiffany watched as the male just smiled as he walked pass her towards Taeyeon. Yoona gave a sigh of relief as soon as he was out of sight.

“Tiffany let’s go.” Yoona whispered as she grabbed Tiffany’s things and started heading out.

“But Yoona…” Tiffany tried to pull back but Yoona would not allow her to.

“I’ll explain” Yoona’s voice sounded grim as they passed through the door.

Tiffany looked behind her to see Gi Kwang standing over Taeyeon’s shoulder looking over some old newspapers. She couldn’t help but feel her jealousy rise at the scene.

*Who is he? Why is he with Taeyeon? How did they meet? When did they meet?* the questions flooded Tiffany’s mind as Yoona pushed her into the passenger seat, seeming very urgent in getting away from them.

As Yoona was driving out of the carpark and down to the streets, the atmosphere in the care was very awkward. It was mixed between Tiffany’s jealousy and Yoona’s worries.

“Tiffany I suggest you stay away from him… He’s no good news” Yoona said grimly as they were a safe distance away from the library.

Tiffany remained silent.

Yoona just bit her lower lip as she took out her phone to find a text from Taeyeon.


To: Yoona,

Make sure you are always with Yuri next time.

From: Taeyeon.


“Who was he?” Tiffany suddenly asked, causing Yoona to jump a little.

Yoona looked over to see a grim expression on Tiffany’s face.

“He’s… he’s…” Yoona tried to find the right words to reassure Tiffany. “Just another immortal…”

Tiffany just nodded slowly at Yoona’s answer.

“He’s known Taeyeon for quite a while?” Tiffany continued.

Yoona pressed her lips together.

“Longer then you and Yuri?” Tiffany said when she noticed Yoona’s expression.

Yoona just nodded once. Tiffany nodded once as well before the atmosphere became even heavier.

*I have no hope now…* she thought dejectedly

“It doesn’t mean anything though. There’s nothing going on between the two, I can assure you… Taeyeon and he… have been through… some things” Yoona tried to sound reassuring but she didn’t seem to have the ability of finding the right words to describe the situation.

“Yeah…” Tiffany sighed.

Yoona slowly pulled up to an empty street and took off her seat belt as she turned to face Tiffany.

“Listen to me Tiffany. You have something that no one else Taeyeon knows has. You have Taeyeon’s trust. Immortals don’t mean as much to her as you do right now. You are the only human to have accepted her for who she is. Gi Kwang, Yuri and I are immortals as well so we don’t have the same connection you have with her. And I can reassure you, from the bottom of my heart that Taeyeon will NEVER pick Gi Kwang over you. She hates her past with him too much.” Yoona gave a long lecture towards Tiffany.

Her expression was serious as she tried to convince Tiffany that Gi Kwang and Taeyeon were not together.

Tiffany blinked with confusion at Yoona’s sudden long speech.

“There have been a few humans back then who have known about our immortality. All of them reacted the same. They brought their whole family against us, driving us out of the town. By understanding Taeyeon by itself is enough. But the fact that you have feelings for her as well is by far more than enough.” Yoona continued.


“No buts Tiffany. If you don’t believe me, then you can stop trying to make Taeyeon fall for you here and now. There’s no point in trying to achieve something if you don’t believe you can achieve it yourself.” Yoona’s eyebrows furrowed.

Tiffany bit her lower lip as she looked down towards her lap. Her eye caught onto the glistening chain on her wrist. She pulled up the sleeve to see the necklace that had somehow connected her and Taeyeon together. Her confidence began to grow slowly as she remembered the reasons behind trying to make Taeyeon fall for her.

“So what is it going to be Tiffany?” Yoona broke Tiffany’s train of thought.

Tiffany looked up at Yoona confidently.

“Uhn~” Tiffany exclaimed as she gave a confident nod.

A smile grew on Yoona’s face.

“I knew you wouldn’t disappoint us” Yoona nodded proudly.

Tiffany smiled even wider as she opened her counter app. Seeing 30 points on her counter made her heart warm up immensely.

*You have to finish what you started Tiffany. You may never get another chance to restart in the future* Tiffany thought to herself as she hugged her iPad.

Yoona just chuckled as she put her seatbelt back on and started the car again.

*Being a matchmaker is fun* Yoona thought proudly.






(btw if u noticed the chapter name, i really have run out of chapter names... o_o)



Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1131 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)