Past Lover

Falling For You Again


“Miyoung” Taeyeon whispered ever so slightly. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon strangely, wondering why Taeyeon suddenly dropped her guard.

“Yah! Taeyeon, are you listening?” Tiffany yelled towards Taeyeon. Taeyeon didn’t answer as her eyes became distant. Tiffany waved her hands in front of Taeyeon until finally; she came out of her daze.

“Well?” Tiffany crossed her arms expectantly. Taeyeon didn’t want to stay a minute longer; her past wounds were opening again for every second she was standing there. She turned around and tried to leave but Tiffany stopped her. Tiffany had amazing strength as she was able to stop Taeyeon, an immortal.

“I'm not letting you leave until you apologise” Tiffany glared. Taeyeon gave a defeated sighed. She didn’t want to stay there for any second longer as her wounds were opening up even more with each moment that passed.

“I'm sorry for the way I acted. Now if you please, I need some important things to attend to” Taeyeon gave a formal bow, making sure Tiffany would accept her apology. Tiffany’s face immediately lit up as she showed her smile.

“Good” Tiffany nodded once. Taeyeon immediately left the roof and ran to the room she was in before where her dispute with Sooyoung was moments ago.

“Just my luck” Taeyeon growled as she slammed onto the table. Taeyeon gave a long sigh before she sat herself down onto the table. She took out the necklace from before.

“Miyoung… You have no idea how much I miss you right now.” Taeyeon gripped onto the necklace. Her head started to show images of her past, of her life back then, and of her lover.



“Tae. Let’s go! I want to show you something!” A brunette eye smiling girl cried as she grabbed onto Taeyeon’s hand. Taeyeon smiled the impatient girl and allowed herself to be dragged away by the eager girl.

“Alright, alright” Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she kept getting pulled by over excited girl. The two of them went up onto the roof, where there was a piano set up. Taeyeon looked at the girl questionably.

“This is for…?”

“I’ve been practicing for you. I knew you loved the piano so I took lessons. Although I'm not good at it though” The girl bit into her lip feeling a little embarrassed. Taeyeon didn’t know what to say. She was touched that the girl would do this for her.

“Here sit next to me, I'll be less nervous like that” the brunette pulled Taeyeon to sit next to her on the piano seat. She then slowly set her fingers onto the piano keys and started playing Minuet by Bach. The notes were simple and yet they still sounded perfect and gentle. Taeyeon looked over at the girl as she looked like she was enjoying playing the piano as she smiled while playing the keys. Taeyeon smiled along after seeing the latter’s perfect eye smile. She then too started to play along with her. The girl then accidently hit a wrong key, surprised to see another set of hands on the piano, but managed to calm down after Taeyeon professionally started to play along. The two of them kept playing for half an hour, smiling at each other when their eyes met.

Slowly, Taeyeon started to end the song and the other girl followed her lead. After the two ended their piano piece they looked up into the sky.

“It’s amazing isn’t it” Taeyeon whispered to the latter beside her.

“I guess so” she answered back, not quite sure what Taeyeon was talking about. Taeyeon took the latter’s hand and held both their hands up into the air.

“The sky that is amazing in its own way. It connects everyone to each other, even if you are on the other side of the world; you still see the same sky as the other people do. It is just this one sky that connects every single person with each and every other person in the world.” Taeyeon smiled as the sun started to set. The brunette beside her leaned her head against Taeyeon’s shoulder as she listened to Taeyeon’s explanation.

“I don’t need the sky. I will always be here with you, no need for the sky to connect us together, because we already are connected” she whispered to Taeyeon. Taeyeon then dropped her hand and wrapped her arms around the mortal human.

“That’s true” she said as she kissed her forehead.



Taeyeon then started to feel her eyes sting as tears started to fall down her cheeks once the memories started to fade again.

“Miyoung you’re liar! It was all lies! You said you’d be with me forever. The sky doesn’t connect everyone together. The past was just full of lies” Taeyeon slammed her fist onto the table as she put her head onto her arms. Outside the classroom Yuri, Jessica and Tiffany just watched as Taeyeon kept tormenting herself about her past. Yuri then pushed Jessica and Tiffany away from the door. As soon as they were a safe distance away from Taeyeon they let out a loud sigh, they were too scared to breathe as they retreated from Taeyeon. Yuri then bit into her lip and stared at Tiffany hesitantly.

“Tiffany. Did Taeyeon do or say anything?” Yuri asked.

“Not really. I was kind of harsh on her. I made her apologise for not greeting me properly” Tiffany began to think of anything that would’ve caused Taeyeon to break down.

“Ah!” Tiffany slammed her fist against her palm when she remembered something about her encounter. “While I was telling her to apologise she muttered something and started spacing out. I think she said something like Miyoung”

Jessica was now sitting down after standing up for so long.

“Maybe I should talk to her. I won't snap like Tiffany does here” Jessica said as she looked up at Yuri from the floor.

“Maybe later, Taeyeon isn’t in the mood to see anyone at the moment” Yuri bit her lip as she hesitantly glanced back at where Taeyeon was before.

“Miyoung… Hmmm” Yuri hummed silently. She then remembered the encounter between Taeyeon and Sooyoung. They had mentioned something about loved ones and forgetting the past. Finding it rather odd, she whipped out her phone and texted Sooyoung.

To: Sooyoung
Sooyoung. Do you know who Miyoung is?
Taeyeon seems to be a little edgy and muttered something like ‘Miyoung’

Yuri waited for a few moments before she received a text back.

From: Sooyoung.
Don’t worry about her. It’s nothing, just leave her be for now

‘She’s hiding something’ thought Yuri as she put her phone away. Just then they saw Taeyeon walking pass them.

“Taeyeon!” Yuri yelled out to her.

Taeyeon didn’t bother to turn around. She just waved her hands in a careless motion and walked off, not uttering a single word in return. Jessica then stood up and chased after Taeyeon.

“Taeyeon-shi” Jessica called out. This time Taeyeon turned around seeing whose voice it was. When she turned around to see Jessica puffing her lungs out she stopped and waited for Jessica to catch her breath.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked as she stood in front of Jessica. Tiffany and Yuri stared at the two and decided that they should probably leave the two by themselves and hurriedly walked to the other side of the hallway.

“I'm sure they’ll be fine. Let’s not make Taeyeon uncomfortable.” Yuri said as they were walking off. Tiffany looked back at Taeyeon worriedly but followed Yuri to leave Jessica alone with the leader of the Elites.

“I'm fine” Jessica puffed as her breath slowly came back.

“Your stamina isn’t that good then” Taeyeon said bluntly as she held out her hand. Jessica hesitated to grab hold of Taeyeon’s hand and got up by herself. She found that Taeyeon’s hands were rather warm and couldn’t help but feel a little giddy at the touch.

“Was there something that you needed?” Taeyeon said calmly, trying to keep up her Elite image. Rather than coming out calm, her voice came out rather demanding and it frightened Jessica slightly.

“Nothing… I just wanted to thank you properly.” Jessica smiled awkwardly.

“Is that so? There really is no need. You can return to whatever you need doing” Taeyeon said coldly as she turned her back on Jessica. Jessica grabbed hold onto Taeyeon’s arm.

“Please let me thank you properly” Jessica said quickly as Taeyeon pulled her arm away from Jessica instinctively.

“It’ll only be dinner. Promise” Jessica pleaded. Taeyeon sighed she stared at Jessica. She was in no mood to be talking to anyone but she knew that if she were to say no, she would be bothered in the future. So, wanting things to be over and done with quickly, Taeyeon nodded slightly, looking a little annoyed. Jessica’s heart was starting to beat faster as her face started to heat up when Taeyeon accepted

“Meet at the diner two blocks from here at six” Jessica blurted out as she dashed off with embarrassment. Taeyeon stood there a little confused at what had just happened.

“Just like Sooyeon…” Taeyeon uttered slightly when Jessica was running away. Once Jessica was out of sight Taeyeon let go of her facial mask, revealing her sorrowful expression. Slowly Taeyeon turned around and started heading to her car, cursing the world for bringing such coincidences back into her life.


At around six o’clock Taeyeon was standing in front of the diner waiting for Jessica, hoping that she would come soon so that things could be over and done with quickly. Then, from a distance, she spotted a girl running up to the diner.

“Sorry. There was traffic on the way here” Jessica puffed as she stood next to Taeyeon.

“It’s okay” Taeyeon answered with a bored expression.

“Let’s go.” Jessica smiled hesitantly walked into the diner. Taeyeon was not in the mood to be joking around but followed Jessica’s lead. The two sat down at a table in the corner of the diner. Taeyeon and Jessica ordered their meals and sat there in silence.

“Thank you Taeyeon. If it wasn’t for you I probably would be in hospital by now” Jessica gave an awkward smile.

“No problem” Taeyeon gave a fake smile, trying her hardest to keep up her image and not snap at Jessica.

“So… is there anything in particular you need to be an Elite?” Jessica continued, not wanting to end up in an awkward silence again.

“I guess…” Taeyeon answered bluntly.

‘I'm boring her’ Jessica thought to herself as she gripped onto her dress nervously.

The waiter then brought out the food. He was quite a tall guy and had a handsome smile. He spotted the two girls and decided to pull a few moves on them. He gave Taeyeon her dish along with a flirtatious wink, hoping to maybe set some bait. Taeyeon however, just pretended as though she didn’t see it. He then did the same to Jessica, hoping to get a reaction but instead Jessica gave him a cold threatening glare in return. The waiter immediately felt goose bumps and stepped back away from Jessica. He then saw Taeyeon flip her hair and decided to try on her again. He pretended to reach over to Taeyeon’s wine glass but his arm brushed against Taeyeon’s chest. Taeyeon immediately stood up and grabbed his hands bending it back in a painful angle.

“I would appreciate it if you don’t try anything on anyone” Taeyeon glared at him. The waiter stepped back, taken aback that the girl who was silent before had turned violent. The whole diner started staring at the waiter, shaking their heads in pity. A waitress then came running up to the waiter and pulled him into the kitchen.

“That’s Kim Taeyeon you retard. The leader of the Elites in SM College” the waitress hissed at the waiter. The waiter’s mouth immediately dropped open and ran into the kitchen with embarrassment. After everything had settled down Taeyeon sat back down on her chair as she saw Jessica’s shocked face.

“Can't stand rude people like him” Taeyeon gave a fake smile.

“You remind me of Tiffany” Jessica laughed. Taeyeon immediately froze

“Did her social justice rub off on you?” Jessica was starting to relax around Taeyeon slowly.

“I guess…” Taeyeon became awkward.

‘Miyoung taught me about social justice’ Taeyeon let out a long sigh. After the two had finished eating they left the diner.

“Thank you again” Jessica thanked Taeyeon once they were outside.

“No problem. Just don’t let anyone know about this. You might endanger yourself again” Taeyeon put her finger on her lip, motioning for Jessica to keep quiet. Jessica just nodded before she turned around to the bus stop. She then realised that Taeyeon wasn’t heading back to her car.

“Taeyeon?” Jessica asked curiously.

“Just visiting a place” Taeyeon took out her necklace.

“Okay” Jessica smiled before she left Taeyeon behind. Jessica then looked back to see what necklace was in Taeyeon’s hand. It was a key.

“Tiffany has a lock” Jessica mumbled herself, thinking it to be very ironic.

Taeyeon then started making her way down the road and Jessica boarded the bus and looked back at Taeyeon from the window to see Taeyeon walking past the car park and down the street.

Taeyeon was heading towards the old piano shop down the street. She opened the door of it as it was never locked. She walked into the back corner of the shop where there was a white elegant piano. On the side was inscribed with the words ‘Miyoung Lee’.

Taeyeon ran her fingers down the keys. She then sat herself down and started playing Minuet again. When she finished she heard someone come from the storage room in the corner of the shop.

“Who’s there?” Taeyeon stood up immediately, bracing herself for whatever it was.

“Minuet in G Major by Bach” the person said as they slowly exited the cupboard.

“Beautifully played” the figure could now be seen clearly now. Taeyeon’s jaw dropped slightly as she saw a brunette standing at the door of the storage room with a cardboard box in her hands.

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1125 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)