
Falling For You Again


“Why are you girls late?” Sooyoung stood there with her arms crossed across her chest.

“We…” Yuri looked at Yoona.

“We were…” Yoona bit her lip

“We needed to use the restroom” Taeyeon said bluntly as she took her seat next to the window.

“Taeyeon, I'm not stupid. You know we don’t need to use the restroom” Sooyoung huffed as she walked over to Taeyeon. Taeyeon remained silent as Yuri and Yoona let out a tired sigh. They knew what was coming next so they lazily took their seats and sat down quietly.

“Who knows, maybe we might one day need to” Taeyeon said sarcastically.

“Taeyeon. You will never ever need to use the restroom again, nor eat or sleep” Sooyoung reminded Taeyeon as she sat at her own desk. Taeyeon just flexed her jaw as she clenched her teeth.

“Taeyeon. We’re immortals. There is nothing we can do to reverse that.” Yuri added silently. Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Yuri’s remark and rested her feet onto the table. Yoona came bounding to Taeyeon, trying to calm her down.

“Look on the bright side. We won't have to waste our time sleeping.” Yoona smiled.

“No sleep for all eternity. Wow that’s nice” Taeyeon mumbled sarcastically. Yoona and Yuri were defeated. They couldn’t stand up to their leader for long.

“Taeyeon get over it. You’ve been like this for over a hundred and fifty years now.” Sooyoung rolled her eyes. Taeyeon slammed her hands against the table as she stood up.

“Maybe I want to be human again. We spend our days doing the same old things over and over again and all our nights doing whatever we can find. Seeing humans fight each other for years on end and seeing the whole world change while we remain the same until the end of time! Don’t you find it boring? We don’t change at all. We have nothing to look forward to.” Taeyeon yelled with anger. Yuri and Yoona got out of their seats and stepped back five feet, scared of the enraged Taeyeon.

“Come now it’s not that bad. Humans would do anything to live forever. Consider yourself lucky.” Sooyoung was still calm as she started opening her text books. This statement angered Taeyeon even more.

“They don’t know the true horrors of living forever. They don’t know what it is like to see your loved ones and those around you pass on and age as you remained the same. You cannot do anything but just watch each day pass and the people around you disappear!” Taeyeon was now yelling at the top of her voice. From the side, Yuri and Yoona could see Taeyeon’s eyes slowly morph into a blue shade. Sooyoung sighed as she already knew what Taeyeon was talking about. Yoona looked at Yuri and Yuri just looked back at Yoona, confused at what Taeyeon meant by ‘loved ones’.

“That is why I tell you not to get too close with anyone. If you get involved with any humans, they are just going to pass on by and leave you behind.” Sooyoung had an angered tone in her voice.

“That is now, but what about over a hundred years ago?” Taeyeon glared at Sooyoung.

“What's passed is past. Now turn your textbooks to page fifty four.” Sooyoung shrugged

“What’s the point? We have all the time in the world to learn about this. I have read and re-read that same textbook forty times during the night.” Taeyeon gritted her teeth. Yuri and Yoona just nodded, as they too have done the same with every other text book.

“Image” Sooyoung answered bluntly. The three Elites just rolled their eyes. They had an image of the elite and talented to uphold. With the depressing thought in their minds, they went to their tables and sat down but they did not bother to open their textbooks.

“Yuri! Yoona! Tell me what is on page fifty four. I’m sure since you forty times already you should remember” Sooyoung said annoyed as she pointed the stick towards the two Elites. Yuri yawned and Yoona flexed her jaw.

“Polynomials. General form of a polynomial in x: anxn + an-1xn-1 + an-2xn-2 + . . . + a2x2 + a1x1 + a0,   where the ai, i = 1, 2, . . ., n are real numbers. n is a whole number. Degree of a term is the sum of the exponents on the variables in the term. The term 4x3y5 has degree 8 since 3 + 5 = 8.” Yuri and Yoona recited with perfect sync. Their books were not even out on the tables thought the two of them had already remembered it off by heart.

“I told you. There’s no point” Taeyeon muttered as Yuri and Yoona pretended to nod off to sleep. Sooyoung just sighed as she rubbed her temples.

“I can't believe I have dealt with you guys for sixty years. And Taeyeon for 100 years” Sooyoung complained. Taeyeon then took something out from her desk. It was a chocolate bun. Taeyeon waved the bun around in front of her.

“I wonder who wants this” Taeyeon muttered. Sooyoung immediately eyed the bun, her eyes following it as it swayed from side to side. Taeyeon caught Sooyoung’s gaze and smiled.

“I guess I'll just chuck it then” Taeyeon said slyly, tempting the trainer. Sooyoung immediately ran up and grabbed the bun from Taeyeon and started eating it.

“You're always hungry” Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

“I'm not hungry. It’s just that I love food.” Sooyoung answered back. Yoona has been wondering for a while why immortals can eat even though they didn’t need to.

“Sooyoung, where does the food go if we eat?” Yoona asked curiously. Yuri then nodded, agreeing with Yoona’s question. Sooyoung just froze and so did Taeyeon.

“We don’t know.” Sooyoung answered slowly. Taeyeon just shrugged her shoulders.

“Just one of the many things immortals can do I guess” Taeyeon said as she turned her attention to the sky outside as Sooyoung had now finished with her chocolate bun.

“So what do you guys suggest we do during our so called study time?” Sooyoung turned her attention to Yuri and Yoona.

“We can just hang around and play games” Yoona said enthusiastically. Yuri just nodded once in agreement.

“Taeyeon, what do you suggest?” Sooyoung looked at the girl who was paying no attention to her

“They can do whatever they want. I told you, I'm only the leader in image. They’re free to do whatever they like.” Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

“You know I can't allow that to happen. Someone has to look after these two.” Sooyoung rebuted.

“Yeah Unnie. Lead us” Yoona whined.

“I'm not going to be the leader of anything ever again.” Taeyeon growled. This took Yuri and Yoona aback.

“Again?” Yuri questioned Sooyoung.

“Taeyeon that was over a hundred years ago, you should just forget about what happened.” Sooyoung said calmly as she shrugged her shoulders. Yuri and Yoona just stared at each other, completely excluded from the conversation Taeyeon and Sooyoung were having.

“Don’t tell me what to do” Taeyeon was now yelling at Sooyoung.

“I'm your guardian, it’s my job” Sooyoung growled back

“No one asked you to be. I still haven’t accepted you as my guardian! You don’t understand a thing about me. How much pains me to keep living. Why don’t you hurry up and tell your elders to find a way to revert us back into humans!” with that Taeyeon left the room. Yuri and Yoona were now holding onto each other. They rarely saw Taeyeon that mad. Sooyoung slouched back onto her chair.

“Sooyoung, what happened 70 years ago?” Yuri asked. Sooyoung just sighed and shook her head. Yuri and Yoona had only known Taeyeon for ninety years, when they first joined the Elites. Taeyeon had been an immortal for over a hundred and fifty years, but Yuri and Yoona has only been an immortal for a hundred years. Both of them did not have any idea what happened to Taeyeon’s past

“You girls are dismissed” Sooyoung then sighed as she grabbed her stuff and walked out of the room. Yoona held onto Yuri’s hand.

“Yuri… I'm worried for Taeyeon.” She whispered.

“I am too.” Yuri replied.

“Let’s go find the three girls, maybe they can make Taeyeon smile again.” Yoona dragged Yuri along, leaving the room empty.

“What about Taeyeon?” Yoona stopped in her tracks.

“I think she needs her time alone. Let’s play with SeoHyun for now.” Yuri gave a wink. Yoona’s jaw dropped and then she slapped Yuri’s arm playfully.

“What do you mean by that?” Yoona growled.

“What do you mean? I didn’t mean anything” Yuri gave a mischievous laugh.

“Yes you did” Yoona pouted.

“What did I mean then Yoona?” Yuri challenged.

“That I….” Yoona then stopped, realising what she got herself into.

“Never mind” Yoona walked pass Yuri and towards the class rooms.

“Haha” Yuri laughed silently as she went after Yoona. As they were walking down the hall way, the sound of chairs being dragged against the floor echoed. The students in the rooms were rushing out of their seats to the windows to get a peek at the famous Elites. There were some sighs of disappointment when they saw that Taeyeon wasn’t with them.

‘I don’t understand why they like Taeyeon so much.’ Yuri laughed as she walked pass the classroom, keeping her calm expression.

Yoona however was blowing kisses and waving her arms around greeting the students. She then gave a cute wink and thirteen of the students fainted. Yoona laughed as she headed to Tiffany’s, Jessica’s and SeoHyun’s classroom and knocked on the classroom door. This classroom had their windows shut so the people inside did not know who was outside the door.

“We are in a middle of a lecture. Please come back after we’ve finished” said a stern voice from inside. Yuri had now caught up with Yoona and smiled. She then whispered something into Yoona’s ear and Yoona nodded at Yuri’s idea.

“Is that so? I guess the Elites won't visit then” Yoona turned around from the door.

“Excuse our intrusion” Yuri said after Yoona as she too turned around. The door immediately opened behind as girls rushed to see the Elites. Even the professor was surprised with the appearance of the Elites. Yuri and Yoona laughed at their enthusiasm.

“We’re here to pick up tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun. They have a few things they need to do for us” Yuri said as she bowed to the professor. The professor shot a fiery glare towards the three students who weren’t struggling against the crowd.

“Are you sure they can do? Maybe I can help” the professor offered with a smile. The other girls starting squirming too, wanting to be picked by the Elites.

“Pick me too please” they screamed in excitement. Yuri and Yoona laughed as they held their hands up to stop the crowd.

“We specifically want Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun. But thank you for your enthusiasm.” Yuri replied calmly as she took a step back from the overwhelming crowd. The crowd of students and a teacher got more restless. Yoona sighed, a little tired of the attention. She took out her whistle from her pocket and blew on it causing the students immediately stopped to cover their ears.

“I'm sorry but we need Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun now” Yoona said darkly. Yoona had split personalities and most of the college knew this. She would usually be the cheerful and carefree type of person, but when she got annoyed or was angry, her personality is the complete opposite. The classroom could feel a cold chill blow throw the room as Yoona shot a glare at the teacher. The teacher froze and waved her hands for Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun the three girls stood up immediately made way for the two Elites. Tiffany looked at them confusingly until she saw Yoona’s look. All three girls were stunned when they saw the dark expression on Yoona’s face whilst Yuri was just standing there calmly as she motioned for the three girls to follow her. As soon as Yoona managed to get the three girls out of the room, she returned to her normal self.

“Girls!” Yoona yelled as she hugged them with a bright smile. While in the hug Tiffany looked at Yuri with a confused look. Yuri just put her fingers on her lips and smiled, telling her she’ll tell her later.

“Yoona, you can take Jessica and SeoHyun first. I'll direct Tiffany then I'll join you girls later.” Yuri grabbed onto Tiffany’s hand. Yoona gave a salute as she put her arms around the other two girls and dragged them outside.

“What is it Yuri? Where is Taeyeon?” Tiffany looked around.

“That’s what I need you to do. Taeyeon is throwing a fit at the moment. I want you to go and calm her down.” Yuri put her hands together and closed her hands, begging Tiffany. Tiffany just smiled hesitantly and nodded.

“Where can I find her?” She said questionably.

“She’s most probably on the roof.” Yuri pointed towards the roof. Tiffany gave a small nod before she started making her way for the roof.



Meanwhile, Taeyeon was on the roof staring up into the sky with a solemn expression.

“Forget about the past? Forget those you’ve met? Forget all the memories you made? Forget the most important thing to you?” Taeyeon muttered to herself.

“Like hell I would!” Taeyeon growled as she punched her fist against the wall. Her hand was received a few cuts but it healed quickly the wall now had a hole in it.

“Why couldn’t I be a human like she was? Why did it have to be me alone who would live forever?” Taeyeon gritted her teeth. She then reached into her shirt and grabbed her necklace. There was a key on the chain. Taeyeon held it up to the sky and stared up at it as memories started rushing back to her.

“Miyoung…” Taeyeon whispered to herself as she felt her heart ache and her eyes start to water.

“Taeyeon!” called a voice from the roof.

Taeyeon immediately put the necklace back into her shirt and looked to see who the person who interrupted her was.

“Taeyeon!” the voice called again. Taeyeon then saw a figure come from the door of the roof. A brunette girl came up and was searching the area. Taeyeon immediately recognised her as the Tiffany girl who stood up against her earlier that day.

“What do you want?” Taeyeon growled. Tiffany stopped in her tracks as she heard Taeyeon’s voice and faced her. She then crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows at Taeyeon.

“That is no way to greet someone” Tiffany pouted.

“Yes. But it is a way to greet something.” Taeyeon muttered back. Tiffany’s jaw dropped at Taeyeon referring to her as a thing.

“What did you call me?” Tiffany was shocked.

“None of your concern” Taeyeon turned her back towards Tiffany and stared up into the sky. Taeyeon’s attitude towards Tiffany made her hands clenched together in annoyance. She reacted by stomping up to Taeyeon and pulled on her ear.

“Apologise now” Tiffany growled sternly. Taeyeon remained calm, as though Tiffany’s pinch to the ear was nothing. And it really felt like nothing.

“Why should I?” Taeyeon glared into Tiffany’s eyes. Tiffany glared back at Taeyeon. Taeyeon then saw something familiar and paused. The chocolate brown colour of Tiffany’s eyes, and the way her eyes turned from bright crescents to a dark glare. Taeyeon’s body tensed when she saw the familiar features on Tiffany’s face.

“Miyoung…” Taeyeon muttered

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1124 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)