YoonYul vs Taeyeon

Falling For You Again


“Okay. Remember to read chapter 8 tonight. I’ll be giving you a test on it tomorrow morning” the professor concluded as she packed up her books

The whole class began to pack up their stuff and slowly exit the classroom. Jessica was still sitting in her seat asleep.

“Jessi… Jessica” Tiffany urged as she nudged Jessica’s arm

“Urmm” Jessica rubbed her head against her arm as she slowly began to open her eyes

“The lecture ended” said Tiffany as Jessica shot her a glare. “Don’t get all angry at me. It’s not my fault you didn’t sleep last night” Tiffany said defensively

Jessica then softened her expression and nodded

“Yeah… sorry for being a little edgy” Jessica mumbled as she slowly got up and grabbed her stuff

“Unnie. I need to go off the library to catch up on my studies. I’ll meet you two later” SeoHyun excused herself and left first

“When’s our next class?” Jessica said with a yawn as she and Tiffany slowly walked out

“Not till the afternoon. Four hours to kill till then” answered Tiffany as a smirk crept to the side of her face

“Maybe I can sneak a nap then” Jessica said tiredly

*Highly doubt it* Tiffany thought to herself with a smile




SeoHyun walked casually down the hallway towards the stairs that led up to the Elite’s rooftops. She glanced back to make sure that no one was following her before she pushed the passcode in and went to the rooftop where Yoona was waiting

SeoHyun closed the door behind her and as she turned around she saw Yoona sitting crossed legged at one of the tables with the Rilakkuma balancing on her knee

“Oh SeoHyun” Yoona smiled as she spotted SeoHyun standing at the door

She jumped off the table and caught the plush toy perfectly in her hands and walked over to SeoHyun

“Where’s Yuri and Taeyeon?” SeoHyun asked when she noticed that there was no one else here

Yoona shrugged

“Taeyeon said she had something to talk to Yuri about. I offered to come but they said it was personal” Yoona pouted

“That’s good then” SeoHyun smiled as she grabbed Yoona’s hand and led them to one of the seats

“Good?” Yoona asked confusingly

“Tiffany told me to talk to you about a few things” SeoHyun briefly explained

“Ooo~” Yoona’s jaw dropped and nodded, yet still not understanding anything



Taeyeon and Yuri were walking to the back of the campus where there was a martial arts practice room. Taeyeon swiftly walked in when there were a group of girls practicing their Tae Kwon Do. They quickly stopped their session when they saw Taeyeon and Yuri enter the building

“What are we doing here Taeyeon?” Yuri whispered as she caught the girls staring at them

Taeyeon didn’t answer; instead she just chucked Yuri a uniform before getting one for herself. Yuri automatically caught the uniform and raised her eyebrow at Taeyeon who was now taking her blazer and shirt off, revealing her tank top underneath

The girls gasped as they saw Taeyeon’s figure, but to their dismay Taeyeon quickly put the uniform on before they could take pictures

“Put it on” Taeyeon ordered sternly

Yuri just blinked three times before she took off her blazer. She then started ing her top but stopped hallway, feeling a little nervous at all the cameras pointing at her, waiting.

“Cameras down” Taeyeon said coldly

The girls sighed with disappointment as they slowly put their cameras down. Yuri used this chance to quickly change before anyone can pull their cameras out again. She then walked onto the mat where Taeyeon was waiting for her

“A little competition between me and you” Taeyeon said briefly as she motioned Yuri to come to her and whisper something

Yuri moved closer to Taeyeon and moved her ear closer to Taeyeon’s mouth

“This is your chance to get you revenge back at me for that kiss” Taeyeon whispered

Yuri gasped, but before she could even blink Taeyeon swiftly used her left leg to lock behind Yuri’s and tripped Yuri backwards

“Oof” Yuri exclaimed as her backside hit the mat

The crowd gasped and held their hands over their mouths

“But I won’t give you that revenge easily” Taeyeon smirked as she put her hands on her waist

“Tsk” Yuri clenched her teeth and got back onto her feet quickly

“I don’t want to do this” Yuri muttered as she began taking her uniform off

Taeyeon chuckled behind her

“Coward” Taeyeon said bluntly

Yuri froze

“What are you scared of Yuri?” Taeyeon mocked

The crowd’s eyes popped out of their sockets. They always thought that the Elites were the closest people ever, but now to their surprise Taeyeon was insulting Yuri.

Yuri shook her head and continued walking off

“If you don’t take me on Yuri, I’ll consider you a coward. I don’t like looking after cowards you know” Taeyeon said coldly as she began taking off her uniform

As she reached down to her belt, she saw Yuri turn back to her

“I’m not a coward” Yuri’s voice shivered

Taeyeon smiled mockingly at Yuri

“Really?” Taeyeon crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow

Yuri just nodded sternly

Taeyeon nodded slowly and closed her eyes. She then quickly charged at Yuri and pinned her down to the mat.

“Prove it” growled Taeyeon.

Yuri could feel the grip on her wrist getting tighter

Taeyeon then leaned in against Yuri’s ear “A coward would never be able to look out for me” she whispered

Yuri felt as though a two tonne rock had dropped on her. Taeyeon slowly got off of Yuri and brushed herself and turned her back against Yuri. Slowly, she began walking away from the stunned Yuri on the floor

The crowd watched silently as though they were watching an intense drama plot. From the corner of their eyes they saw Yuri’s body move.

“I’m not a coward” Yuri’s voice said with more confidence

Taeyeon ignored Yuri’s statement and kept walking

Yuri quickly ran and aimed for Taeyeon’s back. As she reached Taeyeon she was about to trip Taeyeon but Taeyeon quickly moved, making her attack fail

“You’re going to have to do better than that” Taeyeon said tiredly

Yuri quickly threw a punch towards Taeyeon’s stomach but Taeyeon stopped her in one swift movement and flipped her over to her back again

“I’ll probably find someone else to look out for me in the States” said Taeyeon as she stretched as though she had just woken up

Yuri quickly got up and charged at Taeyeon again. This time Yuri threw multiple attacks, but they were all blocked by Taeyeon before she was flipped over again

“Argh!” Yuri exclaimed in frustration as she slammed against the mat and got back up again

She stood there and watched Taeyeon carefully, as she blinked Taeyeon was suddenly beside her ear

“Do you really think that Jessica could be able to like you?” Taeyeon whispered

Yuri threw her hand sideways towards Taeyeon but Taeyeon was now suddenly behind her

“Look at the way she’s acting now” Taeyeon chuckled before making Yuri fall flat on her stomach this time

Yuri’s rage began to build. Frustration from being flipped over and over again and now the addition of Taeyeon’s remarks

“Well Yuri? This is your chance to get at me. You’re really mad now aren’t you” Taeyeon stood in front of Yuri and mocked

Yuri quickly got up and threw a blow towards Taeyeon’s stomach. Taeyeon grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back

“As soon as Christmas comes round we’ll move from Korea. It seems that there are just too many risks here” Taeyeon whispered

Yuri clenched her teeth in pain and rage. Taeyeon let go of Yuri calmly and stood in front of her. Yuri shot piercing glares at Taeyeon.

“I have a challenge” Yuri gritted through her teeth

“I’m listening” Taeyeon said indifferently

“If I manage to flip you one out of five times, you have to recognise me as not a coward. If I manage to flip you three out of five times than we stay here in Korea” Yuri said sternly as she pointed toward Taeyeon

“Some confidence you got there” Taeyeon chuckled

“I’m being serious” growled Yuri

Taeyeon smiled sideways and nodded. “Challenge accepted. Come, coward Yuri” Taeyeon provoked

Yuri quickly charged towards Taeyeon and swiftly moved behind her and positioned her leg right in front of Taeyeon’s ready to flip. She then began to put Taeyeon’s arm around her neck and started to flip Taeyeon. When she felt the weight of Taeyeon roll of her shoulders, she huffed, thinking that it was successful.

But as she looked up she saw Taeyeon standing perfectly straight as she gave Yuri a mocking pout

“I caught myself” Taeyeon whined

Yuri’s jaw dropped. Taeyeon then used this chance to put her leg behind Yuri’s and trip Yuri backwards

“One, nil” Taeyeon chuckled as she offered Yuri a hand to help her up

Yuri, while still on her back, used her foot to kick the back of Taeyeon’s knee. She then pulled her leg up and sat up before pushing Taeyeon down on her back

“I’m no longer a coward” Yuri growled into Taeyeon’s ear

The crowd broke their silence and gave a loud cheer.

“Yuri! What are you doing?!” A voice yelled out from the door

Yuri got off of Taeyeon and looked at the door to see four people standing there

“Kyah. Elite Yoona” the girls screamed as they spotted Yoona standing in the middle of the group of four

SeoHyun was standing to her left, Jessica was beside SeoHyun and Tiffany was on the right of Yoona.

Taeyeon got up swiftly and brushed the dirt off her arms and aimed her fist towards Yuri’s stomach. Yuri flinched quickly and held her breath, waiting for the bone breaking punch. Taeyeon stopped just barely in front of Yuri’s stomach, so close that her fist touched Yuri’s stomach.

“Focus Yuri. If you don’t manage to get two more we will be moving to the States. I heard that it was nice there” Taeyeon chuckled as she took her hand back

Yuri let out her breath as she backed away from Taeyeon quickly

“What are you two up to?” Yoona interrupted

Yuri put her hand on her chest as she tried to calm herself from the shock of Taeyeon’s faint blow

“Just a little challenge. Would you like to help Yoona?” Taeyeon offered in a sincere voice

Yoona raised her eyebrow suspiciously

“Flip me two out of three more times and we won’t be moving to the States” Taeyeon said casually with a shrug

“Wait what?” Yoona said surprised as she looked at Yuri

“I’ve decided the Elites are being transferred to America soon. Yuri challenged me and said that if she could beat me three out of five times we would stay. She lost once and won once. Would you like to help? Dear maknae” Taeyeon smirked

SeoHyun, Tiffany and Jessica moved to the front of the crowd and gasped when they saw the three way fight going on

“I thought you said…” Tiffany trailed off

“Nothing will happen till after Christmas, so things will go as promised” said Taeyeon sternly

Tiffany fell silent as Jessica shot her a glare

Yuri then started charging forward again. Yoona stepped back and watched as Yuri’s attacks were blocked easily by Taeyeon. Yuri then backed away to catch her breath

“One defeat will be if both of you lose. Make it a little easier” Taeyeon said confidently as she stood behind Yuri and rolled Yuri over her back. Yuri landed onto the mat, worn out

Taeyeon then focused onto Yoona and slowly took steps closer. Yoona immediately got into a defensive position and tensed

The crowd fell silent. Tiffany stared intensely at Taeyeon, Jessica at Yuri, and SeoHyun at Yoona

Taeyeon stood right in front of Yoona.

“Well?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

Yoona smirked at Taeyeon, accepting her challenge. She stepped back a few steps and waited for Taeyeon to make the first move.

Taeyeon stepped up three steps and threw a straight punch, Yoona stopped it with her bare bands, catching it in her palm.

“Dark Yoona activated yet?” Taeyeon chuckled

Yoona shook her head

Taeyeon threw another punch and was stopped again. From the side Yuri got up and quickly threw a blow to the side of Taeyeon’s neck, stopping centimetres away

“One, Two” Yuri huffed

Taeyeon looked casually over to the side where Yuri’s hand was.

“I’m impressed” Taeyeon nodded

Yoona smirked

Taeyeon grabbed Yuri’s hand and threw her over the shoulder again, on top of Yoona, knocking them both down

SeoHyun and Jessica gasped

“But you won’t win that easily” said Taeyeon as Yuri rolled off Yoona

“This is the last round” the girls whispered with anticipation

Yoona held her stomach as she slowly stood up. Her dark side was now fully activated, her eyes began to have a tint of red as rage burned inside her

Yuri too got up and steadied herself.

“Last round” Yuri huffed

Taeyeon just nodded as she walked to the side and got three fencing sabres.

“Let’s make things a little more interesting” she said as she chucked them towards Yuri and Yoona. The two of them caught them

“She’s so different from last night” Yuri whispered

Yoona just nodded, agreeing

“Focus” Taeyeon raised her voice as she swung her sabre

Yuri and Yoona immediately took their positions and focused

“This is where it starts” Taeyeon smirked

SeoHyun and Jessica tensed, Tiffany trembled

Taeyeon made the first move and swung her sabre, Yuri blocked it and Yoona threw the attack. Taeyeon moved back and swiftly dodged and knocked Yoona’s sabre away

The fight then began to get intense as the three started getting serious. Everyone watched, not knowing what the outcome was going to be

Jessica watched Yuri non-stop. Her heart began to clench as she saw Yuri’s tired and worn out side

*Don’t do this Jessica* Jessica thought to herself and shook her head

Five minutes passed and not one of the three had scored.

Yuri and Yoona were getting tired, whilst Taeyeon was still fine

SeoHyun clenched her hands in fists and shivered

Yuri bent over as she tried to catch her breath again. She was putting so much effort in that even her immortal body couldn’t cope. Her sabre didn’t look like it could take it either. The grip of the hilt was now dented with her hands and the edge of the blade was dented from the impact of Taeyeon’s sabra

Jessica brought her hands up to the collar of her shirt and gripped onto it tightly

“Yuri! Don’t give up!” Jessica unconsciously yelled into the silence

Yuri looked towards Jessica’s direction

“Don’t give up Yuri” Jessica said a little quieter

“Yoona. Don’t give up either” SeoHyun joined in

Tiffany remained silent. She knew this wasn’t the appropriate time to cheer for Taeyeon

Yoona looked over to Yuri. Yuri gave her a smirk and held out her hand

“It’s now or never” Yuri smiled as Yoona clapped her hand

Yoona nodded proudly as she stood up straight and prepared herself

Taeyeon smiled as she saw the two stand up tall and regain their composure

*They’re finally growing up* Taeyeon thought to herself as she took her stance

Yoona was the first to attack now, Yuri attacked quickly after. Taeyeon quickly knocked them away and moved back.

The battle went on for another three minutes.

Everyone held their breaths as they watched, every once in a while taking a breath

“We are not going to go down easily” Yoona growled

“We choose to stay…” Yuri and Yoona attacked at the same time

“Here!” They said in unison

The room fell silent

The sound of something falling onto the mat echoed

Taeyeon had dropped her sabre. Yuri’s sabre was aimed on the left of Taeyeon’s neck. Yoona’s was on the right. Both of them had their eyes closed

The crowd, one by one, began clapping

Yuri opened one of her eyes to see Taeyeon smiling in front of her with two sabres aimed at her neck

“Congratulations” Taeyeon whispered

Both of Yuri’s eyes opened and Yoona’s too.

“To hold a weapon against your leader…” Taeyeon chuckled

Yuri and Yoona immediately dropped their sabres and the shock finally sank in. They had scored the last point. They had beat Taeyeon in the challenge. Everything slowly began to sank in as the whole practice room cheered

Taeyeon took a step closer in between them. Yuri winced and Yoona flinched.

“You’ve finally grown up” Taeyeon chuckled in their ears as she turned around and walked off casually

Tiffany watched as Taeyeon left the practice room, no one going after her because they were busy congratulating Yoona’s and Yuri’s win.

She quickly clutched her bag and ran after Taeyeon.

She walked out of the practice room she saw Taeyeon walking to the carpark

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany quickly called out

Taeyeon slowly turned around to see Tiffany running up to her

“What do you want?” Taeyeon asked bluntly

Tiffany stopped in her tracks and pouted at Taeyeon’s attitude

“I saw what you did” Tiffany disregarded Taeyeon’s rudeness and continued

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow

Tiffany smiled innocently

“You could’ve easily won. You held back many times” Tiffany accused

“Mwo?” Taeyeon said shockingly

“At the final attack you smiled and let them attack you, pretending that you reacted slow. After how many times you caught me, I know your reflexes are faster than that” Tiffany giggled

Taeyeon coughed awkwardly

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Taeyeon denied

“You can’ hide it Taeyeon. You were testing them, pushing them to the limit. I could see it” Tiffany said proudly

Taeyeon just turned her back around

“So where’s your iPad?” Taeyeon changed the subject

Tiffany turned her head to the side, but then took the iPad out of her bag

Taeyeon took the iPad and unlocked it

Tiffany’s heart sank as she saw Taeyeon open the counter again

*More minus points* Tiffany thought to herself disheartedly

Taeyeon then passed the iPad back to Tiffany

“I’ll be going now. I have to pick up a few things” Taeyeon said quickly and walked off

Tiffany sighed as she took the iPad back

Something then caught her eye

‘+30 points’

Tiffany’s eyes popped open. She quickly looked up to look for Taeyeon but she was already gone. A smile grew on Tiffany’s face as she hugged the iPad

“No minus points” Tiffany squealed as she looked again

*She added 100 points* Tiffany thought to herself

She then pressed the home button and saw something in the notes app

‘+100 points for being observant
                                ~ Taeyeon’

Tiffany’s smile grew even wider.

“I might have some hope after all” Tiffany told herself before locking her iPad and putting it back



Yoona blinked

“What just happened?” Yoona asked

Yuri was still dumbfounded

Yoona was then tackled by SeoHyun

“Good job Yoong” SeoHyun squealed

Yoona laughed at SeoHyun’s sudden act. SeoHyun immediately backed off and coughed awkwardly

“I ermm…” SeoHyun hesitated

Yoona just smiled and hugged SeoHyun

“We’re staying” Yoona said excitedly

SeoHyun smiled and hugged Yoona back, despite all the people around them

Yuri smiled on the side and patted Yoona’s back. She then looked away as someone caught her eye.

“Yuri… can we talk?” Jessica asked nervously





Random Fact #4:

Turtles can breathe through their BUTTS! O_O


You can imagine what type of air they breathe in when they fart...

Pee Yoo ~ Inhaling a methane bomb ~



Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1125 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)