
Falling For You Again


“Hurry up you two. Even though I hate going to class we still have to go” Jessica said angrily as she waited beneath the stairs for Tiffany and SeoHyun

“She’s up early” Tiffany muttered as she fixed her hair

“Coming” SeoHyun called from the bathroom

Tiffany and SeoHyun then met up upstairs and walked down together

“What took you two so long?” Jessica grumbled

Tiffany just clutched onto her bag which had something hidden in it and shrugged. SeoHyun shrugged along as she shuffled her bag which was rather heavy that day

“Why you up so early?” Tiffany asked back

“Because I was. Now let’s go” Jessica answered back sharply before heading out the house

“Jessica Unnie didn’t get much sleep last night either” SeoHyun whispered into Tiffany’s ear

Tiffany just nodded and smiled widely

“Hurry up you two!” Jessica yelled from outside



“What do we do now?” Yoona pondered as she stood above the sleeping Bubz beside Yuri

“Do we bring him to class?” Yuri whispered

“I was asking you” Yoona turned her head and stared at Yuri confusingly

Just then Yoona’s phone got a message

To: Yoona,
Leave Bubz a bowl of food and some toys. He’ll be fine till afternoon, I’ll come pick him up after class
From: Taeyeon

“Well that saved us a lot of trouble” Yoona smiled as she showed Yuri the text

Yuri nodded as she proceeded with pouring food into a bowl and leaving it besides the sleeping dog.

“We should get to class now. I really don’t like crowds” Yoona stretched as she fumbled for her keys

“I’ll meet you there. I need to lock up, I don’t want to risk any chances of losing Bubz” Yuri chuckled

Yoona nodded as she walked out and drove to the college



“Move it” Jessica said coldly as she pushed pass a few girls at the college gate who were waiting for the Elites

Tiffany bit her lower lip as she and SeoHyun bowed an apology to the girls and walked through.

Just as they got pass the whole crowd, the crowd started to squeal and began to move frantically as a car pulled up in the parking lot and a skinny figure stepped out

“Elite Yoona!!” the girls screamed

Jessica stopped and looked back at the crowd, making a disgusted face and yet still looking for something. SeoHyun took a deep breath as she grasped tighter onto her bag.

“Disgusting” Jessica finally said and stormed off into the classroom

SeoHyun sighed and was about to follow Jessica when Tiffany stopped her, pulling her back to whisper something into her ear

“This is your chance” Tiffany whispered with a wink before pushing SeoHyun into the crowd

Tiffany stood there and watched as the crowd engulfed SeoHyun, looking like a sea drowning a body.

“Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to push her into that…” Tiffany immediately regretted. “Yoona will look after her” Tiffany finally said determinedly as she left with her fingers crossed


“Ahh” SeoHyun squirmed as the girls around her pushed and shoved trying to get a closer look at one of the school’s role models

When she was finally able to get her footing, she used her arms to cover her bag and protect it from the girls around her

“Yoona! Elite Yoona!” the girl next to her screamed

SeoHyun closed her eyes as her ears began to rang, her body beginning to feel hot and sticky from the body heat of the others.

Suddenly she was pushed more as the girls became more frantic

“Over here Yoona-shi!” the girls screamed

SeoHyun raised her head to see Yoona walking not too far from her

“Girls please. I need to get to my class” Yoona said with a chuckle

SeoHyun bit her lower lip as Yoona slowly walked pass her.

“Yoona!” SeoHyun suddenly yelled, hoping that somehow Yoona would look her way

But unfortunately Yoona walked straight pass her as if she was part of the crowd. SeoHyun’s heart sank as all she could see was Yoona’s back and silky hair. She gripped onto her bag even tighter to her chest as all her hopes were starting to disappear

Suddenly from behind someone tapped on her shoulder

“Go for it”

It was Tiffany

Before SeoHyun could even look at Tiffany, she had already been pushed to the path that the girls had created, closer to Yoona

The girls around her shot her glares and immediately started closing the path

*It’s now or never* SeoHyun thought determinedly as she pushed through the girls, not forgetting to apologize after

“Don’t apologize!” Tiffany cheered from behind

The crowd began to get more and more difficult but Yoona was getting closer and closer.

Finally Yoona’s shirt was within a metre from SeoHyun and her determination began to grow even more, but so did the crowd’s

One of the girls decided to kick the back of SeoHyun’s leg, making her legs give way and tumble back a little. The girls than used this chance to distance her from Yoona again. But SeoHyun didn’t lose her determination. She ploughed through the girls and was in arm’s length of Yoona now

SeoHyun was then about to push in order to get in front of Yoona, but she tripped over someone’s foot and started falling forwards

She used her hand to grab onto something to steady herself and stop her falling. As she caught onto someone’s back she steadied herself and gave a sigh of relief.

“Sorry” SeoHyun apologized as she let go of the person’s shirt

For some reason the crowd began to calm down. SeoHyun blinked a few times before looking at the person that she had grabbed. The person was no other than Yoona

“Gotcha” Tiffany cheered silently from behind before moving out of the suffocating crowd

“May I help you?” Yoona said coldly as she raised her eyebrow at SeoHyun

SeoHyun began to tremble at Yoona’s sudden cold attitude, but she knew she deserved it.

“I-I’ve… I’ve come to…” SeoHyun tried to get to move but they just hung open.

“Please be more careful next time” Yoona gave a small smile before turning around and walking off again.

She was stopped again by the same hand grabbing onto the back of her blazer

“I’m sorry Yoona!” SeoHyun quickly blurted out with her eyes closed

Yoona slowly turned around and stared at SeoHyun curiously

SeoHyun, now flustered and embarrassed, quickly retreated her hand and hung her head low

“Student go back to your classes” Yoona suddenly said sternly as she began to walk off again

SeoHyun’s heart sank into her stomach as Yoona walked away from her

As the girls walked pass SeoHyun, they bumped into her deliberately and muttered under their breaths

SeoHyun stood there by herself, loosening the grip on her bag

Finally giving one last sigh, she put the bag over her shoulder and began walking to class.

As she approached the door in front of the building, her hand was held back

“Tiffany unnie… I’m not going through with it anymore” SeoHyun sighed

“Really? That would be a waste” a voice chuckled

SeoHyun’s eyes opened wide as she turned around to the familiar voice

“Y-Yoona…” SeoHyun stuttered as Yoona stood in front of her

“We can’t go causing a scene in public now right? Come I need to talk to you” Yoona smiled as she pulled SeoHyun’s hand and towards the side of the building

SeoHyun’s heart began to beat faster with nervousness

When they were safely at the side of the building Yoona turned around and smiled at SeoHyun

“Apology accepted” Yoona said proudly

SeoHyun blinked two times and stared at Yoona

“No need to get in detail. All I wanted was an apology, that’s all” Yoona reassured

SeoHyun slowly felt a smile on the side of .

“Also… I’d like to apologize too” Yoona suddenly said slowly

“I was a little harsh on you and your unnies that day… and I’m really sorry…” Yoona said hesitantly as she kicked the dirt

SeoHyun giggled at Yoona’s awkward smile

“I’m not really good with apologies… So… Overall, I’m sorry” Yoona finally said embarrassed

SeoHyun finally felt a full smile on her face as she watched Yoona’s awkward gestures

Yoona just smiled back as she rubbed the back of her neck

“So… we’re all good?” Yoona said hesitantly

SeoHyun just nodded

“Oh wait” SeoHyun suddenly remembered something as she reached for something in her bag

“I got you this… as an apology” SeoHyun said nervously as she pulled out a medium sized Rilakkuma plush from her bag and held it out for Yoona

Yoona looked at the plush in her hands

“For me?” Yoona asked as she pointed to herself

SeoHyun nodded quickly

Yoona chuckled as she took the plush from SeoHyun’s hands and smiled

“Thanks. I love it” said Yoona as she gave the plush a hug

SeoHyun’s cheeks began to flush a slight pink

The two were than interrupted by the sound of the bell going off. The two shuffled awkwardly, waiting for the other to talk first

“You should go back to your class… Before you get into trouble” Yoona said slowly

SeoHyun just nodded, a little sad that they had to separate

“I’ll try to get the tutor classes back as well…” Yoona said barely audible

SeoHyun’s face than immediately lit up

“Really?” SeoHyun said all too excitedly

Yoona used her hand to cover as she snickered at SeoHyun’s enthusiasm

“Yes really. Now go before your teacher gets mad. I’ll catch up with you during break” Yoona smiled reassuringly

SeoHyun gave a smile and a nod before hurrying off to class

Yoona threw the Rilakkuma up in the air and caught it again

“Cute” Yoona chuckled as she walked to the Elite’s classroom



“Sorry I’m late” SeoHyun apologized as she reached the classroom door

“You’re just on time. Take a seat” The professor said bluntly as they turned back to the board

SeoHyun took her seat next to Tiffany and quickly got her stuff out

“So how’d it go?” Tiffany whispered

SeoHyun just smiled and nodded

Tiffany chuckled and gave a fist pump in the air.

“Now would you help me with something?” Tiffany whispered

SeoHyun leaned her head nearer to Tiffany. Tiffany nodded her head towards Jessica’s direction

“We only need one more” Tiffany whispered

SeoHyun looked at Jessica to see that Jessica was blankly staring at a blank lined paper in front of her. Her pen was scribbling circled on the top of the page and looked as though it was about to rip from so many circles being drawn in one place.

“I thought she didn’t like them…” SeoHyun whispered

Tiffany just giggled

“It’s Jessica. He inner self doesn’t match with her outer self” Tiffany explained

“What are you two up to?” Jessica said tiredly as she rested her head against her wrist

“Scolding SeoHyunnie for being late” Tiffany lied smoothly

“Well finish up. That old teacher isn’t going to ignore you forever” Jessica said in a monotone voice

“Will do” Tiffany smiled as she turned her attention back to SeoHyun

“Bring Yoona to the library and discuss a plan. I’ll distract Jessica” Tiffany said sternly

SeoHyun gave one nod before leaning back and focusing on her work


Tiffany then looked towards to the side where her bag was

*Hope Taeyeon is here today* Tiffany thought to herself

She then unlocked her iPad and opened the counter app that was installed for the purpose of her mission.

‘-70 points’

Tiffany groaned after looking at her score

“Instead of 500, I need to get 570 now…” Tiffany whispered as she closed the app

She than saw a file named ‘Things To Remember’

Tiffany’s curiosity struck as she pressed on the app. The app then came on with a scanner like screen with the words ‘Scan thumb’ on the bottom

Her brain then clicked as she remembered Taeyeon had told her about the files

*Wow. High tech* Tiffany said as she looked at the scanner

“Tiffany Hwang” the professor suddenly said aloud as she slammed the marker down onto the table

Tiffany jumped up in shock

“Yes?” Tiffany said quickly

“Would you mind doing this for the class?” the professor said as she pointed to the board

Tiffany gulped as she slowly got out of her seat and walked to the board, grabbing a marker on the way. She stood in front of the board and stared at the question. Tiffany blinked a few times, finding it strange that it seemed so easy

*Rule one of maths. If it’s easy than you’re doing it wrong* Tiffany thought to herself

But nevertheless she did whatever she was thinking and wrote all the working out on the board. In the end she ended up with the answer being a simple, 2x + 35

Tiffany looked at the professor warily, scared of getting a lecture from her, but instead the professor looked impressed

“Well done Tiffany. Looks like you were paying attention after all” she complimented as she motioned for Tiffany to sit back down

A smirk grew on Tiffany’s face as she walked back to her seat.

“How’d you do that?” SeoHyun whispered

Tiffany put a finger on her lip and winked

“Special tutoring teacher” Tiffany whispered

SeoHyun’s jaw dropped slight as she nodded. She then smiled after realising who Tiffany was talking about.

“Yoona was right. Taeyeon is the best tutor” SeoHyun giggled

Tiffany just nodded proudly as she began to focus back on the lectures.








Really short chapter sorry :[


Random Fact #3:

The can opener was invented 48 years after the can


LMAO Well what did people do during those 48 years?

Use their teeth?! 




Bubbles out~


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1132 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)