Getting Attached

Falling For You Again

As Taeyeon was staring out the window, Bubz came up to comfort her

The puppy was growing fast. It was no longer a puppy but a grown dog now

"Heyy." Taeyeon gave a sympathetic smile as she patted its head

Bubz whined a little

"They just don't understand me. The pain of loosing someone dear to you" Taeyeon explained

The dog Taeyeon's hand trying to comfort her.

"You know perfectly well that I'm not human. And yet you don't run from me like the other dogs do" Taeyeon smiled

Bubz just gave a loud bark as it wagged its tail

"Soon you're going to leave me too aren't you" Taeyeon looked at it with saddened eyes

Bubz immediately dropped its tail and whined

"Haha. I promised myself to not get too attached to you. But I guess you're just too cute to leave alone?"

Bubz whined a little before it started nodding off to sleep.

Taeyeon picked it up and put it on the bed.

"Getting attached doesn't do good to anyone" Taeyeon mumbled before she went into the kitchen

She filled Bubz's food bowl and changed its water.

Taeyeon then her iPad and started playing a new game that she downloaded

"Thank you technology" Taeyeon mumbled sarcastically as the night passed on



Meanwhile Yuri, Yoona and Leeteuk were still discussing some things.

"Lately I see Taeyeon changing" Yuri crossed her arms in thought

"That Tiffany girl right?" Leeteuk asked

"Yeah. Taeyeon seems completely different around her" Yoona joined in

"Wouldn't be surprising. Tiffany looks exactly like MiYoung." Leeteuk just shrugged

"Coincidental...." Yuri mumbled

"That Jessica girl looks similar too, right Yuri?" Leeteuk turned his attention to Yuri

Yuri nodded as she pulled out a photo

In the phot was Taeyeon along with a girl who looks exactly like Jessica

"I went to get the photo fixed and printed in color" Yuri smiled

Yoona took the picture and took a good look at it

"Tae's smiling with Jessica?" Yoona asked confused

"Haha. I wish. That's SooYeon" Leeteuk laughed

Yoona raised her eyebrow


"SooYeon. Taeyeon's little human sister" Yuri explained as she took the photo back

"Taeyeon sure loves attracting her past" Yoona mumbled

"I guess that's why Taeyeon acts sisterly towards Jessica. Instinct I guess" Yuri shrugged as she put the photo away

"Wait... Why do you have that photo?" Yoona raised her eyebrow

"I found SooYeon cute. And also it motivates me" Yuri smiled

"Motivates?" Leeteuk raised his eyebrow now

"I've always wanted to be a sister towards Taeyeon. Trying to make her smile. But I haven't been able to. Looking at how happy Taeyeon was with SooYeon motivated me to try harder" Yuri smiled

Yoona went over to hug Yuri

"Nawww" Leeteuk's expression became admiring

"Haha." Yuri laughed

Leeteuk crossed his arms

"Jessica and Yuri do make a good couple" Leeteuk mumbled

"I know right?" Yoona joined in

Yuri's jaw dropped

"Noooo. The ice princess? Please" Yuri scoffed

"Well you find SooYeon cute. That means Jessica is cute in your eyes too?" Yoona teased

Yuri was about to say something but nothing came out.

Leeteuk and Yoona burst out into laughter

"Aishh. Anywho, what's going to happen in the morning? We only have 3 hours left before we face Taeyeon again" Yuri changed the subject

"We'll later." Yoona mumbled

"Well what's you point of view on Taeyeon right now?" Leeteuk asked

"Before you told me the reason... I was really mad at Taeyeon for not supporting me.... But after hearing her past, I guess I understand where she's coming from. Thing is... I don't know how I should act." Yoona bit her lip

"She would know something's up if we started acting as though we understood what she was saying" Yuri added

"Act as thought you're really mad at her then. Ask her to talk to you" Leeteuk suggested

"I really want to see the real side of Taeyeon" Yoona pouted

"Me too" Yuri pouted

"Me three" Leeteuk pouted

Yuri and Yoona threw whatever they could at Leeteuk

"Eww" they said, disgusted at the 382 year old pouting

"I'm forever 25. Leave my pouts alone" Leeteuk laughed



The sun was starting to rise.

At Sunny's house SeoHyun was having a hard time waking up Jessica and Tiffany.

Sunny walked into the room with a bottle of ice cold water

"..." SeoHyun remained silent, knowing what was going to happen

She blocked her ears as Sunny opened the top

"Last warning you two." Sunny said sternly

"Ughh. Go away shorty" Jessica groaned

SeoHyun back away a little as Sunny started getting angry

Sunny walked out of the room and came back soon later with a bucket of ice and water

Just then Tiffany opened her eyes. She saw a short figure holding a large bucket, ready to pour it over them.

Tiffany quickly rolled out of bed as Sunny started pouring the water onto the bed

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Jessica's loud dolphin scream came out as she was soaked with ice and water

"I have to waste precious ice and water each morning for this" Sunny mumbled as Jessica was still taking in what happened

"What was that for?!" Jessica's voice cried out

She saw Tiffany and SeoHyun on the side of the bed perfectly fine

Jessica glared at them

"Unnie I tried to wake you up" SeoHyun pleaded

"Hey don't look at me. I just missed that ice shower by a second" Tiffany put her hands up defensively

Sunny just shrugged her shoulders as she put the bucket over her shoulder and walked out

"I suggest you get out of those clothes soon. You're going to catch a cold" Tiffany stretched as she made her way to the bathroom

SeoHyun ran out and came back in with a towel to help Jessica

"Thanks" Jessica yanked the towel and tried to dry herself




As everyone met up in the room there was an awkward silence with the Elites.

Jessica, SeoHyun and Tiffany stopped at the door as they saw Yuri and Yoona on one side of the room while Taeyeon was on the other side

Jessica just shrugged her shoulders as she went to her seat.

SeoHyun went up to Yoona and smiled

Taeyeon shot a glance at Yoona.

Tiffany sat in front of Taeyeon, a little worried about the situation

"Taeyeon?" Tiffany waved her hands in front of Taeyeon.

"Page 421" Taeyeon just said as she put the chemistry book in front of her

"Your exam will be coming up soon" Taeyeon reminded as she returned to staring at Yoona

Yoona could feel Taeyeon's eyes digging into her but she disregarded it. She had to keep up the angry act.

Yuri on the other hand just kept her back faced towards Taeyeon but once in a while gave Taeyeon a worried look.

"What's going on with you three?" Jessica clicked her fingers in front of Yuri.

"Oh nothing" Yuri smiled innocently

She saw that Jessica seemed to be really mad

"What's wrong with you?" Yuri asked

"Had an ice bath this morning" Jessica sighed

Yuri raised her eyebrow

"I didn't wake up early so Sunny dumped a bucket of ice and water on me" Jessica explained

Yuri bit her lip as a laugh threatened to escape her lips.

"Ahem. I see" Yuri tried her best to keep her laugh in.

Jessica just sighed as she opened her text book.

30 minutes into the lesson SeoHyun, Tiffany and Jessica started to realise something going on.

"Spill it. What's up with Taeyeon?" Jessica shot a deadly glare

"Nothing" Yuri looked at her innocently

"Don't lie Kwon Yuri." 

Yuri tried to keep her composure

Eventually she gave in

"Just a little argument that's all" Yuri shrugged

"When did this happen? I swear it couldn't have happened unless it was after midnight" Jessica recalled Taeyeon being at their house around midnight

"It was" Yuri smiled

Jessica raised her eyebrow

"Late night" Yuri added

Jessica stared at Yuri. She could see no signs of her having a late night.

Yuri quickly caught on and pretended to yawn.

Jessica rolled her eyes as she began studying again



At TaeNy's table Tiffany was just staring at the page. Not making sense of anything on the page.

"Don't understand something?" Taeyeon suddenly asked

"Ah. No its fine" Tiffany quickly replied

Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders

"Can I ask you something?" Tiffany boldy asked

"What?" Taeyeon replied coldly

Tiffany collected up all her courage

"What's going on between you and Yoona?" Tiffany quickly asked

"Nothing" Taeyeon replied bluntly

Tiffany looked up to see Taeyeon staring at Yoona again. She followed the gaze to see Yoona and SeoHyun enjoying themselves

Tiffany then had a thought run through her mind

*Does Taeyeon like Yoona or SeoHyun?*

Tiffany quickly shook the thought out of her mind not wanting to believe it.

"I hate it when people lie to me Taeyeon" Tiffany suddenly said

"I hate it when people don't mind their own business" Taeyeon answered back

Tiffany was taken aback. She was wondering where the girl who saved her last night was.

"You go through a lot of mood swings" Tiffany mumbled

"Mood swings, arguments, past experiences. All have same effect" Taeyeon unconciously answered

"Huh?" Tiffany looked at Taeyeon.


Tiffany was starting to get pissed with Taeyeon's attitude. She got up and held Taeyeon's hand trying to pull her out of her seat.

"What do you think you're doing?" Taeyeon remained unmoved

"Come with me. I need to talk to you" Tiffany tugged on Taeyeon's hand again.

Taeyeon reluctantly followed.

Tiffany pushed the numbers 2543 into the roof's security door lock.

The door opened and she pulled Taeyeon up onto the roof.

"Surprised you still remember" Taeyeon mumbled

Tiffany then turned around and stared at Taeyeon

"Why do you always do that" Tiffany asked as she crossed her arms

"Mumble?" Taeyeon asked

"No. I mean put up the act" 

"I don't know what you mean" Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders

"Number one, you like peas. Number two, you're a really big dork. Number three, you're really kind and caring" Tiffany recited Leeteuk's words

"Leeteuk" Taeyeon growled under her breath

"He was just playing with you" Taeyeon lied

"I know his telling the truth. I've seen parts of your kind and caring. As for the other two. I never see you eat and there was never really a chance for you to act dorky." Tiffany was being serious

Taeyeon was determined not to lose her image

"Don't know what you're talking about"

Tiffany scoffed

"Sure. Then what about the puppy? Why did you save me last night? Why did you take me to eat? You could've just left the puppy there. You could've just walked on by and left me there like many others did. You didn't even have to take me to eat. But you did"

Taeyeon didn't have anything to answer that

"So... Do you possibly like Yoona or SeoHyun?" Tiffany gathered her courage again

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Tiffany and started laughing

"I'm not going to love anyone anymore" Taeyeon answered

Tiffany remained silent wanting a definite answer

"Answer is no. Yoona's just a really close friend of mine" Taeyeon answered

Tiffany somehow felt some relief run through her

"But don't go telling everyone about it. No one has a chance. No matter how pretty or how nice they are. I'm not going to like them in that way" Taeyeon added

Tiffany felt her ears ring as she heard Taeyeon's comment.

"Course not. No one would like a cold natured person like you" Tiffany added

"Guess that's why I keep up the image" Taeyeon shrugged

"Guess so" Tiffany was starting to hurt inside

"Is there anything else?" Taeyeon asked a little annoyed

"What's going on with you and Yoona then?" Tiffany asked

"I said nothing." Taeyeon quickly answered

Tiffany stared into Taeyeon's eyes. Taeyeon quickly looked away from Tiffany's gaze.

"You're lying" 

"Maybe so. But it's none of your business" Taeyeon stuck her tongue out at Tiffany.

Tiffany froze at Taeyeon's sudden child-ish act

Realising what she did Taeyeon quickly changed the subject

"You should get back to your studies. Your exam is coming up" Taeyeon bit her tongue

*Why are you so relaxed around her?!* Taeyeon scolded herself, regretting showing her tongue

Tiffany was still a little dazed

*Well I guess that's number two and three checked out* Tiffany thought as she came back with reality

"One last thing" Tiffany said

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow, hoping that it was nothing related to her childish act

Tiffany took a deep breath

*It's now or never* Tiffany closed her eyes as she began to talk

"What do you think of me?" Tiffany said quickly

Taeyeon paused for a moment

Tiffany opened her eyes to see Taeyeon thinking.

"You have a good sense of justice. Scared of men. Nice smile though." Taeyeon listed

Aside from scared of men part, Tiffany felt really happy with Taeyeon's reply

"But..." Taeyeon suddenly said

Tiffany's happiness suddenly vanished

"That's what you're like to others. In my opinion.... you're just annoying" Taeyeon turned around stood in front of the door

"Mwo?!" Tiffany was surprised at the last comment

"You hear me. You're annoying" Taeyeon repeated

Tiffany could feel sadness building up inside her.

*Why do you care about what she says?* Tiffany asked herself

Taeyeon was still standing at the door.

"You coming?" Taeyeon asked

"Why should this annoying brat follow you?" Tiffany mumbled

Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany's remark.

"Don't take it too seriously. Just means I've accepted you as a friend. Trust me Yoona and Yuri are more annoying" Taeyeon re-assured


"Since we're going to be seeing each other a lot due to studies.... I accepted the fact that your group are friends of the Elites." Taeyeon shrugged

"Why the sudden change in attitude?" Tiffany raised her eyebrow

"Just don't want you blurting out nonsense on campus about me" Taeyeon gave a smirk

She then stopped 

"Nothing more though" Taeyeon quickly added

*Pabo Taeyeon. Stop being so comfortable!* Taeyeon mentally scolded herself again.

Taeyeon took another look at Tiffany who was smiling.

"Better than nothing I guess" Tiffany exclaimed as she walked pass Taeyeon and back to class.

Taeyeon remained in her place. She honestly couldn't control herself when she was around Tiffany.

It was as if she was around MiYoung again.

*Don't kid youself Tae. You know better than anyone else that MiYoung can't return* Taeyeon smirked to herself

*Friends nothing more. Getting attached never did anyone good* she reminded herself

Meanwhile Tiffany was unusually happy.

As she walked into the classroom everyone looked at her expectantly

"Elites and the Girls Trio are officially friends." Tiffany exclaimed

Yoona looked at Yuri with a confused expression.

"Nothing more though" Tiffany quoted

Yoona pulled Yuri over to the side

"Has Taeyeon ever done this is the 90 years we've know her?" Yoona whispered

"Nope.... But Tiffany said nothing more...." Yuri bit her lip

Yoona clicked her fingers

"She's probably saying that we can be friends with them just not fall for them" Yoona whispered

"Haha. She's smart. But won't that burden you? You and SeoHyun won't be able to advance" Yuri looked at Yoona

Yoona bit her lip

"I'll postpone my feelings for now. Just like Tae wants. But she'll change her mind soon enough" Yoona pointed at Tiffany

"She's going to help us" Yoona smiled

Yuri smiled and nodded

"Besides. Seems like she's got the feelings ready" Yuri smiled at Tiffany who seemed overjoyed

"We'll start the day after tomorrow. We make up with Taeyeon today, let her have a rest tomorrow and start the day after" Yuri whispered

Yoona nodded

"First we'll use the train" Yoona took a piece of paper as she wrote things down.

"When is it going to snow this year?" Yoona suddenly asked

"Within this month or the next. It's really starting to get cold" Yuri answered

"Okay so Plan Train first. Then visit at.... who's house?" Yoona couldn't decide

"Mine" Yuri answered

"Okay so Train, Yuri, Festival, Christmas, Snowfall" Yoona wrote down

"We can change the timeline a little if snowfall comes early" Yoona added

"If after all that it doesn't work then we'll add more" Yuri smiled

"Deal" Yoona smiled along with Yuri

Just then Taeyeon walked into the classroom and stared at Yoona.

Yoona hid the paper and just gave Taeyeon a wink and a thumbs up.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes as she took her seat again.


"This is going to be the best year we ever experienced in our 90 years of being Elites" Yuri smiled

"Hell yeah!" Yoona said in a hushed voice

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1125 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)