Midnight Meeting

Falling For You Again

"I'll take you home again. Explain everything to Sunny for you" Taeyeon stood up and headed out

"Err. Okay" Tiffany quickly followed, not wanting to be left behind

"Thanks Teuk" Taeyeon called out towards the kitchen

"My pleasure" Leeteuk replied

Tiffany bowed towards Leeteuk and he just smiled

"Hurry up" Taeyeon called out

"Nehh~" Tiffany hurriedly caught up with Taeyeon.

As they walked out they saw that the line had died down. Tiffany quickly checked the time

"Woah! 11:30pm... Sunny is gunna kill me" Tiffany bit her lip

"Don't worry" Taeyeon re-assured as she opened the car door for Tiffany

Tiffany popped inside as Taeyeon went to the drivers seat

"I can get you there in 10. Make sure you have your seat belt" Taeyeon warned

Tiffany gripped onto her seatbelt as Taeyeon stepped onto the accelerator. Tiffany's whole body rammed back into the car seat as Taeyeon sped down the street.

"Breath." Taeyeon suddenly said

Tiffany then realised that she was holding her breathe and quickly released it, lungs burning for air.

"You're not going to die." Taeyeon said bluntly as she smiled at Tiffany's reaction

"You never know" Tiffany answered

Taeyeon laughed at Tiffany's remark. She made one last turn before she stopped

"We're here. Told you you're not going to die" Taeyeon undid Tiffany's seatbelt

Tiffany glared at Taeyeon. She then walked out of the car and towards her house. Taeyeon followed behind closely

-Knock knock-

"I'll get it" SeoHyun's voice rang through the house

"No! It's Tiffany. I need to talk to her for coming home so late" another voice called out

Tiffany swallowed down hard

"Sunny" Tiffany mumbled

Taeyeon then stepped up next to Tiffany, waiting for Sunny to open the door

"Tiffany you!...." Sunny opened the door and froze when she saw Taeyeon at the door

"Nice to meet you again. Tiffany was accompanying me to dinner. No one else was able to go with me so I asked Tiffany to come with me. I'm sorry that I brought her home so late" Taeyeon smiled politely

"Oh is that so?" Sunny gave a smile

She then glared at Tiffany. Tiffany winced at the sudden eye contact

"Thank you for bringing her home. Would you like to come in for a bit?" Sunny suggested

"I'd love to, but I've got a meeting with Yoona and Yuri" Taeyeon replied

*At this time?* Tiffany thought

"Ahhh. Well you better get going then. Don't want to be late" Sunny then dragged Tiffany into the house

"Sorry again" Taeyeon spologised before she made her way to the car

Sunny closed the door and turned around at Tiffany. Tiffany slowly started backing away from Sunny

"I-I-I'll go clean up" Tiffany quickly said before she dashed into her room.

Sunny laughed at Tiffany's reaction.

"Aigoo. That kid" Sunny mumbled as she went to do her own business



Taeyeon made her way back to Leeteuk's restuarant where she met up with Yuri and Yoona

"Unnie~!" Yoona yelled as she tackled Taeyeon

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Taeyeon asked coldly

"Haha. Taeyeon, drop the act." Yuri laughed

Taeyeon looked up at her confused.

"There's no students around here, you don't have to be so cold towards your members right?" Yoona pouted

Taeyeon patted Yoona's head

"So what's the occasion? We rarely meet up at night" Taeyeon asked as they walked into the restuarant

The bouncer was still standing at the door

"Even numbers only" he reminded

Yuri and Yoona laughed. The bouncer took off his glasses and laughed too. He gave a stretch and then walked into the restuarant

"Forgot. The Elites are an exception" the bouncer rolled his eyes

"Leeteuk!!!" Yoona yelled

"Yoona!!!!" Leeteuk came out and hugged Yoona and Yuri

"Where were you? Yuri and Taeyeon were here." Leeteuk asked

"I'll tell you once we get into the room. Care to join us?" Yoona smiled

"I don't know.... Hanging around a split personality girl...." Leeteuk hesitated

"Hey" Yoona playfully slapped Leeteuk's shoulder

"Haha. Araso. I'll join you later" Leeteuk smiled

"Need any help with the dishes?" Taeyeon asked

"No I'm fine, thanks though" Leeteuk then disappeared into the kitchen again

"I swear he lives in there" Yuri said bluntly as they walked up into their own room.

"So what's the occasion again?" Taeyeon asked, pretending to yawn

"Does there have to be an occasion?" Yuri asked innocently

"We rarely meet up during nights" Taeyeon shrugged

"That's you. Me and Yoona meet up all the time" Yuri laughed

"I really wonder what you do during nights Taeyeon-ah. You don't sleep do you?" Yuri put on a shocked face

"I wish" Taeyeon scoffed

Yoona laughed

"So what's your skipping record?" Taeyeon asked

"6 hours 32 minutes" Yoona answered proudly

Yuri's jaw dropped

"6 hours 29 minutes" Yuri mumbled

Yoona started celebrating

"Still no where close" Taeyeon said bluntly

Yoona stopped celebrating and her shoulder dropped

"12 hours 43 minutes" Taeyeon smirked

Yoona's lips drooped down into a sad face while Yuri started laughing

Yuri went over to pat Yoona's back

"There there. She's live over 60 years more than us" Yuri tried comforting

"Oldie" Yoona's face lit up

"You're not so young yourself. Miss 111 years old" Taeyeon smirked

Yuri burst out into laughter

"Well you're 122 years old" Yoona slapped Yuri shoulder

Yuri stopped laughing and shrugged

"But at least I'm no where near 185 years old" Yuri glanced at Taeyeon

"Yeah yeah whatevers. Our bodies remain the same age so who cares" Taeyeon shrugged

"The plus side of being immortal" Yoona put up her thumbs

"But without a doubt, the youngest looking immortal is Leeteuk." Yuri beamed

"Someone talking about my good looks?" Leeteuk suddenly appeared at the door.

"Well sort of" Yoona giggled

"Their saying how a 382 year old can still look like a 25 year old" Taeyeon said bluntly

"Oh. Thanks for the compliment" Leeteuk smiled

"You didn't do anything for it" Yuri raised her eyebrow as she crossed her arms

"Haha. I guess" Leeteuk laughed sheepishly

"So what's the occasion? You guys rarely come visit me" Leeteuk gave a pout

Taeyeon glared at Leeteuk, Yuri's fingers curled up and Yoona stuck her tongue out pretending to puke

"Please. You're 860 years too old to be pouting." Taeyeon scoffed

"Forever 25" Leeteuk shrugged

"I really do wonder where that serious Leeteuk 70 years ago went" Taeyeon sighed

"You know where it went." Leeteuk laughed

"It disappeared the moment you turned him down" Yoona shrugged

"Gone within a click of a finger" Yuri clicked

"It will return as soon as Taeyeon opens up" Leeteuk shrugged

"What?" Taeyeon asked

Yoona and Yuri giggled with each other

*He means as soon as Tiffany and her start dating* they thought in unison

"If there's nothing else I'll be leaving" Taeyeon stood up

"Wait! Unnie!" Yoona pulled on Taeyeon's hand

"I have good news" Yoona smiled

Taeyeon sat back down in her seat as everyone took their places

Yoona took a deep breathe

"I think I've fallen for SeoHyun" Yoona blurted out quickly

There was a short silence of mixed feelings

"Hahaha. Good for you Yoona" Yuri hugged Yoona

Leeteuk looked over at Taeyeon. Taeyeon was starting to get furious

"No" Taeyeon answered bluntly

Yuri and Yoona stopped celebrating

"You can't fall for a human" Taeyeon shot a deadly glare at Yoona

Yoona's mood immediately dropped

"Why Unnie? It's not going to do any harm" Yoona whined

"Why are you so against it Tae? Love is a wonderful thing" Yuri stared at Taeyeon

Taeyeon immediately had images of a girl flash into her head when Yuri mentioned 'love'

"I said no." Taeyeon repeated

"Leeteuk why is Taeyeon being so stubborn?" Yoona asked Leeteuk

Leeteuk just sighed

"At least tell me why I shouldn't" Yoona asked Taeyeon again

"She's human. We remain forever unaging. What about SeoHyun? She will only live another 80 years max. But after 40 years she would be weak. What can you do then? Also the fact that she will find something wrong with us after 10 years when she sees we havent changed." Taeyeon said angrily

"We can just turn her into an immortal" Yoona said stubbornly

Taeyeon's temper snapped

She slammed the table with her hand

"It's not as simple as that!" Taeyeon growled

Yuri and Yoona jumped in their seats. Leeteuk just shook his head.

"Taeyeon. Forget the past. You can't do anything to fix it" Leeteuk tried to calm Taeyeon down.

"Easy for you to say." Taeyeon mumbled

"Why can't you just let me do what I want?" Yoona raised her voice

Taeyeon stared into Yoona's eyes. She could tell Yoona was very hurt

"Fine just let me be the bad guy. I still won't allow it though. Not for anyone" Taeyeon shot a glance at Yuri

"Tae. Can't you just support Yoona?" Yuri was starting to loose her temper as well

"Whatever" Taeyeon walked out of the room.

Yoona just started to sob while Yuri comforted her

"Why is Taeyeon like that?" Yuri mumbled

Leeteuk went over to soothe Yoona

"Don't hate Taeyeon for that. She's just looking out for you. She doesn't want you to be hurt like she is" Leeteuk rubbed Yoona's back

"Like she is?" Yuri asked

"Taeyeon has her reasons for not allowing you or Yoona fall in love with humans" Leeteuk just replied

"What do you think then?" Yuri asked

"Honestly.... I don't know. I've never fallen for a human. But i understand what Taeyeon is saying. Humans' lives are short. Not even a fraction compared to ours. She's worried about what Yoona would be like after SeoHyun outlives her life" Leeteuk shrugged

"Well enjoy it while you can. That's what I think" Yuri just replied

"Haha. Not as simple as that" Leeteuk gave a sympathetic smile

"Can't we just turn her into an immortal? Why did Taeyeon snap when I said that?" Yoona sobbed

"Taeyeon couldn't handle her emotions once you said that. You know that there is only a small chance that it would work" he replied

"It's better to take chances isn't it?" Yoona wiped her tears

Yuri was in deep thought

"Leeteuk. By chance, has Taeyeon experienced all this?" Yuri asked curiously

Leeteuk just gave a nod

Yoona and Yuri remained silent

"I'll tell you the story... But you have to act like you don't know it. Taeyeon doesn't like people knowing her past." Leeteuk lowered his voice

Yuri and Yoona just nodded once, curious as to what Taeyeon was hiding.

"It was before Taeyeon came to meet you guys. Before the incident Taeyeon was a dorky little kid. Always smiling and laughing with others. She accepted her fate as to being immortal and enjoyed it. 
That was until she met a girl. Her name was MiYoung. The two were really good friends at first, but then MiYoung started to fall for Tae. Tae didn't accept it at first but MiYoung kept pushing her feelings, trying to make Taeyeon accept them. Eventually Taeyeon began to love her too.
They were a cute couple. Always laughing and playing with each other. MiYoung even accepted Taeyeon for being immortal.
Eventually though, they started to wonder about their future. There was no way that they could be together when MiYoung was still human.
Sooyoung suggested that they turn MiYoung into an immortal.
MiYoung desperately wanted that fate, but Taeyeon was afraid to loose her lover. The two fought for a week. They were so cute when they ignored each other even though they were dying to speak to them.
Eventually Taeyeon gave in and decided to turn MiYoung into an immortal." Leeteuk paused

Yuri and Yoona knew where the story was going.

"Taeyeon used her own blood to turn her into an immortal.... Unfortunately.... MiYoung never made it" Leeteuk's voice broke at the word 'never'

Yuri and Yoona put their hands over their mouth, shocked at Taeyeon's past

"She never forgave herself for taking that risk, nor has she forgotten about MiYoung. Since that say she locked up her emotions and her true self" Leeteuk finished off




Taeyeon in her room sitting on the window sill.

"MiYoung-ah" Taeyeon cried as she clenched her fists.

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1120 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)