
成长的烦恼 growing pains
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bluefrenchfries #1
Chapter 6: Nah it's okay for the chaps the more the better hahaha:) I kinda miss Taoris fic so yeah:\
Anyways,waiting for the last part!:3
lover_harmony #2
Chapter 6: This story is just so beautiful! This story is also doing things to my heart.
Chapter 6: Oh geez! This makes my heart just cry from so many emotions. What I'd give for this to be real. I want them to meet, talk and just go back to being as close as they were.

It's no mere coincidence that they live such parallel lives. They have a really close bond. Whether it's just platonic or romantic, those two are soul mates.

I believe they will meet up & finally get to start on rekindling their friendship but I just wish it'd happen sooner.

Till then I'll take this & sob bc this is so beautiful & oh my Taoris feels.

P.S. I love the Taohan....I've always believed that Luhan had such a sweet spot for Tao. Gahhhhhh I loved seeing them together. I need them to hang out/meet too- in person that is and not just over the phone. Oh and thanks for this. A million times thanks. It's beautiful. Taoris forever!!!!
Chapter 6: i keep chanting 'please make the gift Kris' over and over
argh your story really makes me crave for taoris more than ever!!!! x-(
summertwinkle #5
Chapter 5: I wonder what's that interview thing is. I've seen some news about Tao crying and apologizing to Kris but I didn't actually see the clip. But in some way, I guess that just proves the friendship between them was real. I always thought Tao was quite dependent on Kris so I was surprised he actually wrote those comments about betrayal when Kris left. I even read it in Chinese just to make sure nothing was mis-translated...but the translation was pretty much to the point. I was planning to do a song fic many months ago but...for it to had to have friendship exist after Kris left...but it was really hard to draw upon anything real...but maybe I should go see that interview and I'll get some more inspiration.

I always thought maybe Tao was just in love with the idea of the group rather the group itself. I honestly would've thought Tao would pick Kris over all members as his favourite so the condemnation from Tao was a surprise. But Luhan is really going places; he's gonna be in a Hollywood movie (well joint Chinese-American one)...not sure how SM is gonna sue that. But that cast!...Eddie Peng is going to be in it too :O. I'm not sure about the plot though...China's great wall is not as mysterious as Egypt's pyramids.
Madhatter_pey #6
Chapter 4: Not trying to be sarcastic or rude or funny but I seriously thought the clouds looks like a squirrel banging it's head on the Acon. O. O

Anyhow... I so wish Kris would also do something like that :') I miss laxy panda action. They are adorbs.
Omg Sehun. I was screaming CALL HIM CALL HIM in my head. I love Taohun it's my bias. Beats Taoris for me but... FOR THIS STORY I WANT TO A TO MEET KRIS AND BECOME LIKE BEST BROS FORVER AND SEHUN TO COME AND TAKE HIM BACK TO EXO. but it's probably not gonna happen... So anyway can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 4: Im squealing right now! I hope something good really happened between them, like they were finally contacted each other and so on. Your fic really... omg
kpoplover0809 #8
Chapter 4: Am crying......T-T