Part 3

Our cinema dates
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On Friday Jongin was standing in the doorway of room 2, checking tickets and handing the customers 3D glasses. He grinned when he saw his two friends walking in his direction. They looked a bit awkward together, especially because of the huge height gap between them and the not-so-secret glances they were throwing each other. It was the first time the two of them officially met and it was all thanks to Jongin, who set their movie date for that night and told them where to meet and so on. Judging by the flushes on their faces and the sneaky looks, they were very much interested in each other and it made Jongin smile even more widely.

“Hi! How are you guys doing so far?” he inquired, handing them their respective 3D glasses and looking at them expectantly.

Chanyeol’s face brightened in a big toothy grin and he showed his friend an OK sign, while Kyungsoo turned bright red and mumbled an answer.

“We’re fine. It’s not like we’re on a date or something and you’re making it sound like we are.” This statement caused the tallest boy’s face to morph into a sad frown and the only thing he was able to utter was a disappointed “we’re not?”

When Kyungsoo noticed how disappointed Chanyeol looked, he quickly started staring at his feet and shyly answered: “We can be, if you want to.” 

That was enough to give the eldest of them his hopes, energy and grin back. He grabbed Kyungsoo’s hand in one of his and pulled him inside the screening room, shouting that they were going to enjoy the film. Jongin laughed while observing them and waved to Kyungsoo, who looked at him with a small but happy smile.

It wasn’t a terrifying evening for Jongin. After letting all the spectators inside the room, he had to clean the floor in the hall that led to it, show some people where the toilets were and generally slave for anyone who needed anything from him. When the film ended, it was already after 10. He saw Chanyeol and Kyungsoo escaping the room, but he didn’t want to disturb them as they were so engrossed in their conversation that they completely forgot about him. He sighed, his mp3 player and grabbed a broom and a mop to clean the empty room. He was alone, so he didn’t see any harm in singing or dancing to the music while sweeping up and it was a Friday night after all, so he deserved a little fun. Suddenly, he saw a movement out of the corner of his eye and would have shrieked if he didn’t immediately recognize the person who was in the middle of mopping the floor that had been already swept before. Jongin quickly took the earphones out of his ears and stopped all of his actions.

“Sehun” he said calmly. Seeing that the said boy nodded and smiled in response but continued his actions, he spoke again. “What are you doing?”

“Helping you, obviously” Sehun chuckled.

“Yeah, I see that and I’m thankful, but why?”

That caused the younger boy to stop cleaning and walk towards him. When he was right beside him, he grabbed the front of Jongin’s shirt and pulled him a little bit closer, keeping eye contact.

“I really wanna go to a club with you tonight after you finish work” he whispered boldly, but a flush started covering his cheeks when he didn’t get any answer. The grip on Jongin’s shirt started faltering along with Sehun’s confidence and he was about to run away because of the humiliation, because what was he thinking, coming here and talking stupid things like that? Luckily, Jongin finally snapped out of his stupor and grinned dazzlingly.

“Let’s hurry up, then” he answered breathlessly.



The first thing that hit Jongin when he entered the club was the loud, pounding music. He felt a bit dizzy because he and Sehun had a few drinks when they came back to his apartment, so that Jongin could take a shower and change into fresh clothes before going out. He didn’t know what to think of this impromptu clubbing but he was indeed happy that it was him that Sehun chose to spend this night with. He was so lost in thoughts, that the other boy had to tap him on his cheek to bring him back to him.

“Let’s get you out of this coat and leave it in the cloakroom. I want to head to the dance floor as soon as I can” Sehun said cheerily while opening the zipper of Jongin’s jacket. He already got rid of his own coat and was holding it under his armpit. The close proximity made Jongin a little bit flustered but he let the younger do what he was doing and then took their both outerwear to the coatroom.

Sehun was clearly very excited and impatient. He clung to Jongin’s arm and pulled him to the middle of the dance floor as soon as their clothes were safely stored. It was really crowded and loud and Jongin found it difficult to relax and dance freely in these circumstances, so he started to move awkwardly to the beat of the song. It was okay, though, because he could watch Sehun dance like he was in his element. Soon their eyes met and the younger boy laughed before getting closer to him to speak in his ear.

“You look like a retard. Can’t get a feel of the music?”

Jongin thought that he should feel offended but it was the truth and he knew that he didn’t really show any cool dance moves.

“Yeah, I guess one more drink should help me relax” he answered and pointed at the bar. He didn’t even have time to step back because Sehun’s hands clang to his arms and stopped him.

“No need for that” he informed with a smile and started to move his hands on Jongin’s back to massage the muscles. This only made Jongin even more tense and he stopped moving completely because wow, they were so close to each other and Sehun’s hands were all around him and he looked so attractive and what was he supposed to do in this situation? There was only one way to comprehend it all.

“Sorry but I really need a drink” he shouted over the music and freed himself from the grip. He made a step back without looking where he was going and bumped right into a very tall, very muscular and bold man in his early thirties.

“Watch where you’re walking, er. I spilt my beer because of you!” the man burst out angrily. He formed one hand into a fist and bumped it on his other palm, showing his overly exercised biceps. “Who do you think you’re messing with?” 

“Sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose, it was an accident” Jongin uttered, scared of the man who was looking at him with blood lust.

“You think I care? You bump into me, you pay!” the muscleman exclaimed, before taking a step forward and swinging his arm in order to punch the poor boy and be

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Chapter 3: I love the slow pace. How they slowly fall into place and into each other. It’s so beautiful.
Cheekobooie #2
Perfect... beginning of a beautiful relationship
opikonew #3
Chapter 3: more more more :***
pinkhamsters #4
Chapter 3: Yes to more of this! Please?
Have a good trip!
Cathiesnow #5
Chapter 3: Why are they sooo cuteeeeee ?!?! My heart kennot >< aww..this is the end ?
This is good ! Ehem..sequel ? Hehehe jk

Btw , i cnt imagine the satansoo is such a cutiesoo here ..he's loveable *xoxo*
Chapter 3: Aw it's done? They are really cute together. Lol i do hope you continue this au when you come back. I'd like to read more fluffy sekai. Anyway, have fun on your holiday ... :)
Chapter 2: This is so cute! :)
Chapter 2: I smell chansoo ?? Btw sekai is soo cuteee ><
Chapter 1: This is so cute omg ;_____;