

The incandescent gleam from behind the gray curtains shone upon Sehun and Luhan's shared room as the younger one arose from his long slumber. "We don't have schedule today?" Voice laced with sleep and grogginess, Sehun bought his right hand up in an attempt to remove the sleep from his eyes. Propping himself up on his elbows, he was vaguely aware that Luhan slipped on one of his sweaters, the end of it cascading past their initial spot. "We have the whole day off." A sly smile snuck into Luhan's voice as he sat down on Sehun's bed. In a swift motion, Sehun swept the smaller boy onto the bed with him, limbs tangling with his. "Sehun, we have to-"

"Shut up and sleep with me."

Drowning in the noodle he calls Sehun, Luhan let his eyelids drop. 

This time, Sehun woke up first. The clock numbers glared a dark red, forming the numbers '11:35'. During the time period, Luhan managed to untangle himself and sprawl across the small bed, pushing the other boy to the side. Lying on his side, Sehun got a clear view of Luhan. His messy bubblegum pink hair was sticking in all directions, small mouth hung open just a bit, enough to let small breaths out. There was no real reason for Sehun to be so intoxicated by Luhan. There wasn't any real reason for Sehun's heart to speed up, nor was there any real reason for his breath to hitch every time Luhan smiled.

Small puffs of air slipped from the older boy's mouth as Sehun's fingers danced delicately over his cheek. Eyes becoming half open, Luhan grabbed Sehun's hand in a sluggish manner, lacing it into his. "When'd you wake up?" Were the first words that flew from his pale pink lips and it graced a smile on Sehun's face, Luhan's first thought being about him. "Don't even worry about it." A weak nudge flew at Sehun. 

Hand grasping the other's, Luhan's eyes fixated themselves on the ceiling, blurring his vision when he had nothing to focus on. 
Sehun was never good with words, and he probably won't ever be. This served a problem in their relationship. Luhan knew Sehun loved him and how Sehun never seemed to be able to express it through words; he was fine with it, but wouldn't it be nice to hear an 'I love you' every once in a while?

The younger boy swore he could die right now. His heart pounding, head racing, palms sweating. He's never said the three words outloud and it's been three years. He twisted his hands into the black and white sheets.

"I love you so ing much and I never know how to say it but I just really want you to know that I really ing love you to the point where I can't even breathe; And you think I don't notice every subtle thing you do, but I do and I love you so ing much for everything. I don't even know what I'd do without you Luhan, , I love you so much, I love you isn't even enough to describe this overwhelming trance you put over me and I am so ing grateful that you're in my life Luhan, 

I love you."

The two looked at each other in surprise. Sehun could see Luhan opening and closing his mouth but no words fell out. "Sehun... I-"

"Luhan? Luhan-!" 

Everything began to fall apart in Sehun's hands. His bed collapsed, the room melted into a child's worst nightmare, the sunlight turned into a void of black, and Luhan was crumbling. Shattered pieces of the older boy greeted Sehun and everything was wrong; this is the part where Luhan said 'I love you' back, this is the part where-



Sehun woke up, greeted by the deafening sound of silence in his pitch black room. 

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Alluka10 #1
Chapter 1: Uhm-What?!