Personal Message


Thank you for visiting my page and reading my stories ^^

Please subscribe and comment on my stories if you like them; it encourages me to continue :)

If you have stories you want to recommend I'll be happy to read and subscribe! ^_^

Let's all be good friends, ne?




Note 1: I’m against plagiarism full heartedly. Anything I post is strictly from my own brain (unless I credit as ideas otherwise) and I work hard to get it down chapter per chapter.  If you do find it similar to other stories, characters, etc. it's purely coincidental.

Note 2: I have a busy career in summer/fall so my time is very precious. Most of the time I halt my writings so please bear with me. I will try not to be on hiatus for too long.

Note 3: I do not own any picture editing software so I have no banner for pictures :(

Note 4: I am a sensitive person so if you don't like my stories please don't be mean; but if you do enjoy them please encourage me to write more often!

Note 5: I'm a very honest I may rant on my author notes (^_^;)

About Me

My real name is Pearl.

Shinju/Jinjoo/Zhenzhu were given to me from Asian friends and they all mean Pearl respectfully in Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin (in same order).

I love KPOP & JPOP very much; actually my obsession really ;)

Writing is my hobby but I felt like sharing them since I base male characters from KPOP & JPOP idols frequently to help satisfy fandoms, daydreams, or boredom.

I do a lot of angst, romance, drama, and some intimacy in my stories; I love to read other stories to help incorporate other genres to my future stories (Reading is my teacher in a way).

I am self teaching myself to speak Japanese but I want to speak Korean too.

I also enjoy anime/manga. I like to draw but am not skillfull, just a hobby as well.

I like making friends! So add/message me if you like!


My current KPOP groups I love are: EXO, BTS,  B1A4, NCT, Lunafly, BLOCK B, BIGBANG, and JYJ~~~but I love all KPOP. I spazz a lot and fangirl all the time.