Personal Message



p r o f i l e

name: Masaruchi
age: --

occupation: General of the Army 
Base location: Pooh Corner
color: sky blue
status: ???
weakness: blueberry pancakes | banana nut muffins | donuts | dango | mochi | gummi bears |
Want to be friends? Sure. ^-^ I don't bite. LOL UNLESS YOU'RE A COOKIE. No worries.

blueberry_muffin is my lazy jagi (^-^)v




L a z y - B u t t   A r m y

Base location: Pooh Corner
Uniform color: sky blue


General of the Army Masaru: These people are my comrades. We eat ice cream. We laze around. Together we are the strongest. The Lazy Army.

General Muffin (blueberry_muffin): She can raid my fridge like no one can. She will out-raid you in the art of Fridgery any day. She's my lovable girlfriend. Yay fake lesbians. My best friend for eternity and my Left Hand Woman, broski.

Lieutenant General Sella:  She's the UNNIE who will beat you in determination and mental endurance for my fail German. Yes, I got a badass. She'll out-emoticon you on Skype like a boss. My trusted Advisor and German translator. Hell yeah. .

Brigadier General Special:  My sweet German unnie who's as tall as Youngjae and who thinks my name sounds like Nic Nacs. Her food vocab is so extensive that she can incorporate food into anything. Holds the key to the Army's ice cream stock and runs the Cafe. My Right Hand Woman.

Captain Kietu (Kieut97): She can dance and sing and beat you in anything. She ships like a badass. She will sneak out with me and we're gonna go tour Malaysia. My Jack of All Trades and First Recruit.

First Lieutenant Eiqaenigma (Eiqaenigma96)

Second Lieutenant Sushi (Sushi99): My Ate Sushi. When I meet her in person, she'll hug me and spin me around. With her awesome strength, she'll crush your soul with love. You'll be damned. My Muscle and Scout.



f a v o r i t e  a u t h o r s



s h i p s






About Me




The llama landed on his when he fell off the two-story building, because the Persian cat pushed him off. Dutch boys.


That is all.




b r e a t h e...





s mi l e