


  • Getting image...


Who should be the two main characters in my next fan fic?

  • Jonghyun and Minho? (SHINee)
  • HongKi and Seunghyun? (FT Island)
  • GD and TOP? (Big Bang)
  • Kevin and Kiseop? (U-KISS)

My Services

  • Reviewer

Personal Message

PSA: this is my bio from 2012, and I am way too sentimental to change it.. with that said, I am still very much in love with kpop from 2012 and have yet to jumo on the EXO and BTS train, so please have patience with this ajumma TT.TT

And s you can tell, I have Jonghyun in my user and bio, as well as many stories.. I am very heartbroken about his passing, and hope my readers (old and new) understand that while I am not taking down the stories, I doubt they will be updated. I love you guys.

Why hello thar^^

How do you like the big picture? lawl

I don't mean to sound like a creep:D

but i am(JUST KIDDING)

maybe... lawl

My name is Shelby, but I prefer Sushi^^

I may not be korean on the outside, but I am on the inside!:D

hey, it's what's on the inside that counts.... right? (:

Warning you now... I'm a dweeb.

Now... if you're reading this....

A. You want to be my friend

B. You ARE my friend.

C. You're a stalker and/or

D. A giant koala bear flew in your room on a pickle and started controlling your mind and forced you to click my profile and you just HAPPENED to scroll down.

I'm betting on D...

These are things you MUST know about me.

I freaking LOVE Jamg Geun Suk^^

Yes, the one from You're Beautiful, Mary Stayed Out All Night, Baby & I, My Pet, ect.

His voice and smile make me melt^^

I ALSO like Niel from TeenTop:D

Love his wink^-^

Beautiful right?


Now for my last two biases....

Kim Jong Hyun

I miss the blonde hair>.<

Either way he's freaking adorable^^

Last, but certainly not least, my ulitamate bias Lee Hong Ki^^

This guy can pull off, hot, y, cute, aegyo, pouty, you name it:D


❒Single ❒Taken ✔ Secretly married to Lee Hong Ki. Yes, it's a secret that even though he doesn't know that we're married.

Need proof?

The following footage was taken in several locations without subtitles. Those who don't speak Sushi, I will put captions^-^

Reporter: So I heard you are in a secret relationship with an American girl named Shelby?

HongKi: If  I respond it wouldn't be a secret, would it? But yes. *smiles*

Reporter: So how did you confess?

HongKi: Well, first I gazed at her from a distance, but then she saw me... twice.


HongKi: But it wasnt bad! She smiled and waved both times causing me to happy dance^-^

HongKi: I told Keun Suk hyung about it and he said to confess. I bet you can imagine my expression...

HongKi: But he was right, so I called her over and kissed her.

Reporter: *GASP* What did she do?

HongKi: She confessed too! Now, if anyone ever touches her or hurts her... this will be YOU.

I am a crazy person with a lot of free time! So if you want to be my friend, messege me!^-^

About Me

AAAALLLL righty. This is a quick note to announce my return to aff /screams

​I think I am going to start a new story about FT Island and You.. so if you see it, please support it!

​Also! Feel free to send me music suggestions since I am very muh stuck in 2012 and have not istened to much kpop since that time.

​Again, please be patient with me!!


My stories:

Jonghyun, Your New Name is Domo!

Shiny? No! I've Told You Twice Already! It's SHINee! [Completed]

Shiny? Oh..... SHINee. [Completed]

Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming [Completed] (my first story, so don't ve your hopes up.. xD)
