Comments: Tangerine Express

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Chapter 7: < / 3 /bgm - heart broken sound ; kkalkk
END IT FAST ; __ ;

oh new poster i see.
i love the previous one more tho<3
i like that too<3
Chapter 6: Update sooon ^^
douxsoleil #3

but that's so stupid of you luhan
like like idk you are so selfish
i mean you say she won't break when you
definetely know she will break because you promised her she won't leave her,and oh gawd now i see the point why you bring taemin along with you. but gawd luhan, don't you know how lonely she will be when she has no one but you :(
Chapter 6: omgomgomgomgomg now it's starting to make sense omg
i cant wait to see what happens next!
Chapter 6: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Luhan left because of Taemin but he should've told her the reason. >_<
Chapter 3: I'm still reading at this part since I've been busy. I knew this fic would be worth the read.. it made me feel ... something. :) Great job!
continued because the comment told me i couldn't comment any longer grr

any way, omg Luhan i get that you want to not hurt Yoona but at the same time you don't want her to break you...Yoona has a right to know about her own child's health. She WOULD break gah he's being so stupid dsgsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf i thought Yoona would run away because she got fed up of luhan but asdsadsadsadsadsa



/goes off to read something happy and comedic so i don't end up tearing for baby taemin and the end of such a beautiful and happy couple
You have broken me. It wasn't enough to have Taemin have cystic fibrosis and now for Luhan to have run away?? my heart ____ing hurts. omg. i never thought a fic would ever make me feel like this..i still feel like i'm watching a film or reading a novel or even seeing it in real life in front of my own eyes.

Honestly, I was expecting the doctor to say 'all babies go through this blah blah' because I've heard that used many times by mothers. Like with my aunts and my own mother whenever I'd see my cousins sick a lot, but for it to actually be a disease.

I had to fight back tears. I couldn't accept Taemin dying. I've read so many fics where a character is dying and I'm normally okay about it but this one got to me. Every other line was a stab in the heart.

Because I've followed this story for so long and had been so enraptured by not only the story but the characters that I honestly started thinking 'don't let him die, please' as if he was a real person.

'what if she wishes i was sick instead of taemin?' that line got to me for real. I wanted to bawl my eyes out.

Luhan picturing Taemin's future wedding and then when they thought about Victoria and how she died at 13. I began to picture baby taemin at 13 and dying in his bed.

gaahh the pain at just looking at baby taemin in that picture.

and Luhan leaving?? like deerkc i was expecting Yoona to run away. that was one hell of a plot twist! i was like '____' when yoona couldn't find his toothbrush and towel and then when she entered the baby room omg.

continued in part 2 of comment
yodokyu #9
Chapter 6: ohmygosh,,,,,luhan why are you so stupid?????
Chapter 6: And here i thought Yoona was the one who left. Turned out to be the opposite. Darn it, great update. I love this story so much. <3
ForeverYongSeo #12
Chapter 6: i hope LuYoon will be okay though, and baby Taemin of course:(

and................we meet again cliffhanger.

bytheway, it's a great update! you probably tired hearing that, cause i said that too many time lmao. but really, your story is............gah i can't explain it asljdfhaksjdgfs
Chapter 6: Typo: "Later that night, when Taemin is sleep." *sits on edge of chair* *falls off* SO MUCH SUSPENSE AND TENSION AND ERMEGRD TRAINS GO CHOO CHOOO~ But Taemin's is like... Choo choo-ing away and awwww these ships ;-; and hunhan yeeey~ I like that you put a lot of research into this. xD SO MUCH RESEARCH WOMAN I CONGRATULATE YOU.
Chapter 6: I saw this story is updated when I was about to study and hey it's all worth it to just throw my book and read this chapter XD

Oh my god, ahshshshsjkfdbfjsdhdjdjd my heart T_T I wonder how Yoona will face this situation T_T

and I really love your story, how you write everything so beautifully, how you play with the character, everything :) and your explanation about CF, I know nothing about the disease but I can tell how you work hard on doing the research. Good job! :D

anyway, I loveeeeee how you name the clinic as "Heiwa", it's one of my favorite japanese word and yes it means peace xD
Chapter 6: Luhan gone without telling yoone the truth~ how could you luhan~~~~ T.T
aaaaaahhh this chapter really so sad :((
I just hope yoona never hate luhan with his gone....
Chapter 5: LOL when you said Seohyun, thought you meant Simon :'D WHOOPS. ERMHEGERD SO CUTE BBY. I think they should be a polaroid (Y) Yo bro. IT'S HOLIDAYSS SLNSALXNAKJSAM THIS MEANS THAT ERMAGERD I CAN COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND READ YOUR SPOILERS. Jks, I CAN COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND EAT YOUR FOOD. <- What a very awesome mistress does. xD SARANGHAE BBY. KEEP WRITING OKAY. PLS. TENKYU.
jadoreautumn #17
Chapter 5: This piece may be one of my favourite chapter of the story, yet. I love how you play with the characters. And I like it when some of the other snsd and exo members made their appearances. There are many parts in the chapter that I adore; I, for one, absolutely love the part where Yoona said that she's Luhan's wife. Though maybe hesitantly, but it's like she's finally realizing it and accepting the fact. I also like the part where Luhan recalled their wedding vows. It's kind of obvious that Luhan is more emotionally involved in the relationship but at the same time, Yoona is slowly giving a piece of her heart out to him, too (when she hummed along to Luhan when he sang for Taemin && and that kiss was just clever!). I like how you analyse the little details. Like when Luhan wanted to hug Yoona when she wanted to leave for college but yet he didn't so he settle for a pat instead. It shows that their relationship are not steady and they are still a bit not comfortable around each other. Oh wow. I'm sorry this time my comment are a bit long. Wish I could break down every parts and tell you what I feel about them but then again it would be too long and you probably wouldn't have the time to read. Keep up the good work! I'll be anticipating! :-)
Wow I was thinking about this story today! i had tons of new updates to read today but i rushed here first !

oh my goodness so much to comment on ! the alchemist is also one of my favourite books. that was a nice surprise!
that moment when they are bathing the twins and yoona says 'i do' gave me goosebumps!

i felt so much foreshadowing in here. not sure if it was intended. yoona and luhan's whole first parent thing reminds me so much of my parent's stories. they always told me stories about my birth and the struggles and worries they had.

yes, i totally noticed all the research put into this and i have to thank you for doing so! trust me, it's not gone unappreciated!

i was surprised to read about taemin being sick, i always pictured it would be Jongin because (my memory's probably failing me lol) i remember Jongin not being in the first chapter and I wondered whether the other twin got sick or not.

yoona is back in college and omg i wonder when she will find out about taemin. the doctors! crap omg you don't know how realistic you made those scenes because i see doctors frequently that i felt like i was in an appointment myself! even down to receptionist sooyoung it felt like real life.
How i wish this was a film or something - i'd totally watch it!

chanyeol lol at him wondering why babies don't like him.

just amazing all around and cannot wait for the next chapter.

p.s. i always feel like i can hear luhan's beautiful voice when i get to those scenes.

thank you so much for the update!