Comments: Tangerine Express

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Chapter 8: Why do you have to make me cry on this Chapter.....why? huhuhu
Its been for long and when I saw that you hesitating and clicked your story right away :)
ForeverYongSeo #2
Chapter 8: WHY MUST IT BE SO SAD ;---; you're an extraordinary writer author-nim! and, can you make a happy ending, like them getting back together (although i know the possibility is really small) it's so painful for both of them /sob/
Chapter 7: In the name of sweet Jesus, bless you and your writing skill. I'm spending a lot of tissues (well it actually not lol) when i was reading this. Geez this is too beautiful, too perfect. I love luyoon, i love taemin and jongin, i love this fanfiction, and i love you.
You should upload the next chapter soon. I mean, SOON. S.O.O.N.
I should recommend this fanfic to the other fawns, they'll be really happy to read this fanfiction.
Fighting, author-nim!
jidaijidai #4
Chapter 7: i have such a great time reading it in one go... it is such a privilege for me to have come to this page... i'll comment later when i know what i am going to write because now im just so overwhelmed... goodluck!
Chapter 7: 3 words....7 letters....I L O V E I T!!!! This story is beautiful! well written and just....I can't explain it....
I love the title and how it fits perfectly with the story! I'm waiting for your updates! New Luyoon fan here! and this is my first luyoon fic! FIGHTING! <3
Chapter 7: I had no idea that both parents had to carry the gene in order for it to pass down to a child!

In your previous reply to one of my comments you mentioned that Jongin will go through some angst as well and omg i'm dreading it so badly...I don't think my heart can take anymore angst ;_;
I'm also looking forward to your crack luyoon fic that you recommended to me.
I'm not sure if that Taemin picture is an edit or not but I think it's still his face? I'm not so sure haha.

I would also like to mention that your fics (along with a few other fics) are seriously the only reason I still log in every day. I'm not highly into the fandom as much as I used to be, but you successfully give me enough 'fixes' for my fandoms that I still linger around. Tangerine Express is one of those stories that I wish I could carry it around with me like a book and pick chapters to read and such. Thank YOU SO MUCH for writing!
Chapter 7: ''Happy birthday my baby'' awww bless Yoona. 'my' baby just sounds so much more sad.

I was just like Yoona when it came to Sehun. When Yuri mentioned about whether she had asked Sehun concerning Luhan's whereabouts, I had all but forgotten Sehun existed!

Luhan meeting Jaejoong and Jaejoong recalling how his wife died was an interesting addition - although, their problems are not the same but I think Jaejoong could be a great help towards Luhan, he'd have a greater deal more sympathy considering he knows what it's like.

I have to thank you for including details of what Yunho's office looks like - those are very similar to the different doctors offices I have been to. I smiled at 'box of toys' because of nostalgia and also Yunho watching cartoons was funny :)

Woah at the bit where Luhan notices the initials of the orange train. I can't believe he was actually considering a future where Taemin and Jongin do not know of each other's existence. That's just too much.

Honestly, after all that Yoona went through with her abandonment issues, Luhan turns around and does the exact same thing to her! I don't care what his reasoning is, she has a right to know, as she is the mother but also he KNEW about her past..and I'm sorry but I'm quite hard on Luhan in here and I'm trying to see him in a better light and I kinda understand him but at the same time...I know he regrets what he did to Yoona and he wants to change things. I wish he would pick up a damn phone or something and let Yoona know about his whereabouts and what's going on!

that ending line was priceless where Suho is 'and he is sorry because he had thought Luhan would be taking Yoona with him'
You know the exact words to get to me.

Thank you for the update and as usual I look forward to your next chapter!

thank you so much for researching about this topic and not half-assing it - I'm also learning things about CF (which is something I'm not very familiar with besides the name and what it does to people) tbc in
AnneXue #8
Best fiction of LuYoon ever...? HEHE

I want this kind of fictions more out there instead of..... HEHE I seriously loving this :D

*will gave you my proper comment if I got time :D
yoonda #9
Chapter 7: omoo my luyoon sooo T.T
Chapter 7: Waaaaaaah! I will now wait for the next update! Gosh, I really thought Yoona is gone because of the first chapter.... Good thing, she's not, but I hope that they will be together again.
Chapter 5: Okay, so at last, I reached this. I am literally laughing about Junmyeon, thinking he is just old but when it cam to Taemin I became nervous... :((
it broke my heart because i supposed to have 'twin older brothers',i remember seeing my brother doing the same exact thing yoona did in this story for his twins in the middle of the night,
thank you,for making this story :)
it reminds me to take care of my sibling more. . .
Chapter 7: It's so heartbreaking when yoona celebrate taemin birthday alone T.T
I crying~~ :(
but glad yoona still have yuri by his side.... she's suffering alot, isn't she ??
And luhan too T.T
jaejoong can be a good friend to luhan.... so glad his find him....
aaaaahhh really this story make me askfhcjflvhl
but I love angst so much~
Chapter 7: it breaks my heart while reading the part of Yoona celebrating Taemin's in the beginning. The way you wrote it is realistic and rational. Luhan's part of being mostly confused and unselfish (even if he do ended up hurting not himself, but Yoona as well.) and I do curious how their relationship would unfold later in upcoming chapters!(:
Chapter 7: Can I tell Yoona where Luhan and Taemin are? ><
Luhan, bringing all the sadness on earth is painful to watch. I mean they should be both in this problem together. But, yeah. This is how life works. ____ happens, we have to get up. I learnt that from you. This chapter is an amazing one. Just like the other chapters, I get to learn new things about these and that.
I'm thankful for knowing such a great author. I'm proud to be a LuYoon shipper because of your writing skills.
I don't know what to say, I'm just captivated by the way you write and the way you think, the way you play with the characters. Everything is perfect and I love you for that <3

Thumbs up for this chapter and for the succeeding chapters that are yet to come! ^^ I'll be forever supporting you. :D
Chapter 7: Wow..just wow.I can't imagine how much time you must have spent researching for this story.This new chapter is really cool,Jaejoong's appearance really lessened the angsty atmosphere of the story.Love it!!
About Luhan's character,he's too selfless for his own good,..I think (don't hate me for saying this) it got him to a very much pathetic situation so far...
And this is my 3rd time reading your LuYoon stuffs (maybe your 3rd attempt on LuYoon too).They say :"Three times the charm.",so please author-nim,please don't separate LuYoon forever this time!
ForeverYongSeo #17

your story is so arrgh lsadkhf;sadhjflaskdhf.

and Jaejoong, i would love to have a friend as entertaining as him! YUNJAE EVERYONE<3

and author-nim, the fact that you're doing SO MANY research for CF, really wow-ed me, you are awesome.
jadoreautumn #18
Chapter 7: Well, this chapter is worth the wait. I think I understand why Luhan bailed on Yoona on the last chapter. He's young, his son is sick. And he's scared. He doesn't want to put the blame on Yoona because she's currently studying. Though people might question why didn't he talk to Yoona about it, I'm really glad that you didn't make it happen. Because that's what makes the story more interesting! And lbr, your story keeps getting interesting every time. Kudos! And wow at Sehun! I really like him in this chapter. Oh and I think Yoona is handling the situation quite well? Most people would go insane .__. And <3 Yuri for keeping her sane! I like Jaejoong! I like how he tries to befriend Luhan because he knows Luhan doesn't have anybody else to lean on. That's very thoughtful of him. Well, kudos again! Keep up!