Comments: The Great Reclamation

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Chapter 41: I voted! *chirps* But it's still not enough... *pouts*
Okay... the chapter was great!
She's doing something secretly again... and I really do hope she'll be able to suprise the boys positively with that. *.*
There's only one thing... if BTS and Zoey are back together in America... will this be the end of the story then? Because... I really don't want this story to end yet... ^ ^'
And I hope Suga will come to Amerika soon, too! *.*
I guess they'll have to learn English now. ; )
Oh! And I'm sure Jin and Namjoon will be really sweet in the next chapters! Because they'll be a pair after they kissed back in Korea, right? (And V and Hobie will be a pair, too, won't they? *.*) BUT I'm sure Jin will hit RapMon at least once for scaring him that much! :D
BlueSuJuELF #2
Chapter 41: wow your story is seriously great! no wonder you're nominated.
leaving a comment here just to tell you that I'm gonna go vote for you now ~
Chapter 29: I'm rereading Yoongi and Zoey's interactions again. I miss them T_T
Chapter 41: Looking forward to Yoongi and Zoey's meeting. I hope she can get to see him soon. Thanks for the update authornim :)
Jaquelinee #5
Chapter 41: Best way to end the day ♡ I can't wait until yoongi finally comes back into the picture.

I was voting and I saw that you were nominated ! I didn't hesitate at all to vote for you authornim ~

Thank you for the update!^^
Chapter 40: Haejeuhwgwwjekw Tae <33
I'm so sorry you didn't get to go home this year either :( But I hope you had a nice Christmas! Thank you for the update and happy new year!!
Chapter 40: a late merry christmas! hope you had a good one (^ー^)ノ
PandaN00b #8
Chapter 40: Hi.. lol so I just recently found this story and its really GOOD and AHAH for a lack of a better word.. but literally I read from the beginning chapters to the recent update in under 24 hours. But augh yes its really good again.
Im gonna confess this and not feel guilty about it but is it bad that I was shipping her with jungkook and I still am AHAHAH IM SORRY YOONGI. I mean originally I was shipping her with yoongi and hobi but when theyre relationship improved I was like "oh yes team jungkook" LOL possibly because im a kookie stan but meh.
looking forward to future chapters ^^ and happy holidays
BongWoo-ri #9
Hello! I've nominated your story here
hope you do not mind and help promote AFF Awards 2015 :)
Chapter 40: I've been reading as often as I possibly could and I've actually lost count on how many times I completely drained my phone's battery to keep reading no matter where I was. I've been meaning to comment almost ever since I started reading but I wanted to reach the last chapter first. And now that I have, I'm extremely sad. This story is so good and I sometimes have to remind myself that it's not really happening. The characters are well written and the plot is amazing. I love it all. You deserve all of the upvotes, subscribers, comments, and praise you get for this because it's honestly fantastic. Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 40: Awww the scene with Tae made me all happy inside ^^ I'm also loving all the cameos in this story! I squealed when I read it was lay ♡( I thought It was gonna be N because he's so smiley XD )
Chapter 40: I wish you a merry christmas! <3
And I'm only partly sorry for not writing a comment/reading your story for a longer period because I had a great pleasure in reading all these chapters at once now. ^ ^'
And next to this I'm so thankful for Tae, Jimin and Jin being with Namjoon and Zoey now because I (and them) was really worried about them. Hobie and Kookie have to be safed soon, too, please! (Even though I know this won't be easy at all...)
Oh, and I have to tell you that you've shocked me because at first I thought the BTS members got beaten up because Namjoon and Zoey disappeared... oh boy! (And just think of Jungkook and Hobie now if things would have been like this...)
Well... and now there's still Suga and I'm worried that he could die... are you someone who loves happy ends? Because it somehow would be realistic to let him die since he seemed to be nearly dieing (in Jimins description) and Namjoon was saved already... but if you love happy ends (as much as I do) you surely wouldn't let him die, would you? O.O
And I like Kyuhyun in your story! Is he married to Ellen? I hope to read about both of them meeting again! Oh please! *.*
I'm reading "Behind the scenes" right now (I'm going to be honest with you: I don't really like the title because it doesn't sound really appealing to me but I love the story, you're a great author!) but after that I'll begin reading "Nunsongi" for sure! *.*
I wish you many presents even though you can't be with your family and great joy! :D
(I'm sorry if there're many mistakes in this review but I'm kind of tired and don't have much time (anymore) and since I'm not fluent in English... ^ ^')
Chapter 39: Rereading the new chapter again. I can't wait for Zoey and Yoongi to meet TT TT
Chapter 40: Yay, an update! Perfect present for Christmas! >.< Can't wait for the all of them to be together again!
Too bad you didn't get to go home this year... I'm away from family too, so I feel your pain. :( Hopefully you'll get to go next year.
Chapter 40: Thank you for the update authornim! Happy holidays
Jaquelinee #16
Chapter 40: Happy holidays to you too authornim!! I Hope maybe next year or late on you can be blue to go home with your family. You always make me joy with your chapters, so I hope you get the same feeling before this year ends. Wa, I'm seriously so thankful about finding your story. It's my little escape whenever I'm stressed about school. I know I'm really cheesy but I just want you to know your one of the three authors that really captivate me with their story, and just thank you(?) thank you for sharing with us your stories. ^^~
Kyungsoos_yoghurt #17
Chapter 40: I internally squeled when I saw that you updated, but I have this OCD of reading fics from the one that got updated the earliest and when I logged on there were four fics updated before yours ;_; The struggle and anticipation was real.
It was so cute when Taehyung came to sleep with her >3<
I can imagine Namjoon's reaction if he heard the last line of the movie xD
Merry Christmas~! I hope that even though you can't spend it with your family, you'll have fun ^_^
cutiexiumin #18
Chapter 40: omg i just watched les miserables and then now i'm reading this and probably not a smart idea ughhh ;-; the last sentence really made me tear up as did taehyung coming and snuggling up with her
m1chelle #19
Chapter 40: Happy Holidays :) And thank you for the update
Chapter 40: All these brief idol appearances, makes me rather anticipate if Shinee's Onew will appear (cuz he my bias lol). Anyways, I expected that it'd be Yoongi and Jungkook who were left in Korea, that would've been kinda obvious, but I'm glad I was wrong and this story is still unpredictable as I like it. Keep up the good work!