Comments: The Great Reclamation

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Chapter 45: I wanna cry at Yoongi's notes... TTT___________TTT
Chapter 45: Awww, my heart hurts for poor Yoongi, I hope he get better soon! Can't they ship Zoey to China to be with him? Poor boy shouldn't be alone because my feels... Ow...
Chapter 45: I miss yoongi
stoppedfresh #4
Chapter 45: Oh my gosh, poor Yoongi T.T That note just broke my heart. I wish Zoey could go and be with him while he recovers, but that's too risky, huh? He has to heal quickly and be reunited with the others in America soon T.T Hobie and Jungkook too! Gah, I'm so curious of their whereabouts and wellbeing. The situation's so dangerous out there.. I'm actually quite fearful for Yoongi being in China's too close to Korea- they won't go after him while he's vulnerable will they??

Thanks for updating even when you're busy!! :)
Chapter 44: OMG!!! I can't wait for the new update!!!!
Kyungsoos_yoghurt #6
Chapter 44: Asdfghjkl these updates are killing me.
1. Hobie and Jungkook are still in Korea ;____;
3. Freaking cliffhanger ;_____;
4. Next update in March ; A ;
Congratulations on second place and thank you for updating! ^3^
Chapter 44: Noooo a cliff hanger T-T this is the fastest I've probably ever scrolled through a chapter lol.. Tbh I've been busy too so it's ok authornim :D you really don't need to worry about updates. With quality writing like yours I would wait a whole year to read it ^^
stoppedfresh #8
Chapter 44: I just love Zoey's relationship with each and every one of the members. They're so tight and it's so touching to see them comforting one another in these hard times, but also teasing and laughing about the good memories. But yo, this is so freaking sad. I'm like Taehyung in this chapter.. Until J-Hope, Jungkook, and Yoongi make it to the K-pop hotel (what is it called??), I'll be reading each chapter with a heavy heart. It's just so hard not knowing about their whereabouts+wellbeing. Don't die or suffer extreme pain, y'all, please~ I don't wanna cryyy T.T

Your job sounds awesome! Minus the busyness and likely stress, haha. Rest up and I hope you feel better, @Koni_Fox!
cutiexiumin #9
Chapter 44: omggggggggggg my precious yoongi holy
m1chelle #10
Chapter 44: Congrats on your promotion!! And you get to travel while working? How awesome is that.
Don't worry about any kind of uploading schedule. It's okay if you don't have time, we understand :)
Chapter 44: Whoohoo!! This update just made my day! I've been feeling really blue for the past two days for some reason but I saw this and it really cheered me up, even if only for now, so thank you!! :D
And I hope you feel better soon, and that the workload gets easier...
alittlebitunknown #12
Chapter 44: Heeeyy there! I really missed hearing from you. At one point I thought that you dropped of the face of earth, but I'm happy that that's apparently not the case ^^ Though I hope you're not too sick :/ Get well soon!
And irregular updates are fine, as long as they come :D
(Though those cliffhangers [WHATTHEFFFFISINTHEENVELOPEDIDYOONGIDIEORGETCANCERORGOTPREGNANTANDDECIDEDTOABORTIT] do kill me little bit inside.... and all the update notificationz that get me so excited, cuz I think YAAAAAAASSSMOREYOONGEY and then it's just some other fic ._.) But honestly, I'm fine as long as you keep at it :)
respect_fiction #13
Chapter 44: Hey, you updated! You have no idea how happy that makes me (actually, the previous sentence probably gives you an idea). You're back though, and with a great chapter. Just like the rest of this amazing fanfic, even if you did leave me on a cliffhanger and on the verge of exploding. And yet, I forgive you, because at least you updated. I'm rambling. I'll stop now.

I love you, stay safe and happy, healthy too! Thank you for updating :)
Exoticjulie #14
Chapter 44: Oh my god, I am so happy you finally updated! Not that I can really blame you for not having time while working so much, wow... But also, wow, you're able to write while sick enough to not be able to work? I'm quite impressed!
Anyway, this chapter was really good! I liked how you showed how the boys weren't actually as optimistic as they might seem, especially TaeTae. I've missed this story, damn... And that cliffhanger, damn it... But yeah, great chapter and I hope you get to update soon without being sick lol
Good job!
Chapter 44: Why left a cliffhanger authornim TT_TT
emmetropia #17
Chapter 44: My heart broke for taehyung when he said how worried he was for hobie... My heart breaks for everyone, even if some of them have been rescued already. But I also feel a little happiness - when Jin bought so much food to cook with and with Jimin and Taehyung singing their hearts out along with the song (although quite badly xD), and then you remember about yoongi, jungkook and hobie. But that envelope in the end... Is it hope? Is it something important? *^^*. You've been really busy, so I can wait. It's totally understandable, and thanks for notifying us. I got a little worried for a while, but it's okay now.

Congratulations on the promotion! And for placing second in the best drama fic category too! Thank you for updating for us among your busy schedule, and I do hope you get better soon :) <3 (we love you!)
Chapter 44: hey!!

Aww, I'm worried about Hobi too, Taehyungie... T.T
And I wonder what's that letter that Lay's got... I really hope that Zoey and Suga will have a sappy, happy reunion with lots of kisses!! XD

Thank you for updating! wow, your job sounds a little crazy... (but interesting too since you get to travel...) good luck with everything!
Chapter 11: can i just say, before i continue reading until the most recent chapter, that zoey is one lucly girl. i mean, besides the thing with her and jungkook bwahaha, she get to live with BTS! If this was reality, which i hope isn't then i could almost imagine ARMYs envying Zoey ahaha.

This story seems kind of like a BTSxOC fic (excluding NamJin hihi) and I love it! You wouldn't know who ends up with who, or rather you ship all the possible ships in the group, but then you have a fair guess with the official pairs. AHHHH this story is daebak hihi. i've just barely read 1/4 of the story, and i'd just like to say that your style of making it ty but not really is also awesome!

okay, back to reading (: