sisters brainstorming

  • meng meiqi (wjsn)
  • free spirit who does what she wants - 19
    • beta - more submissive? (175 cm)
    • smells like wisteria
    • useless beta-ual
  • person who probably gets detention for doing something "to see what would happen"
  • problem with authority and rules but only if someone can't answer why or if the answer
    • listens pretty well to yijun though - probably because he knows how to work around her issues
  • still has no idea what she wants to do with her life (probably going to own her own cafe or something though; make her own rules!)
  • constantly messaging the family group chat with memes or things about her day. probably half of all the messages.
  • sporty and athletic. probably on a sports team
  • has no boundaries. zero.
  • also has no filter and talks without thinking. is honest like yijun, but says it with a sweet smile like you won't notice what she just said is mean
    • also enjoys teasing people and seeing their reactions. her family is her favorite target, especially if it can get yiyi-gege to react.
  • keeps her hair long because she likes braids
  • also a flirt, but only like a comment and only as a joke - mostly to mess with her siblings who are promptly protective (yiyi-gege), horrified (hui), and laughing (wei)
  • once visited elite and walked into the wrong room without knocking while looking for the bathroom. accidentally saw two members doing something - whether making out or helping each other in a way that looked like something else at that angle - and traumatized them by talking about how she had never seen that in person before - kissing? something? - and not leaving. (literally scared them both really badly? like whoa? - or maybe it's the three of them and she was talking about a tri-relationship or something). jun, who had heard all the yelps and xin's voice, literally put his hand over her face, told her to end her train of thought, and dragged her out of the room with an apology to hie fellow elite members. is known by others in elite by this incident as being the "free" sister aka the free spirit aka the free-minded one
  • yang chaoyue (actress)
  • responsible one who takes care of everyone when yijun is out - 18
    • beta - more dominant? (170 cm)
    • smells like lavender
    • functional demi
  • has about a 50% rate of getting xin to listen to her
    • compared to yijun's 99%
  • probably going to be a lawyer, doctor, etc - something super successful and smart. no one doubts her. is currently thinking about being a lawyer with her own law firm
  • constantly angry about her babyface because even though xin is only a year older and weiyi is two years younger, is constantly mistaken for wei's twin (and, on top of that, they guess wei's age to be younger too)
    • mastered make up first purely to make herself look more mature
  • the actual queen of the family who takes after her mom a lot
  • thinking about chopping off all of her hair because it's a lot of work
    • logical and ruthless when it calls for it
  • ice princess in appearance, ceo at heart
    • long-standing exasperation at her family for xin (doing whatever she wants), yiyi-gege (being a mess), and wei (being a manipulative princess)
  • secret romantic who will always cry if something happens in a movie, much to her embarrassment. only watches movies with yiyi-gege who hands her tissues and doesn't say a word about it unlike xin (who keeps on pointing out that it's fake) and wei (who laughs)
  • sends reminders, announcements, official stuff basically in the family group chat
  • is the only other chen sibling who can cook - but has a preference for baking sweets
  • sends several giant cakes to the company apartments for yiyi-gege's birthday every year and brings goodies aka cookies, cakes, etc whenever she visits. is called the dessert goddess in elite for a bit until they find out she learned from yijun?! (they beg jun to make them all something until he caves. their eyes are opened and yijun gets put on not only meal duty, but dessert duty too.) they call her "responsible mini-jun" after that
    • some people ask her if she's offended since jun is kind of a mess and she obviously is not. she thinks there's no higher compliment because she loves her brother and he's cool in her eyes (this sentiment, obviously, is shared by all of his sisters, much to the amusement of elite)
  • wang yiren (everglow) - 16
    • omega (154 cm and barely growing, much to her advantage of being small and protection-worthy)
    • smells like lilac
  • spoiled princess of the family
    • cute and she knows it
    • manipulative / calculating - closer to hui's brand of manipulation though where logically do stuff to get what she wants
  • at the same time, really sweet and manipulates people for other people aka convinces people to promise to make sure yiyi-gege gets up in the mornings
    • sets people up based on her feelings. has tried to set her brother and sisters up with so many people, much to their exasperation
    • seems to skip her own love life because a. she's too young for jun to let her (obviously), b. she's still figuring out her uality (probably going to be hetero to get the entire spectrum for these siblings?), and c. other people's love lives "are more interesting, don't you think so?"
  • the social butterfly. has a knack for names, birthdays, and general personalities
  • the kind of person who usually just says her social engagments on chats (aka "i'm hanging out with my friends tomorrow. will be missing dinner.") but occasionally will drop a huge bomb on her family and disappear, only to reappear once they (mostly yiyi-gege and / or hui-jiejie depending on the type of news) have all calmed down and accepted it
  • wants to be an actress and be on screen with her yiyi-gege
    • can cry on command
    • probably convinced that everyone in life has a romance movie plot waiting to happen
    • constantly tries to set people up just because she wants to
    • likes to see what people will do in certain circumstances like xin but usually in love cliches or flustering things - not exasperating, random, or chaotic things like xin
  • essentially a princess wherever she goes, but a good one who cares (mostly) if not a little manipulative
    • aka a political princess who strives to be a real , good role model
  • visited the elite dorms once and talked to literally everyone. learned where every person's rooms were. even shamelessly visited abz and hwana (and got all of their autographs). is probably the biggest elite fan amongst the many elite siblings. owns all of their merch, knows all of their songs - lyrics and dance - and religiously watches shows that they go on. demands updates from jun on what shows people are going on, even if jun himself isn't going to be on there.
    • is known as "elite's number one fan" or "the chen princess" amongst the elite members. get shown pictures by jun of her with the newest poster of so-and-so member. is basically precious and at least a little spoiled
  • they all have yijun wrapped around their fingers and know it. everyone knows it.
    • yijun has them wrapped around his fingers but only they know it.
  • everyone is fans of abz, but have different main biases
    • they ship yijun with their biases for no reason other than they can, so when they visit elite, their goal is to put yijun into as many situations with them as possible
      • plus, if they treat yijun right despite him being a mess, it's a plus in their eyes; so a weird testing of their biases?
    • biases:
      xin: myung because "it'd be hot" to whichย the other sisters cringe
      hui: tinging because "yiyi-gege needs caring for." (and not because that's her bias. no way. she just admires his personality. she's a big hwana fan, ok?)
      wei: channie who "also needs a big brother!"
with jason and his sisters:
  • a sisters chat of the seven of them
  • lots of dissing of their respective brothers unless elite wins in which case it's congratulatory
  • xin is a fan of jason and blushes constantly
    • a source of hilarity for jun's sisters because of her tongue-tied-ness and confusion for jason's sisters because "he's an idiot???"
    • "that one. he's my favorite"
      "he's an idiot"
      "he's my favorite idiot"


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You really put the baby min warning xDDDDD
okay but why can i see it being sungwoong & jinhai making out that xinyi walked in on? XDD
omg i love these sisters xDDDDDD
this is me sitting here being jealous of this code