yijun brainstorming

  • basically the hot mess that he always is
  • smells like coffee and something else
    • turns out coffee is just because he consumes so much of it
    • his actual, natural scent is the "secondary" one
    • the scent is cinnamon.
      • love interest can be honey? apple?ย with some nut (peanut? pecan? walnut?)
  • what is his subgender? alpha or beta probably (any suggestions which way to go???)
    • literally does not care what subgender people are because they are all equally more put together than he is, let's face it
    • will help others through their ruts / heats / etc but only with prior consent; like at least 36 hours ago talk because otherwise worries that it's the hormones talking
      • but within Elite, is kind of the last resort - like he's better than nothing and it's not like he doesn't satisfy them, but he's still a mess and pretty much everyone sees him as an older(?) brother so it's kind of weird sometimes
      • but to others, a good temp. partner because he's secretly a god
        • college is wild
        • maybe he had friends with benefits? wild roommates who all ended up helping each other. yes. all subgenders because they organized by gender and not subgender
    • as an alpha, has pretty mild ruts compared to others where he's just pretty much the whole time but other than that is pretty chill (the most "aggressive" thing is his brain, which does not shut up about all the hot people around him, but at least it usually doesn't slip out?)
      • i'm not going to life, i lean this way because yijun is going to be even more a mess and i am here to make his life hard
      • alpha has won me over
      • spends a lot of time alone in the bathroom getting it out of his system, ok?
    • as a beta, has mini heats / ruts where he actually gets cravings and cramps; basically the male-beta-version of a mild period? because i need a guy to understand our pain, ok?
  • must have his siblings because they make him into a dad-brother (all three as omegas???)
    • very omega-ist aka omegas are equal to everyone! because of his sisters, whom he will kill for without questions - but basically thinks subgender stereotypes are even stupider than gender stereotypes
    • also, spent time in another country aka the usa
      • or japan if we go with takeshi as the li because then they can speak japanese to each other
      • i like when couples speak the same language, ok?
  • rapper i guess (chanyeol for all twins?)
    • went to college for music first (graduated age 21) and then trained? two years-ish?
      • wait. if he's a rapper, maybe did a literature double major?
  • love interest: collab or one of abz??? - preferably not the usual alpha-omega couple because i want yijun to literally not care what others say about other pairings; also preferably male for the same reason
    • what if he really admires one of abz and is a secret fanboy who got into them because of his sisters (takeshi??? <-- dual alpha couple???)
      • i realize takeshi is seven years older and i am ok with it if you all are (besides, i originally thought it said seventeen years so in comparison?)
      • the seven has been lowered to six because no reason
      • it has been lowered more because i realized the fc is older than i thought like wow everyone has such baby faces
    • and then he gets to debut in the same company and has to act like he isn't having a mini heart attack every time his bias talks to him, which just leads to a lot of not-cursing and flustered moments
      • isaiah was almost in abz. yijun. do not. freak. out. (he totally freaks out.)
    • i'm always down for betting pools on when they get together
      • even better: yijun is the less aggressive one - even if an alpha
      • if he is an alpha with another alpha, they're aggressive in different ways - like one plans dates and and the other leads in bed
  • summary: a functional pan but a disaster of a person (minus being a big brother, to which he's great)


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You really put the baby min warning xDDDDD
okay but why can i see it being sungwoong & jinhai making out that xinyi walked in on? XDD
omg i love these sisters xDDDDDD
this is me sitting here being jealous of this code