Almost there...

Things had been hard for me in these months. s keep happening. I am tired with all of this. I am sad but I can't cry. I laughed over unfunny stories and even sad stories. Once I didn't have sleep for two nights...on the morning while doing works I am high lol. I can't think straight, and suddenly laughing and out of nowhere I will be crying. I don't even know why I was crying lol. Last time I cried listening to my friend's horrible singing. I couldn't thinking straight at that time. lmao. 

I'm tired of this .

I want a death note and gonna write my own name on it.

Cause of death: My life hates me

ok bye



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I hope that things will get better for you . Every experience are meant to shape and mold us into a stronger person . There's a purposed for everything that's happening to you right now. Dont give up yet , not when you have gone through so much . You may not see it right now, but at the end of it , you'l be thankful for all that you've been through. Stay strong.You can do it .
Hey,, I know we don't know each other well, buh I promise everything will be okay. I understand tht ur upset and things aren't working out for you atm, buh you got this, I know you do. You're unique in your vry own way. If you need anyone to talk to you can always dm me and I'll be here to comfort you if ya want. Stay strong love <3