〔 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄 𝟏𝟎𝟏 〕ho yonghwan ✦ dance & vocal

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birthname. Ho Yonghwan (호용환) 

Dragon Oppa / Hyung | The first character of his name, Yong, means "dragon" in Korean. It's also a reference to his fiery work ethic and focus.
Hwanhobank | The name he uses for production credits. It's a combination of Hwanho and "bank" from "idea bank".
Hoho | A nickname penned by Bang Kiyeon of DSP Media, whom they call Bangbang.

birthdate. 1998.01.11 (21)
birthplAce. Bucheon, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean

Korean | native | Born and raised in Korea, Yonghwan is naturally fluent in the language.
English | conversational | Yonghwan learned much of his English in school & in songs he listens to, so he's able to understand English to some extent.
Japanese | conversational | As DSP Media wanted their trainees to be prepared for a Japan debut, Japanese class was one of the classes he took under them.

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faceclaim. Pentagon's Kang Hyunggu / Kino
backup fACECLAIMS. VERIVERY's Hoyoung, ASTRO's Moonbin, The Boyz's Q

— Next to some of the male trainees, Yonghwan sticks out like a sore thumb due to being quite short, at 177 cm. He envies others who have longer legs than him. He weighs around 57 kg and has a healthy build, but still on his way to developing abs. He keeps his hair at medium length, keeping a bit for bangs that cover a bit of his forehead. On stage, he lets stylists brush it up to expose it. He’s tried a variety of colors for his hair, from blonde, to gray, to green, and to red. Currently, he has his hair in its natural black. He has two piercings on each ear, both on the earlobe, which he often wears studs in.

fashIOn stYle.

— Yonghwan’s not afraid to experiment. He shows off his boldness through his use of bright, solid colors in his casual outfits, which mostly consist of sweatshirts, tees, and warm jackets. He likes to cover up a lot and layers often, but is not afraid to accessorize with caps or visors. On days when he’s engrossed in practice, Yonghwan mostly grabs anything he can grab onto. The result is somewhat of a train wreck—rainbow vomit if you will. Only Yonghwan can look good in it somehow.

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(+) creative, sincere, goal-oriented, unprejudiced
(-) straightforward, private, forgetful, harsh

An artist’s mind never rests. That is Yonghwan’s philosophy. From experience, even on peaceful Sunday nights or on his way home from practice, he always sees things that can potentially inspire him. His music and his choreographies mirror his day to day life as he’s inspired by people, by events, and even by inanimate objects. He’s a walking idea bank—always enthusiastic to contribute to any creative process, may it be his own or his team’s. Performing & making songs are two things that he really wants to do for the rest of his life, and it shows. Yonghwan has creativity in his veins, every movement of his body when dancing a sign of that artist’s spirit within him. Although he may not be as sociable as his friends, he lets himself known through his skills. Yonghwan knows that it’s the best way of knowing him, as he feels most like himself when he’s performing.

His passion for his work may surprise or intimidate other people. However, when the cameras are off and it’s time to relax his creative soul for a bit, Yonghwan can be surprisingly fun to be with. His energetic side comes out, ready to let himself loose. This side is often only seen by his few but close friends, who are sometimes even joined by Yonghwan in their stupid, “crackhead” behavior. Even as an introvert, he sees these friends as important people in his life. That is why he is always sincere with them. Yonghwan does this through his actions as he thinks he’s not skilled in speaking. He lets others know that he cares by listening to their woes, looking out for their well-being, and just being honest. Being true matters a lot to him. This spills out into his singing and dancing, which he always puts his heart and soul into.

Yonghwan is a valuable person to any team as he knows what he wants and sticks with it. He always has a goal in mind going into anything and focuses on it. His friends see him as of great help too, as this mindset helps him to solve any problem life or work throws at them. Yonghwan is also open-minded in his creative process and accepts helpful suggestions from anyone who wants to give it. He doesn’t take sides in arguments between his friends and likes to assess the situation first before even saying something. Usually, when he does so, he only speaks his mind straightforwardly, which can come off as rude to others who don’t know him. He thinks it’s counter-productive to beat around the bush anyway.

Due to his straightforward nature, Yonghwan can be very harsh when he thinks he needs to. This especially comes out when he’s frustrated and tired, with a goal not met or a performance not improved. His focus on a task at hand can also affect him negatively. Because of his laser-like focus and his creative drive, Yonghwan often forgets to take care of himself and forget about others around him. He doesn’t try and ask for help whenever he needs it and will sometimes put everything on the line for the sake of his craft. His introversion causes him to be very, very private, with only one or two people really knowing what he’s going through. Yonghwan thinks it’ll only make his friends worry even more. After all, this is his cross to bear and not theirs. Yonghwan believes that the struggles of trainee life is simply his right of passage—to be the artist of his dreams.


Yonghwan’s upbringing was far from perfect. Growing up to always busy parents who work in the medical field, he barely got to see them daily, and was always with his grandfather. That wasn’t much of a problem, however, as Yonghwan liked keeping to himself from a very young age. His grandfather would take him to school, feed him, and even teach him at times when it looks like he needs it. Yonghwan barely had any friends as a child; his grandfather was probably his first friend. It’s no surprise then that his grandfather was the first person to know of Yonghwan’s dream of being a performer. At age 7, he was already determined to make that career path his. (Even if he’s just supposed to be studying basic arithmetic and spelling.)

Throughout his childhood, Yonghwan spent his weekends at home experimenting with what he could do. He would copy dance moves from idols on TV and would even add his own spin to them. Oftentimes, he’d sing along with them. His grandfather wanted him to succeed in what he liked, so he enrolled Yonghwan in singing & instrument lessons too. Young Yonghwan enjoyed learning bit-by-bit, always working hard to improve what little skill he had. His creativity showed through his childish compositions as a kid.

When he turned 10, Yonghwan finally decided to try his hand at dancing in front of others. He joined a local dance crew, one with kids from his school. His parents disagreed at first. But his grandfather urged them to let him do this for himself & to learn how to make friends through it. Yonghwan loved the idea of going to dance practice after school. He learned that it was an effective way to express himself freely. Soon after, he gained a few friends—some of which he still keeps in touch with even as an adult. Hoik is one of them—a hyung who dances extremely well. Yonghwan looked up to him for inspiration when he entered the crew. Hoik was kind of like a mentor-friend of some sorts. He’d take Yonghwan to dinner after practicing, teach him things that didn’t involve dancing, and also share with him his own problems. He had a dream of being a performer, too.

At the age of 16, Yonghwan had a little trip to Seoul with his dance crew for a competition. Hoik asked him to accompany him to an open audition of a company called DSP Media. Both of them ended up auditioning for the company. To Yonghwan’s surprise, he got in. His parents surprisingly allowed him to train under the company this time, seeing how much he’s become happy because of it. His grandfather moved with him to Seoul, where they both share an apartment together. However, Hoik wasn’t so lucky. Adjusting to his new life in Seoul was not easy for Yonghwan, who was used to the presence of his dance crew that became his friends, too. Attending Hanlim Multi Art School with many others & watching new trainees come and go seemed was just too alien of an experience. But, like when he was still a child, Yonghwan just resorted to what he did best: focus on his goal. His dream of being a performer—an idol—kept him going. With his newfound friends, the trainees, Yonghwan wants to succeed.


— crazy choreographies (the more complicated, the more Yonghwan is amazed) 
— video editing
— experimenting with sounds
— coffee
— K-pop (Yonghwan finds the combination of genres interesting.)
— puzzles (Rubik's cubes are his favorite)
— his computer (where he stores most of his compositions)


— disturbances when he's in the zone
— not getting what he wants / his vision
— nosy people
— decaf coffee ("Isn't this just flavored water?" he'd say.)
— lights on when he's asleep
— reptiles (there's something about them that's just... icky?)


— composing music
— making choreographies
— learning idol dances (mostly girl group dances! Yonghwan thinks that they're harder than everyone thinks) 
— staying at home watching anything
— writing in his journal
— monitoring his friends' dances 


— raising his eyebrows
— sticking out his tongue 
— clapping when silently laughing at his friends' antics
— bobbing his head to the rhythm
— randomly dancing / humming whenever he gets an idea
— forgetting to bring things


— not succeeding in his goals
— burning out
— his grandfather & his parents not being able to see him debut


— making choreography (his style is a mix of contemporary & hip-hop)
— composing & writing songs
— dancing to girl group dances extremely well 
— can solve a rubik's cube in 20 seconds


— Yonghwan is able to play the piano & the guitar. However, he's not that confident in playing them while singing.
— Yonghwan can also rap, but doesn't have much passion for it.
— Yonghwan often invites his trainee friends to collaborate with him on songs he produces.
— Yonghwan thinks his variety sense is poor, so he makes up for it by learning almost all popular girl group dances. Might come in handy in the future.
— Yonghwan almost got bit by a snake in a rice field once. That's probably why he doesn't like them.
— Unlike his trainee friends, he doesn't stay in the trainee dorms and remains with his grandfather.
— He loves himself an Americano.
— His ideal type is someone that can make him smile.
— Yonghwan keeps a journal with him at all times. That way, he can write out his ideas and look at them later.
— Yonghwan listens to a diverse set of genres. He feels he can be more inspired this way.


— "I think I know what to do."
— "I don't like this. I really don't."
— "Can we practice again?"
— "You're being.... You should do something about it."
— "If nobody makes a mistake, I'll treat you guys food!"
— "Gotta focus, focus, focus."
[if someone hasn't eaten yet; while holding out food for them to eat] "Eat."
— [when encouraging his friends, while patting them on the back / head] "I think you'll be able to do it if you want to."
— [while being interviewed] "I'm sorry, speaking isn't really my strong point."
[after his co-DSP trainees does something embarassing, jokingly] "I don't think I know them."


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best  friend | Jung Hoik / born 1994 / dance teacher / Lee Euijin / 10/10

Hoik had always been like Yonghwan’s older brother ever since they’ve met as kids. Having learned all of Yonghwan’s quirks, Hoik is probably one of the few people that knows Yonghwan 99%, aside from his grandfather. Him being rejected from DSP Media disappointed Yonghwan. However, Hoik never left Seoul and is now an established dance teacher, owning his own studio. He has always offered Yonghwan his full support. They’d hang out when both of them are not busy and try to choreograph dances together on some days. Truth be told, Yonghwan relies on him for strength. Hoik’s constant presence in Yonghwan’s life, may it be through texts & calls or in the flesh, has made some of his days a little better. Yonghwan is really thankful for him.

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close friend | Bang Kiyeon / born 1995 / DSP Media & Produce 101 trainee / Chu Sojung (Exy) / 9/10

Although Yonghwan is Kiyeon’s sunbae in the company, it seems to never feel that way. It amazed Yonghwan at how she always seems to watch over everyone, and even take the blame for mistakes that her fellow trainees did. Through years of being trainees together, Yonghwan and Kiyeon just became friends naturally, starting with small talk during practice to having late night convenience store runs whenever the older girl asks him to. Kiyeon always tries to make sure Yonghwan is doing alright, making sure he’s never neglecting himself. She’s one of the few people Yonghwan trusts completely.

friend | Go Lian / born 1998 / DSP Media & Produce 101 trainee / Chong Tingyan (Elkie) / 8/10

Lian and Yonghwan are polar opposites at first glance, with Lian’s scarily outgoing personality and Yonghwan’s innate introversion. Yonghwan is fascinated by Lian’s never-ending brightness despite her hardships, and her ability to talk well. He warmed up to her slowly—even at one point being annoyed by her—and ultimately ended up as good friends through their love of music. Whenever he needs help and can’t ask for it, Lian is the person who immediately notices and fulfills his needs. She will always be there to cheer him on, and Yonghwan wants to do the same for her too.

— friend | Murakawa Eiji / born 2000 / DSP Media & Produce 101 trainee /  Yoon Sanha / 8/10

Eiji is everyone’s little brother in DSP—the life of the party, if you will. To Yonghwan, he’s someone he can rely on to make him laugh. Eiji relies on him for everything else excluding comedy. They’re both unafraid to be themselves and show the world who they are, no matter how ugly. Although they might heads from time to time when having conflicting ideas, they both end up resolving it in the end. Yonghwan will always be there to call him out whenever he’s being unreasonable. And that’s because he cares.

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STAGEname. Hwanho (환호) | Literally meaning "cheers" in Korean, Yonghwan always wants to be cheered on the stage. 
PLOTLINE. Dance, vocal
TALENT TWIN. Kang Hyunggu / Kino


— 5 years


— Yonghwan entered DSP Media with a well-rounded background in singing & dancing. However, his natural talent in dancing really showed. He continued working hard on improving his dance skills even more, developing his own style. He would go out of his way to attend more dance classes outside of training. There, he'd collaborate with other dancers, mainly Hoik, crafting choreographies that he was proud of. Through Hoik's studio, Yonghwan was able to dance back up for a handful of solo artists, like Jun K., Niel, & Kim Donghan.

Yonghwan would only attend the singing lessons that his company gave him. He dedicated the free time he had left to working on his composition skills. As DSP Media gave him support for the basics of his music-producing skills, he decided to self-produce songs by himself to practice. He'd record songs in his apartment that she shared with his grandfather and post them online on his Soundcloud. 

Previous experience. Yonghwan has performed on stage with Jun K. for his Think About You promotions in 2016. He has also backed up Niel from Teen Top in conerts and Kim Donghan for his debut promotions for Sunset. His soundcloud account, hwanhobank, has most of his demos, including the song "Lonely", which features his fellow DSP Media trainee, Lian. He edited the music video which was filmed by his friend Hoik, uploaded on the latter's studio's channel.

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Introduce yourself.

— Yonghwan’s bow is short but deep. He flashes the interviewers a small smile. “Hello. My name is Ho Yonghwan, a trainee at DSP Media.”

Why did you choose produce 101?

— “Produce 101 is a great show that showcases undiscovered talent. I think it’s perfect for me and my friends who want to be seen.” Yonghwan replies briefly.

Are you confident in yourself?

— Yonghwan’s smile widens, looking more confident than when he first came in. It’s like he knows something that the interviewers don’t. “It’s better for people to watch me perform to find out.” He laughs.

What if produce 101 have a new concept? Would you still want to join?

—“I don’t know if Produce’s concept can really change that drastically.” Yonghwan raises an eyebrow. “So, I’d still want to join.”

What is your specialty?

—“My specialty is…” Yonghwan trails off, thinking to himself, “adding a touch of myself in everything I do. Dancing & composing, too.”

What is your hope and goal?

— “To make the greatest stage in Produce 101 history.” Yonghwan immediately answers. “To hear everybody cheering for me & my fellow trainees. To fulfill my dreams of becoming an idol.”

What song did you choose for your first evaluation performance?

— “We will be performing KARD’s Hola Hola. to show off DSP Media's charms.” Yonghwan smiles. {Somin: Lian, Jiwoo: Kiyeon, BM: Hwanho, J.Seph: Eiji}

comments. 2/4 of the DSP Media children, Yonghwan played by the talented Kino! He's a passionate guy who likes keeping to himself. I hope you like him.
password. Yonghwan sits at 63, next to Kiyeon (64) and Eiji (62).

— Yonghwan's harshness comes out in his team during a preparation for an evaluation. He offends some of his teammates unintentionally. Kiyeon and Lian both try and help him solve their team dynamic.
— Yonghwan would really own a girl group dance battle.



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Hello~ Just reviewed Kiyeon's app !
You never failed me with the app.. It's so pretty!
Everything is fine and great, I don't find any errors.

Thank you for applying!
Finished reading . I must say that Lian really won my heart; I really love her character.
Hwanho is amazing! You elaborated everything really well, and I can understand both of the characters.
I fell like Hwanho would be so close with my character, Ryuu Tatsuya. Ah, I have so many ideas for them now.

Also, are you going to apply more? (I mean, I would love to read them too!)

And yes, Lian and Hwanho are accepted! <3
Hey! I haven't read yet but I was so taken aback with this app- You really did a lot work for this!
It's very neat, I can really see your effort. Thank you for applying omg.

I shall read the app now!