γ€” ππ‘πŽπƒπ”π‚π„ 𝟏𝟎𝟏 〕 Kang Heon ✦ Triple Threat

replace with fc
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

birthname. Kang Heon
australian name. Noah Kang

β€” Drop bear ;Β Heon is Australian and whenever anyone would express worry about the wild life Heon would drop his voice real low and very seriously tell them about the dangers of drop bears. When someone finally googled it they all just resorted to calling him the drop bear.

birthdate. September 17th 1997Β (22)
birthplAce. Melbourne, Australia
ethnicity. Korean

Β Korean | FluentΒ | He's lived in Korea for 9 years now. When he first got here he only spoke a little bit, as much as his parents had taught him, but he is now completel fluent.

Β English | FluentΒ | It's his mother tongue! Heon has a very very thick Australian accent, it usually takes even native english speaker a sec to cut through the accent and parse what he's just said.

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Bang Chan of Stray Kids

Β  backup fACECLAIMS.

DK of Seventeen
Hui of Pentagon

Β  appearAnce.

β€” While certainly not classified a visual, Heon likes to think he's pretty okay looking, at least okay looking enough for an idol. He's rather on the short side, 171cm to be exact (and yes the 1cmΒ matters), he's not really self-concious about it though he plays it up for laughs sometimes.

He has a bit of muscle and the hint of a six pack, mostly because of company mandated exercize, though he skips as many as he begrudgingly attends.

Right now his hair is bleached white blonde, the company thought he wouldn't stand out enough, visually, without it. The process was a terror but he has to admit the results are quite dashing.

fashIOn stYle.

β€” Bold of you to assume he has a fashion style. If there's one thing Heon doesn't really care about it's fashion, plain hoodiesΒ and jeans so worn they now look fashionable again are his thing. He ends up looking accidentally punkish fashionable with the ripped dark jeans and graphic tees but it's all lies! Would also not really care about how he's wearing his Produce uniform, he really neglects his clothin and appearance a lot.

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+: chill, positive, understanding, supportive, natural leader, passionate

/: creative, philosophical, individualistic, exciteable, ambitious

-: Forward, outspoken, loud, too #deep, strong principles



Your first impression of Heon is one of a boisterous young man. Half the time you see him, he'll be laughing or smiling or otherwise having a grand time. Heon isn't the type to worry or wring hands or wallow in the negative, he's here to take life one step at a time. He can also be a bit much especially for Koreans, he never did quite adapt to their save face culture and he's a lot more forward and easy to talk casual than the respect culture demands. He doesn't forget to use formalities anymore thankfully, but Heon doesn't really know how to do rigid formality, he can talk with someone like they've been life long friends after like 5 minutes of meeting them and it's not always appreciated.

He's quite chill when the fire of inspiration hasn't taken hold of him, he's not one to make a fuss and he's quick to break the ice or settle nerves with a self-depracating joke here or some encouraging words there. Heon is the rock of the Polaris boys, he's a steadying presence not only in how he's confident in his own abilities (10 years of training will do that), but also in how comfortable he is with making mistakes or losing. It's never the end of the world, sometimes you mess up or something goes wrong, all you can do is square your shoulders and keep trying.

Heon can be quite philosophical, though others would say pretentious. He likes his music to have meaning, he likes to sing and rap about things that bother him, issues he wants to bring to light, not just love songs for teenage girls. He wants to be as much artist as idol with his music and he wants to relate to the youth in deeper ways that being hot and thursting his hips on stage, ya know? He's super passionate about his work, engage Heon in music and he will talk your ear off but he's just as eager to shut up and listen to what you have to say. Passion is contageous and Heon is especially susceptible, he adores listening to people talking about their passion projects and he's the kind of forward go-getting who instantly claps his hands and start making a plan, or readies the pom poms and loudly supports from the side lines, you go person!!! Do the thing you dream of, what are you waiting for???


He's grown quite comfortable into the role of a leader over time as he went from his original project group's maknae to the oldest and designated leader. Heon has something of a talent for it, he's quick to take people under his wing and loves seeing their growth, being a supportive hyung with bright smiles and seemingly limitless positive energy.

There is one caveat though: Heon believes in personal responsibility, he beleaves in reaping what is sown and he isn't a leader who drags their charges kicking and screaming across the finish line. He's always ready to help someone in need, he loves seeing people grow and having a hand in helping them reach their potential! But they have to want it themselves. He'll help the most musically incapable person get just a little better, he'll stay up all night to teach the Sohye, he'll put in hours of work on someone else's passion project because their passion affected him, but you have to want it.

There is on I in teamwork and there is nothing that pisses Heon off more than someone who's not willing to put in the effort for the rest of the team and Heon is direct about it, he's not afraid to have a Real Talk and get real personal despite the fact that feelings might get hurt. If someone needs a reality check, Heon is here to give it to you.Β But he holds no grudges, Heon believes steadfast in second, third, fourth, ninth, twentieth chances. If someone wants to do better then they should be given the chance to prove it, if someone was an absolute tit before but hot heads have cooled down and they want to do better, welcome back to the team!Β 


bAckground. Heon was born to a Korean immigrant mom and a second generation Korean dad, he grew up with equal amounts bbqs and ddeokbeokki (kimchi goes surprisingly well with your general barbie steak let him tell ya). His childhood was pretty regular, or so he thinks. He's the youngest of three kids and as such was always the most babied, he worked hard to have grades his parents could be proud of while attention regular piano and classical dance classes. It was apparent early on that he had a real talent for music and, thankfully, he had parents who were ecstatic at the little musician and supported him every step of the way.

He has his older sister to thank for ever auditioning at all, Heon hadn't really been into kpop much but his older sister was a hardcore Shawol (and loved another groups too) and she pushed him to audition to companies online so that maybe he could do something with his music. As a teenager the promise of fame even in another country was tempting and so he did and, lo and behold, one company actually wanted him!

In Korea Heon fast fell in love with kpop, what he had written off as shallow teenage heart throbs turned out to be shallow teenage heart throbs with some really sweet music. For the next five years most of his interest in actually creating songs was pushed aside in favor of catching up to the rest of the trainees and working towards a debut. He was the baby of the team, he entered the company aged 12 and by the time they were gearing up for debut he was 16 and ready to start his career! But then the Polaris CEO got arrested for embezzlement and fraud and their debut was scrapped days before the first teaser would drop.

The next two years changed everything for Heon. He was back in trainee limbo but he had faith, Polaris had to debut them at some point right? Maybe he'd wait around a year or two and then he'd be good to go. He started to get really into composing again with a lack of much else to do and learned to rap while around him one by one each of the other 4 guys in his project group quit the company. One day a handful of new trainees entered the company and Heon looked up from his keyboard and found he was the oldest one.

Transitioning from baby of the team to de facto leader wasn't an easy one. It took Heon a good while to figure out how to lead, he'd always been the youngest wherever he was and this was a big first. At first he tried to be super responsible and a stick in the mud but that made his charges unhappy and it made him unhappier. It was the click he had with Yujin when he entered the company that proved to Heon he could be both a friend and a leader. Yujin was a great rapper and aspirant composer himself and Heon took it upon himself to teach Yujin what he'd learned in the past 3 years and together they set out to form a little rap duo, which turned into a rap trio with the addition of Kyungwon a couple months later.

Over the next two years trainees came and went until there came a point where Heon looked up fromhis keyboard and saw that they had the perfect 9 member team.


β€” Yes it's a stereotype but man if he doesn't like some steak on the barbie (with a side of kimchi)

β€” BTS and BAP for their lyrics, EXO, SHINee, Red Velvet, and (G)I-DLE for their beats

β€” Epik High are gods, but also loves BeWhy, MC Sniper, Cheetah, Yoon Mirae and Tiger JK.

β€” Girl group dances, in every man hides a little fabulous and Heon loves embracing it

β€” He used to be really into surfing though he wasn't super good at it. He still loves the beach, it doesn't matter which beach, all beaches are good beaches.


β€” Snow and cold in general

β€” Big egos

β€” Soda

β€” YG groups, with the amount of scandals it's best not to stan at all. He thinks the music is pretty surface level hip hop only anyway.

β€”Β  Ballads

β€”Β  Working out


β€” Writing music

β€”Β  Listening and studying music to get better

β€”Β  Learning new dances, especially girl group or ridiculously fun boy group ones. Always good for variety stuff plus it's fun as!


β€” Drumming with his finger on any surfaces when he's thinking

β€”Β  Low key dancing along when there's music he knows the choreo to on


β€” Letting his charges down and/or ending up a flop. Heon is a natural leader and he projects confidence and chill but in the back of his head there is a nagging little voice that asks himΒ but what if nobody cares about us?


β€” He's very good at composition and song writing

β€” He can play piano, guitar, and drums. Oh, and kazoo.


β€” It used to feel very weird to be called by his Korean name all the time but now he's used to it. He still kinda prefers Noah but it's been a while since anyone who's not his family has called him that.

β€”Β He's very straight but openminded and not ashamed of embracing his more feminine side

β€” Korean skin care changed his life

β€” He doesn't harbor any resentment towards LOONA for taking their spot, if anything he really loves their music and how experimental BBC has been with it. Plus he knows Haseul, Hyunjin, Heejin, and Cheorry pretty well from their training period together.

β€” He hasn't watched a single season of Produce so he doesn't really know what he's getting into other than what some of the boys have told him.

heon WOULD SAY...

β€” "Come on guys, you know how hard we've practiced this,we've got this."

β€” "It's okay to fail now, if we stumble we'll just get up again and try again twice as hard. Besides, failing this evaluation will just make our success narrative way more exciting to watch. Think of the screen time!"

β€” "Anyone order a can of whupass cause we about to bring it!"

β€” "I'm not your mom, I'm not gonna drag you kicking and screaming, but if you're willing to learn then I'm willing to teach."Β 

β€” "Tell me more, tell me more!"

β€” "All for one and one for all!"



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β€” Kim Yujin |Β 1999 | passionate, introvert, steadfast, quiet, loyal

Yujin is extremely talented but not very charismatic. He's a plodder, someone who's mentally quite strong and just keeps swimming and he loves music passionately. Heon chose him for his strength and his talent, he hopes that that will be enough to capture the interest of the national producers, but he also knows that if it isn't then Yujin will be okay.

Heon is closest to Yujin out of everyone, the two are totally on one line when it comes to music, sometimes it's like they're totally of the same mind, and Heon counts him as his best friend.


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β€” Shin Kyungwon |Β 2000 | stubborn, tries to be super cool, extrovert, people pleaser

Kyungwon is the most outgoing of all of them, he's really social and loves meeting new people. He's a bit stubborn and likes to look cool and be liked, sometimes going a bit too far with the people pleasing, but Heon knows he's seriously good at variety and also a great rapper. If anyone has a chance out of the three of them, Heon thinks, it's Kyungwon, if he can manage not to get evil edited.


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β€” Oliver Choi |Β 2000 |Β  here

While initially Heon was ecstatic to find someone else also from down undah, Ollie's attitude isn't a favorite. Heon is very much be a team player or gtfo and Ollie, at least on the surface, is not a team player. There is such potential there for a great performer (dat voice) but until he can but the ego aside he'll be extremely frustrating for Heon to deal with.

If they ever have a good real talks and Heon finds out that a lot of it is a stubborn refusal to show weakness that would be so disappointing to Heon. Doesn't Ollie know that it's not weakness, it's just being human?Β 

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STAGEname. Heon
PLOTLINE. Triple threat!
TALENT TWIN. Bang Chan of Stray Kids


β€” 10Β years


β€” After their debut fell through, Polaris mostly just let Heon do his own thing. He used his own resources to do composition courses and followed youtube tutorials to figure out the latest software (which he'd pirated onto his laptop shhht). While they were focused on creating their new girl group LOONA, Heon was studying the bladeΒ getting better and better at what he did. When the heads of Polaris finally deigned to check up on that goblin they'd left in the basement they found a lean mean producing machine, complete with additional collected ducklings to follow him.

At this point Heon has turned into something of a project lead for his own boy group, after seeing how he thrived when they'd left him alone and how much promise he has they've been listening to his opinions and expertise on the members. He's identified the gems and the bad apples, those that fit in the team and those that didn't, and month after month the team got tighter knit and better until their teamwork was impeccable.

When Produce approached, Heon was informed that he'd be attending but they let him choose which two members would travel with him. He chose Yujin and Kyungwon not just because they already worked great together as their rap trio but also because he thought they would be best equipped to handle the pressure of the show.

He doesn't actually want to debut, Heon just wants to get exposure for the project group and then take his duckletts back home and join the rest of the family so they can have their explosive debut!

predebut experience.

β€” A soundcloud where the Heon/Yujin/Kyungwon trio would habitually post demos and mixtapes.

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Introduce yourself.

β€” "Yo yo yo! I'm Polaris trainee Kang Heon, triple of threats and leader of the best boys in town!"

Why did you choose produce 101?

β€” "It's the perfect platform to show Korea exactly how talented the Polaris boys are! Have you seen Yujin and Kyungwon? Their raps are straight fire and deserve the biggest platform we can get!"

Are you confident in yourself?

β€” "I've been training for 10 very long years, I was ready to debut 5 year ago honestly but ever since our debut was scrapped I've been honing my talents and aging like a fine wine. I am very confident in myself and I am confident in all the other boys under Polaris right now, all of us are ready."

What if produce 101 have a new concept? Would you still want to join?

β€” "Isn't that just suspicious? What do you have up your sleeves, PD?"

What is your specialty?

β€” "Performance wise I'm a bit of a triple threat, I can dance and sing and rap! What I consider to be my real specialty, though, is composing and writing music. Look forward to the completely self-composed future Polaris boy group!!"

What is your hope and goal?

β€” "I hope to find recognition for all the hard work I've put into training and becoming the best idol and musician I possibly could be. If the national producers could acknowledge my skills and those of the other two Polaris trainees then I would be over the moon and that's all I would ask."

What song did you choose for your first evaluation performance?

β€” "We're performing the song we've alll written ourselves,Β Runner's High!"

comments. Wow here's another one, sorry I know you have a lot to review but this guy was just in my heart and he wanted to get out!
password. They'll sit together inΒ the bottom rows so they can see the performances better.

β€” Please please show Heon being a great leader before the Polaris boys get on stage, calming their nerves in that chill and goodnatured way of his while still being a solid dependable rock for them to lean on.

β€” Him leading a group with a problem child and sitting them down to talk about how, if they want to have any chance of winning the battle or putting down a performance to show how much they deserve to debut, they all have to be in this together. Egos have no place in a group setting like this. (Maybe Ollie?)



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Hey there! Thanks for applying (and I really enjoyed reading your app LOL)
Heon and friends will be seating on 88, 89 and 90 since that's the only bottom rows that available for the three of them!

Heon is accepted!
Please do check the trainee lists (after i update) and check the author's note if you haven't!
literally my chara ollie
ollie: *rolles eyes* "drop bears dont exist idiots"
cause my boy is from australia too
(ollie is felix lol XDD)
I don't think all of these faceclaims are open