Week 3

Total Words: 6,539



That's about, like - qUiCk MaTh - both wk 1 and 2 combined. And you know how I said last week I was stuck on CH 2 for the 1st wk? Dude. After getting over that, everything is flowing for that wip. Writing CH 3 was like writing CH 1 those first days; nothing but fun at what the character(s) would do next.

So far, all of my outlines for the CHs are halfway met, meaning, as I write I get halfway to how my outline goes and then the characters are like "lol nope" and change the endings to those CHs;; Not saying that it because I, too, enjoy not knowing how things will turn out LMAO

But now i'm stuck on how to began CH 4...because only 2 days have past within those 3 CHs... I've got a lot brainstormed, but i'm leaning toward ending the 2nd day in that CH so that I can flesh out the 2nd character more. idk. Or maybe the characters will tell me when i read over their sheets again. Who knows?


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Ooo this seems interesting