1st and 2nd of March

Total Words: 5,788

LW: 1st Chapter DONE




Didn't expect that. Didn't even feel like I typed up that much. Honestly thought, as I looked over the 1st chapter and the beginning of the 2nd, it was maybe around 3k. But dude. Yes!

I wrote mainly in the wee hours. Or really, really late at night like at 11pm-3am. It's when I'm on a roll and i just can't cut it, or I'll forget. even if i make notes of my train of thoughts, whenever i go back to read over them i'm like "???" lol

Anyways, this was a great start to this and it's really psyched me about this. i'm pumped! Plus, I had a great time writing and that's all that really matters. Looking forward to writing more!!


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Ooo this seems interesting