[ 𝕊𝕃𝕁𝕂 ] ▸  #11 kira  ▸ #tarot | #ffffdc #f2ca53

TW!! Mentions of homophobia and slurs from Keisuke/the father.
original || the story

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birthname Fujimura Kira
birthdate Oct 31, 1996
birthplace Charleston, South Carolina, USA
hometown Seoul, SK*
ethnicity  Japanese

faceclaim Kenta (JBJ95)
backup Ryosuke Yamada (H!S!J!), Yuto (PTG)
height 173 cm
weight 49 kg (but his official profile says 55 kg)




△ English ; 100% fluent, native language; he keeps this brushed up by conversing with Hikaru in his free time, and others that are fluent/semi-fluent in English
△ Japanese ; 85% fluent, native language, but was primarily spoken only at home and when he went to Japan to visit relatives there; now his fluency is fading a little as he only ever speaks it with Hikaru and their family (in the SLJK program, he’s retaining and even regaining his fluency through exposure to Japanese trainees and the Tarot/Gems members and oriented lessons)
△ Korean ; 75% fluent, has only been learning Korean since his father announced they were moving to Korea; immersion in the language and culture has helped greatly, but Kira doesn’t have Hikaru’s language skills and he tends to struggle most with grammar and the longer/more complicated vocabulary  



other names

△ Ki, Kiki ; simple nickname, given to him by Hikaru and used mostly by Hikaru, the SLJK kids, the SLJK staff, and those that he trained with at JYP.
△ Spookira ; a running joke used by the members due to Kira’s birthday and his love for Halloween and all things spooky, a combination of “spooky” and “Kira” 
△ Thing Two ; used by his family, usually in tandem with Hikaru as “Thing One” when they’re being ornery and energetic. Hikaru (as the slightly older sibling, she’s Thing 1) uses it a lot, too. though with her its often more of a joking pet name.
△ Squish/Squishy ; used almost exclusively by the older SLJK kids when Kir’as being particularly soft and cute.
△ Kirara/Kilala ; once for Halloween while he and Hikaru were still trainees, they dressed up as Inu Yasha and Sango...but because he didn’t carry around the foam sword he’d made (for safety reasons) and his hair was a sandy blond, the other trainees assumed he was Sango’s pet, Kirara! somehow, the nickname stuck.
△ Little Star ; “kira”  means “twinkle”, and Kira’s parents have always called him one of their little stars.
△ Fuji ; taken from his last name and his allergy to apples; used exclusively by his old classmates and occasionally fans; when fans use it, Kira politely asks them not to.. 


Fujimura Kira  |    藤村 キラ    |  Sei


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ISFP-T, Airbender, Hufflepuff, Amity, Instinct
Neutral Good

charming, passionate, loyal, creative
competitive, stubborn, empathic, independent 
easily stressed, insecure, shy, secretive 

“You’re going to say I’m biased -- and I am -- but Kira is... Kira’s been with me through thick and thin, through everything, and he’s always been by my side. Everyone always thinks I’m the strong one, but I’m not. I’m human. I have my insecurities, the things I worry about or that I don’t think I’m good enough to do. But he tells me I am. He listens to me when I’m afraid or worried, and he understands when I’m homesick or miss our siblings. And when I can’t get something right during practice, he stays up and practices with me until I figure it out, even when it means missing out on sleep. And that’s not including the work he does for his own things. I hear from some of the others sometimes, from Kaz and Cam, about him in the practice room some nights after everyone else leaves, working on covers and choreographies he's been given, trying to prove to himself and everyone else that he deserves the chance. He’s so dedicated. To people, to his obligations, to his own personal priorities. He’s the best brother I could ever ask for.” — Hikaru, twin sister

“Our dad is....strict. He has these ideas about how we’re all supposed to act, what we’re supposed to be. And after Seiji decided to pursue a career in medicine, he decided the rest of us needed to do that, too. Medicine, pharmaceuticals, law, even IT. Something secure. He’s not thrilled about Maemi becoming a designer, and he’s even less thrilled that I want to go into film and theater. But Kira, and then Hikaru... Dad’s furious. But dad doesn’t see what I do -- what we do. Kira’s so happy. He loves music, always has. He has this...glow. We meet up sometimes. sundays when he was free from training, sometimes now when he’s in Korea and not promoting in Japan. We get breakfast, talk.. And when Kira talks, he lights up. He loves it. But... I’m worried about him. Being an idol is stressful, and Kira’s always had a bit of an issue with too much stress. He withdraws into himself and that independent streak that’s gotten him so far makes it so he doesn’t ask for the help he needs. I worry about him being there alone. I worry about who's there looking out for my big brother.” — Tadashi, younger brother 

“Kira always got a lot of , you know? At school. He’s Asian, but he has those blue eyes. It got to him when you was younger, all the gossip. He didn’t talk to me about it much. He didn’t like to talk to anyone. Mom got through to him sometimes, and Karu, but Seiji and I? Not so much. And heaven forbid he mention it to the kids. He grew up learning to keep these things to himself, to stop everyone else from worrying. He’s one of the strongest people I know. What other nine-year-old would listen to his teachers insinuating that he was the child of an affair and keep smiling through it? I think that’s part of why he’s so reluctant to share now, and why he’s so reserved, especially around people he doesn’t know well. But you know, when you get through to him, when he opens up to you, he’s the sweetest boy. So bright, so optimistic, and so charming. He’s going so do well with this. As long as they give him the chance, he’ll do so well. I’m so proud of him.” — Maemi, elder sister

“You know, even though he’s super busy with the trainee life, Kira always takes the time to check in on Dashi and I. He takes good care of us. He’s so...dedicated. Loyal. To all of us. To Dashi and I, mom, May, even Seiji and dad. And to his training. He’s worked so hard for this for so long. All of his stuff on YouTube has been leading up to this, you know? And he loves it. He always looks so happy in his social media updates. I know everyone’s a little worried about him. Kira’s shy and can be really insecure about some things, but he’s happy doing this. He’s so happy. It’s worth it, to not see him as often.” — Hinata, younger sister

“Kira, my baby, my boy... He was such a quiet child. It’s so good to see him doing something that he loves. Karu says it’s a fairly competitive field, that only the hardest working trainees get their shot. But I know Kira will get there. He’s a hard worker. My baby is such a hard worker, he’s so dedicated to the things he loves. And the competition won’t bother him. He thrives on it. If anything, it’ll push him to do better. And the fans are just going to love him. He’s told me a little about that, you know, about being cute for the cameras, the aegyo, and about the...what’s the word, shipskin? Skinship? He’s not a big fan of being touchy, or of being touched, but he’s so....emotional. Emotionally-driven. He’s going to connect with the fans, and they’re going to love him. They’re all going to love him.” — Misaki, mother

“Kira? We don’t talk much. But I do think it’s stupid, what he’s doing. He used to be so good with computers. He would spend hours on his laptop, editing videos, working with software, coding. And it’s not even just computers. He’s good with phones, too. When Hinata or Tadashi had problems with with their phones or laptops, Kira would sit down and usually have it all figured out in a matter of hours. And if he didn’t, he’d work on the problem with this dogged persistance until it was resolved. He used to skip meals, he’d be so involved in everything. Even when Kira struggled to accept compliments, he would just smile when someone complimented him on his computer skills. And he was good, he really was good. I know he’s got a creative streak like Maemi, but why couldn’t he have gone into something more secure? Thinking about it rationally, this field is... It's fickle. Being an idol. If you don’t make it, you're basically throwing all that time away. for nothing.” — Seiji, elder brother

“He was always his mother’s son, nothing like his elder brother. It’s no wonder he thinks he can make it as a musician. Misaki never disciplined him, always filled his head with lies, and Maemi wasn’t any better. They coddled that boy, let him think that creativity could win out over hard work and discipline. He’s wasting his time, you know. Maemi, she got lucky. But Kira is wasting his time. He needs to go back to school and do something that he can actually make a career out of. He’s wasting his life in that company -- you know, the one with the singer that always has the long hair. The girly, flamboyant one. ....you know, they’re all pretty damn flamboyant. All of them. I bet they’re all gay. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was gay, too.” — Keisuke, father

“Kira? Kira is... Well, when I first met him, Kira was shy. Really shy. The sort of shy that makes you blend into the background. But when he left Cali in 2009, he was louder. He’d started to come out of his shell. He’s so charming when you get to know him, the sort of boy any guy would love to have their sister bring home. I brought him home a lot to hang out, and my parents loved him. He’s responsible and respectable, and when he says he cares, he really does. His biggest problem is that he doesn’t have confidence in himself. He’s like a puppy that’s been kicked one too many times. He still has that puppy-like optimism, but he also has this knee-jerk reflex that he’s not good enough. And it definitely doesn’t help that he tries to keep all of his hardships to himself. He’s come a long way since 2009. He’s matured a lot. But in some ways, he’s still that ten year old kid that just wanted to find somewhere accepting to call home.” — Mark Tuan, childhood friend, idol


[ 1996; Charleston, SC ] Kira and Hikaru are born to Keisuke, and Misaki, two Japanese-Americans living in Charleston, South Carolina. The twins have two older siblings -- Seiji and Maemi. They’re loved and adored, overwhelmingly doted upon by their parents and siblings both. It’s a good life, a happy childhood. But even then, it’s clear that Kira is different. Whereas Hikaru, Seiji, Maemi, and both of their parents have matching chocolate brown eyes, Kira’s eyes are blue. Blue, the color of the sky and the ocean. Blue. Bright, electric blue.

[ 1999; Seattle, WA ] Three years later, having just moved to a quiet suburb of Seattle, Washington, Tadashi is born. And like everyone except Kira, Tadashi has brown eyes. Keisuke and Misaki are home with the kids, but not for long. Keisuke returns to work fairly soon after, managing a series of warehouses stationed in Seattle and stretching across the continental United States. A month or so later, Misaki returns to work -- accounting for her husband’s company -- and leaves her kids either in school or at a daycare.

[ 2001; Miami, FL ] Kira’s baby sister Hinata is born in 2001 after their family moves to Miami, Florida in pursuit of Keisuke’s job. After living in damp, chilly Seattle for two years, the warmth of Florida is welcome. At almost five years old, Kira begins kindergarden in the fall, and he’s immediately seen as an abnormality. At this age, however, the only ones to question the color of hs eyes are his teachers. While his peers think them to be “pretty”, his teachers largely assume him to be adopted. It frusrates young Kira -- and his twin Hikaru -- and makes the school year rough for them both.

[ 2005; Syracuse, UT ] The summer before Kira turns nine, the family moves to Syracus, Utah. It’s here, in this small city with an equally small-minded population, that Kira begins to experience the hurtful words of young and old alike. Like in Florida, the teachers here assume him to be adopted. Unlke in Florida, however, the children here find his blue eyes strange. Although innocent in nature, many ask if Kira has another mother, one with blue eyes. Some ask if he’s an alien. A couple others ask if he’s a fairy or changling. Each question hurts, and all Kira can do is weather them and repeat that he’s one of the family, just...special. It gets a little better the following year when more people are used to his presence and his blue eyes, but Kira is still grateful to leave Syracus behind in late 2006.

[ 2006; Orange, CA ] Just before the end of 2006, the Fujimura family settles in Orange, California. It’s a relatively small town, but is also a thirty minute drive from Los Angeles, combining the best of both worlds. Of course, it’s still hell on Kira, who has to get used to being in a new place midway through a school year. At ten years old, Kira spends as much of his time exploring as he can. He explores his town, and then moves outward. It’s during one such exploration in early 2007 that Kira meets Mark Tuan. They’re young, but they bond fast. Mark is one of the first people that doesn’t immediately question Kira’s eyes. The two find reasons to hang out when they can, with Mark introducing Kira to Los Angeles and the surrounding area, and Mark becomes Kira’s first friend. When Kira has to move in early 2009, the two promise to write and email and call whenever they can.

[ 2009; Spring Hill, TN; Wylie, TX; Little Elm, TX; Kansas City, KS ] 2009 is a hard year for Kira. Not only does he have to leave someone who has arguably become his best friend, but the family moves every two or three months, bouncing between cites before finally settling in the fourth. It’s hard on all the kids, who have to pack up and move to a new school and leave behind any friends they’ve made over the last couple months, but it’s even harder to settle in Kansas City. It’s a busy location, lots of people, lots of things to do, but it’s hard anyway because Kira and Hikaru are the only two Asian students in their school. They’re picked on by students and teachers alike for being slightly behind in their studies due to moving so often when, according to the stigma, Asians are supposed to be smart and the best at their studies. The kids turn to pasttimes to relieve the stress of moving and constantly being uprooted. Kira and Hikaru turn to music. Dancing and singing, posting videos to YouTube, finding a community that doesn’t judge are harshly on their looks or smarts because that’s not what matters makes it easier. Spending time with Hikaru, the only other person that truly understands, makes it easier.  But even so, Kira is thrilled in 2011 when they finally leave.

[ 2011; Osaka, JP ] In 2011, the family moves to Osaka, Japan. At this stage, it’s to be closer to their mother’s father, who is getting on in age. Midway through 2011, after the family has settled, Keisuke leaves to return to the United States to continue working with the warehouses. His wife, Misaki, chooses to stay and work from home. Over the next two years, Kira spends more and more time with Hikaru, and their pour their focus into their hobbies. He sings and dances, he posts their covers to YouTube, and he copes with losing the familiarity of American soil for a country that he’s painfully unfamiliar with. Around the tail end of 2012, their grandfather passes from old age. This is the signal that the family will soon be moving again.

[ 2013; Seoul, SK ] The following year, the family moves to Seoul, reuniting there with Keisuke, who is to be the head dc of a warehouse being built to take on a more global approach. In Seoul, Things are just as hard as they were before. For starters, Kira doesn’t know Korean. None of them do. His first introduction to the language is a guidebook and a beginner’s dictionary that his father hands him when they meet at the airport. Immersion in the language helps, but it’s still hard. Kira dives into his music, because at least that doesn’t judge him for his grammar and pronounciation. He dances more, sings more. Singing helps him with his pronounciation, and feedback from YouTube comments helps, too. It’s actually a comment on YouTube that prompts Kira to consider auditioning for an entertainment company. When he talks it over with Hikaru, she agrees, telling him to do it, that she thinks it’s something he can do, that it’s something that he might really love. It’s something Hikaru doesn’t hesitate before agreeing to do with him.

[ 2015; Seoul, SK ] In early 2015, Kira and Hikaru audition for a number of companies before eventually making it into JYP Entertainment. There, his language learning takes a boost and his skills as a performer better, as well. He trains here for the next two years, working hard to prove that this is something he can do, something that he can find success with. His father isn’t thrilled, but his mother understands that this is important for him, for both of them, and supports her children whole-heartedly.

[ 2017; Seoul, SK ] In late 2017, Kira realizes that JYP isn’t the place for him. It’s not so much that the company is bad, it’s just that JYP isn’t the right place for him. Hikaru isn’t quite as sure of it, but as JYP’s new surival show starts to kick into gear, Kira says his goodbyes, leaves JYP, and begins company hunting. Within a couple days Hikaru follows him. It doesn’t take the twins long or too many auditions before they find themselves accepted into SM Entertainment.


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Halloween, autumn, Day6, Oh My Girl, daffodils & sunflowers, Pompeii, natural disasters, horror movies, astronomy, salty foods, anime & manga, bright colors, snakes, spiders, black cats, literally all “spooky” and “creepy” things


 artificial grape and orange, bullies, Big Bang, Psy, the word “home”, being too warm, summer, blood sausage/sundae, trot songs, vanilla (the scent), teddy bears, super salty food


 playing with/twisting his rings, popping his fingers and knuckles, dragging a hand through his hair, humming along to the radio or when it's too quiet, washing dishes & folding/refolding clothing when he needs to think


 dancing, singing, watching movies, watching doccumentaries/movies about natural disasters & man-made disasters, playing piano, collecting beanie boos


 claustrophobia (enclosed spaces)
 absolute/pitch black darkenss
 silence (the all-encompassing kind)


▸ optional 
▸ can be catch phrases or those tumblr meme formats to get a good idea of the character
▸ as many as you'd like


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favorite food: sushi rolls, tempura, miso soup
 favorite drink: sweet tea, cucumber water
 favorite ice cream: strawberry
 favorite number: 13
 favorite word: komorebi
 favorite color: yellow, gold 
 favorite animal: snakes and fish
 favorite flower: orchids
 favorite sound: windchimes
 favorite season: autumn
 favorite artist(s): IU, Taeyeon, Kyuhyun, Ailee, Got7, Oh My Girl
 personal IG, Youtube, & Twitter: spookira
 ideal type: He doens’t have one, and will be endearingly flustered when someone asks for it.
 favorite Sourz song: Stay
 favorite Sweetz song: Dalla Dalla
 favorite SNS song: Dance the Night Away
 favorite Thunder song: Dimple
 favorite Hail song: Shining Stars
 favorite MLSM song: No Air
 favorite Tarot song: Infinity
 favorite Gems song: Suki to Iwasetai
 * Kira considers Seoul to be his hometown, but only because that’s where his family physically live. He and his family have moved so much that he honestly doesn't feel like any of the places he's lived are truly worth calling home.
 Kira’s blue eyes are hereditary, completely genetic -- albeit a recessive genetic trait that he had approximately >6% chance of getting. His mother and father both have an ancestor that had blue eyes.
 California maki, cream cheese/crab, and alaska are his favorite sushi rolls.
 Kira has a moderate allergy to apples.
 He also has a mild allergy to a fairly common ingredient used in make up products. A couple hours won’t cause too much trouble, but anything beyond that will cause him to break out. For the most part, he and the stylists have figured out what he can and can’t use and are very careful about keeping the others’ things seperate from his so he there won’t be a mix up and he won’t end up breaking out while on stage or during an interview.
 Kira has mad skill when it comes to piano. And the cello. But primarily, and more often than not, that skills comes out on the piano. (example 1, example 2, example 3) 
 He’s a HUGE fan of Ludovico Einaudi and The Piano Guys. He has all of their paino sheet music and can play a number of their pieces.
 He can sometimes be found on the roof of the building, staring at the sky and pretending he can see the stars. How does he get up there? That’s a great question.
 When Kira dances, he makes sure to stretch really well first, and then again afterward. if he’s only going to dance for a song or two, and not very hard, he stretches less. if he intends to dance for a while, he stretches more much so that his body is warmed up and less chance of injury.
 his favorite girl groups are: Oh My Girl, Stellar, and Dreamcatcher. (later: G-Idle)
 his favorite boy groups are: Day6, Got7, and NCT (later: Stray Kids, Ateez)
 He hardcore biases San (Ateez), Yooa (Oh My Girl), Sungjin (Day6), and Ailee (soloist)
 SM biases: Jaehyun (NCT), Taeyeon (SNSD), Wendy (Red Velvet), Kyuhyun (SuJu), and Chanyeol (Exo)
 If he ever meets one of them, he’ll probably cry. Because oh my god, fanboy.
 Ironically, Mark isn’t his Got7 bias. It’s JB.
 He loves Halloween, all the costumes and the pumpkin carving and the spooky shenanigans
 Spiders don’t scare him.
 Kira is the biggest, most adoring, disgusting Day6 fanboy to exist; he knows all their songs and can even play acoustic versions of many of them. His bias is Sungjin (and he will fight anyone that says anything bad about Sungjin or the group).
 Kira isn’t much of a talker about himself, but he does have a vast knowledge of Pompeii and Mt Vesuvius, and they really interest him. If you can get him on the topic and actually let him talk, he'll talk for an hour or two. 
 Stemming from his fascination with Pompeii and a fear he had as a child after living in earthquake,  hurricane, and sinkhole prone areas, Kira began looking up and learning all he could about natural disasters. He knows a lot about the topic, but doesn’t speak up about it much because he’s aware that it’s kind of weird.
 Psy freaks him out. scares him. it's hilarious.
 He's pretty big on anime and manga, and when he wasn't out dancing, singing, or editing videos, he could often be found watching anime or catching up on manga. 
 His favorite anime/manga are Seven Deadly Sins, Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop, Sword Art Online, and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles.
 His favorite anime movies are anything by Studio Ghibli (but When Marnie Was There is his all time favorite), movies by Shinkai Makoto (Your Name is his favorite!), and Tekkon Kinkreet.
 Kira enjoys the sun and all, but he doesn’t like how hot it gets in the summer and how you can layer up in literally every other season if you’re too cold, but you can’t exactly strip down until you’re comfortable in the summer. 
 Kira has issues with the word “home” because the family moved around so much. He feels weird discussing “home” as a concept, but he does feel homesickness for the states, because that’s where he primarily grew up.



Kanashimi wo Yasashisa ni ✦ Might*U ✦ CourageFields of Hope
You Are ✦ Dance Dance ✦ Mixtape #1 ✦ Healing ✦ Make It Right ✦ Windy Day
Eight ✦ Make Me Love YouBlue ✦ GravityStardust ✦ Nostalgia



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  [ early 2015 - Aug 2017  ]

Kira joined JYP Entertainment in 2015, and things were...hard. He wasn’t the best at anything, but he was decently good at everything, and training only helped him to improve. But his foreigner nature wasn’t a smiled upon thing in YG. While the Big 3 companies are known for having more opportunities than the smaller companies, at the time, JYP wasn’t as well known for having foreigner idols and trainees in the label. Sure, they had a few -- Nichkhun, Mark Jackson, Bambam, Jia and Fei, and some of their trainees -- among them. But not like SM or JYP. So it was hard. And it was harder because Kira still stood out with his blue eyes and his drive to be good at everything. He tried to make friends with the other trainees, but there was still something of a divide. Some friendships were easier to make, and others not so much. While he was a trainee, Kira was a backup dancer for a couple different groups. During a practice just before a performance, approximately a year into his training, Kira was injured, setting back his training and the possibility for his debut. That, along with not quite fitting in with the feel of the group Bang Chan was putting together, led to Kira leaving.

  [ Sept 2017 - May 2018  ]

It only takes Kira and Hikaru about a month before they’re accepted into SM Entertainment. They’re promptly slotted into the general trainee program and, for all intents and purposes, thrown to the wolves. The Japanese twins settle into the trainee roster with a bit of a bump and jiggle, but soon settle into a routine. Making friends is both easier and harder, and though they find themselves at odds with some, SM has its fair share of Japanese trainees and speakers, and it doens’t take long before either twin to find themselves a community. They attend lessons dutifully, working hard at singing and dancing, attempting rap and other lessons in production and lyricism as the trainers figure out their strengths, their weaknesses, and what to focus on. For the most part, the next nine months, things are quiet. But just after the May monthly evaluation, things change.

  [ May 2018 - present ]

It’s the day after the May evaluation, and Kira and Hikaru are in a training room, working on a choreography. The trainees are all supposed to have a day to themselves -- a day off, a rest day, whatever their fellows call it. But Kira and Hikaru had felt no desire to return home. Their father was there, and though their mother was as well, a buffer, neither twin had any desire to subject themselves to that. So they’d remained at the company and sequestered themselves within a practice room, chiseling away at a dance that Hikaru had been choreographing with Kira’s help.

With the music on pause as Hikaru takes Kira through the footwork toward the end of the choreography, they hear the voices coming long before they see the individuals responsible.

“--know, are you sure they’ll be here?”

“Absolutely! Hikaru was asking me just yesterday about whether the practice rooms would still be available...” 

There’s a knock on the door, and Kira and Hikaru both turn to the door just as it opens and a head pops in.

It’s Sam. And then the door opens a bit wider to reveal Jisoo as well, peering around from Sam’s other side. The two smile, almost in unison, and Kira shrinks back some from the sight, instantly on guard.

“I told you they would be here!” Sam seems eager, and while his excitement is normally contageous, it makes Kira uneasy. Beside him, Hikaru has no such reservations and bounds over to greet the two elders. After greeting Hikaru, and allowing Sam to pull her into conversation about something dance related, Jisoo makes his way into the room and over to where Kira continues to stand, confused.

“Everything okay, Kiki?”

The nickname is soft and familiar, but not unwelcome. In the past several months, Jisoo has become something of a welcome presence in the trainees’ lives, and in Kira’s. For a while, he’d come down on occasion to visit his sister, a bright and vivacious youth that had taken to Hikaru like a fish to water. And with Sora’s proximity to the twins had come Jisoo, soft-spoken and sweet, with Japanese a little broken and a little stilted, and too eager to ignore.

“You’re not usually here,” Kira says, muted. “When Sora left, you did, too.” 

There’s something in Jisoo’s expression that tells Kira that Sora didn’t just leave. There’s more to the story, but not something Jisoo is allowed to tell. So when Jisoo glances back to Sam, and then to the door, Kira perks with interest.

“Did you need us for something, hyung?”

The honorific feels strange on Kira’s tongue, carrying a weight he’s not as familiar with, but it feels right, and the way Jisoo brightens is worth it.

“Actually...” Jisoo glances back at Sam, catching his eye. It’s a signal Sam seems to have been waiting for, because he straightens, losing the easygoing demeanor and becoming all business.

“We have something we want to show you two.” Sam’s voice is calm, perhaps too calm, but Kira and Hikaru both latch onto it, one with more obvious excitement than the other.

“Field trip?” 

Kira looks to his sister, then to Jisoo, and repeats her, quieter. “You’re taking us somewhere? Where?”

Jisoo smiles, patting Kira’s shoulder as Hikaru boounces around them, tidying the practice room before they leave. His smile is confusing, but comforting. “You’ll see.”

That “you’ll see” turns into leaving the practice room, venturing down one hall and then the next, a labyrinth of twists and turns and hallways until they arrive at another practice room, one with the lights on and the door shut.

Sam doesn’t hesitate to push it open, greeting the empty room with a cheerful and very, very loud, English, “Honey I’m home!” With Jisoo and Hkaru on his heels, entering before him, it takes a moment for Kira to realize that the room is, in fact, not empty.

There’s a woman there, tall and thin. Glowering. And incredibly unhappy.

“You’re late.” 

Kira doesn’t like her. At all. She’s stoic and unnerving, all sharp angles and jagged edges, and there’s something about the way she taps her arm as she stares at Sam that Kira doesn’t like. 

Sam, at least, doesn’t seem to show the same unease. “We got caught up talking about dance. But these are the twins Jisoo and I were telling you about.”

The woman glances over Kira and Hikaru before her focus returns to Sam, and then to Jisoo. “I thought you were going to bring them in individually.”

Jisoo is the one to smile this time, his charm disarming. “I heard from one of the other trainees that they were working on an original choreography together. I thought it might be a good thing for them to perform it together. Since not all the trainees can be dancers, asking them all the freestyle won’t work.”

“Like asking a fish to climb a tree,” Sam supplies helpfully.

“Or asking Sam to sing,” Jisoo adds afterward, just as cheerful.


As Sam rounds on Jisoo, preparing his defense, Kira feels eyes on him. When he looks up, it’s the woman, stusying him and his sister like they’re particularly interesting animals on display. He doesn’t particularly enjoy the feeling, but something about it seems to win her over -- or at least win her for the moment -- because after a moment, she nods.

“Alright. Sam, Jisoo. Show me what they’ve got.”

That breaks the males from their play fight, and Sam rounds on the twins with all the excitement of an oversized puppy. It reminds Kira of Sora and how she’d taken to calling Sam a labradoodle. “Alright, you guys! Let’s show her what you were working on earlier. It was a dance, wasn’t it? Just go ahea dnad find it, and I’ll...”

Hikaru hands over her ipod, pointing out the song in question they’d been working to before she turns on Kira and gestures for him to take his place. 

When the song starts, she immediately bursts into motion, moving not just like she knows the song and choreographed it, but like she owns it. Just before his part, Kira moves into place, allowing himself to rely on the muscle memory of it so that when the tricky footwork they’d been working through finally comes, he can nail it.

And he does. For only having been working on the song for a couple days, Kira thinks they do really well. He could have done better, but he does well enough. Besides, it’s Hikaru’s choreo, and it’s really her chance to shine -- not his.

Still, the woman seems interested. Her sharp eyes move over the twins, bouncing between Hikaru and Kira and back again before eventually landing on Kira and staying there.

“You’re not a dancer,” she says.

“Not like Karu,” Kira answers, honest despite the way Hikaru squawks a protest. “I dance well enough when I practice at it, but she’s a natural. I’m better at singing.”

That sharpness returns, but this time, Kira isn’t scared. He’s stepped into his comfort zone, and he’s ready when the woman nods, gesturing for him to continue. “Sing something for me.”

Kira shuffles over to take Hikaru’s ipod, swiping through the songs until he finds one in question. He hands it back to Sam with a smile and turns around, more than ready to show just what he can do.

A few minutes later, it’s all over. Still riding the high of success, Kira turns to Jisoo, beaming. Jisoo’s smiling, too, and when Kira finally turns to studxdy the woman, he finds he doesn’t mind her sharpened stare.

“Jisoo, go ahead and fill out the papers. Bring them to me and have him in lessons no later than Monday. ...and bring a copy to Takashi, too, so he knows what he's working with.” Her attention turns to Hikaru then, and the expression from before sharpens. “And you... Let’s see if Sam will be filling out your paperwork, too, hm?”





   POSITION    lead vocalist, lead dancer + producer, lyricist


talent twin(s)

   --   DANCE   San Ateez  [ ex ]  [ ex ]

    Kira is far from being the best dancer of the lot. In fact, he’s not a dancer. Not technically. He’s vocal focused, and is far more confident in his singing than he is in his dancing. But he does dance, and he’s danced for a while, taking criticism from those on the internet and social media, learning from other videos and various instructors and his peers. He grows exponentially as an SLJK trainee, however, applying himself with a tenacity that is characteristic of not just a trainee that wants to survive the cuts, but someone that has something to prove. Despite being more of a vocalist, after Kira begins applying himself, he is an excellent dancer. He’s flexible and expressive, and he exercises regularly along his his practices to maintain his body and core strength.

   --  VOCAL   San Ateez  [ ex ]  [ ex ]

   idk yet uwu

   As a vocalist, Kira is all about confidence. He’s had years to practice, and years to build himself up, and he’s done exactly that both in his time at JYP and at SM. Of course, his time at SM was more intensive, the SLJK program whipping Kira into shape in a way that not even JYP or SM’s general program managed. He’s a versatile performer, a tenor, with the ability to reach high notes with ease and a beautiful lower range that he showcases more in ballads and more emotional songs.

   --   RAP   Lee Know Stray Kids  [ ex ]

    Time in JYP, spent in the company of English-speaking rappers like Mark, Jackson, and Bambam of Got7, and then the boys that would eventually become Stray Kids, Kira picked up a thing or two when it came to rapping. It would never be his strongest point, but it didn’t really need to be.

   --   SPEECH   Kenta JBJ95  [ ex ]  [ ex

   Like when he’s singing, Kira’s speaking voice is more of a tenor -- higher, a bit softer, definitely softer when he’s speaking in Japanese than in Korean or English. Because Korean is his third language, he’s a bit slower when speaking it, more thoughtful, articulated.

   --   VARIETY   name group  [ ex ]

   backup: idk yet


       nicknames   this
       --- line   this
       team   this
       lyrics   this
       tarot   this
       gems   this
       sns   this
       mlsm   this
       etc   this
       etc   this

   --   etc   this is wehre any tidbits would go! the story starts in late 2018/early 2019 and will follow the trainees all training together and filming pre-debut specials. this would be a good place to be like "oh [ name ] trained with GEMS but was switched to SNS last minute before the final evaluation and roster reveal" or "was in charge of decorating for holidays" type trivias related more specifically to training era!


birds of a feather flocking together

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Fujimura Keisuke, father 52 / head DC manager of a string of clothing warehouses / strict, brusque, word / 3/10

For much of Kira’s childhood, Keisuke was away at work. Kira didn’t blame him for this, but it definitely put a strain on their father-son relationship. It also doesn’t help that Keisuke was always so much harder on Kira for what Kira believes to be his eyes, a trait that Kira had no control over. Kira announcing that he wanted to go into the entertainment industry to pursue the hobbies he’d come to love only furthered the rift between them. Kira has hope that one day his father will come around to seeing his side of things, but he also won’t hold his breath. (Additionally, his father has misconceptiosn about the industry, and he has no reservations about telling Kira and Hikaru both exactly what he thinks will happen.)

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Fujimura Misaki, mother 48 / accountant / gentle, understanding, wise / 8/10

Kira and his mother, Misaki, get along well. Although Misaki was also gone often for work, she made sure to check in on her children when possible and often stopped in after work to talk with them about their days and help alleviate any problems she could. Misaki was the parent that encouraged Kira when he started getting into music and dance, and she was also the parent that consoled Kira on the worst of the bad days when he would be picked on at school for being different and couldn’t keep it to himself. She is the only parent he speaks to regularly now, due largely to the way she supports him during his training.

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Fujimura Seiji, elder brother 28 / doctor (pediatrics) / logical, compassionate, punctual / 5/10

Seiji and Kira are on decent terms, but they don’t talk now as much as they did during their youth. Seiji always had a plan for himself, knowing at age sixteen that he wanted to be a doctor -- a career choice that their father endorsed whole-heartedly. That avid support did cause some strife between Seiji and Kira, especally after Kira’s decision to pursue music in 2015. They two are trying to come to terms with their differences, but it’s been hard. They don’t have much chance to talk at the moment, either.

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Fujimura Maemi "May", elder sister 26 / fashion designer / creative, experimental, challenging / 9/10

May and Kira get along exceptionally well. Aside from his twin sister, May is the sibling that Kira is closest to. She treats him like an adult, always has, which Kira appreciates. She challenges him constantly, pushing him to better himself as an individual as he also betters his skills. Kira is also her favorite test subject. When she designs something new, she often asks for his thoughts, knowing that as a trainee that’s close to the industry and debuted idols and stylists, he might have insider knowledge to help her. May also tends to give Kira pieces to wear and test -- clothing, accessories, and jewelry --  getting an immediate sort of feedback from her experiments.

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Fujimura Hikaru "Karu", twin sister 24 / SLJK trainee/member of Gems / energetic, passionate, protective / 11/10

Hikaru and Kira are twins -- the best of friends and thick as thieves. During their chidlhood, where one went, the other would follow without fail. As they grew up, they branched out into their own areas of interest, but still remained close. Hikaru was the first person Kira confided in about his desire to become a trainee, and she was the one that encouraged him to not just pursue his dreams, but agreed to follow without hesitation. The two talk as often with they can and practice together almost as often, whenever their schedules and lessons coincide and allow.

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Fujimura Tadashi "Dashi", younger brother 21 / student, film & theater major / dramatic, methodical, superstitious / 8/10

Tadashi and Kira are fairly close, kept that way despite their age difference and the physical distance through their shared passions and the fact that Tadashi, like Kira, is interested in a field that their father doesn’t necessarily approve of. While Kira went into music and entertainment, Dashi loves film and theater. He’s dramatic and superstitious, and Keisuke’s not the sort of person to allow such things into their home and life. So when Keisuke and Dashi come to blows, Kira tries to be there to talk to his brother and help him work through things. Kira is Dashi’s biggest supporter and he supports his brother relentlessly.

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Fujimura Hinata "Nana", younger sister 19 / student / exitable, carefree, messy / 7/10

Kira and Hinata are pretty close with each other, despite the difference in their ages. She’s sweet and loud, and Kira absolutely adores her because she loves and adores him just as much. Kira does what he can to support her despite the distance while Hinata writes Kira lengthy letters and emails about their family and how school is going. She ties him to the people he doesn’t get to see as often as a trainee. And you can bet that if something happens at home and Dashi doesn’t tell Kira about it during one of their calls, then Hinata will tell him. And at her age, she’s prone to seeing a lot more than they think. Hinata sees damn near everything.

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Madame Kang & Takashi Sato program dicrectors / ?/10 & 8/10


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Heechul & Hyoyeon concept directors & trainers / 7/10


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BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes

Momo's kids! 

as many as you'd like but emphasis on the most important relationships


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name as many as you'd like but emphasis on the most important relationships


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name as many as you'd like but emphasis on the most important relationships


love interest

name yep
backup  matchmake?
status  here



i hope it's cute


love story 

give me the feels

* feel free to add couple trivia and etc


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada. Quisque non mauris vitae diam viverra dignissim eget sed velit. Quisque sit amet sapien accumsan, hendrerit metus sed, porttitor arcu.

why did you pick the number you chose?

Cras commodo mi nec tellus ornare bibendum. Morbi vel leo sed augue fermentum consectetur vitae in nunc. Nam non tincidunt eros, vel cursus odio. Suspendisse tellus erat, lacinia eu tempor sit amet, vestibulum non metus. Fusce diam nulla, placerat rhoncus libero nec, dapibus efficitur velit.


Nunc elementum eget mauris a varius. Cras felis nunc, elementum nec ligula eu, iaculis mollis tortor. Vivamus convallis laoreet ligula, a ullamcorper arcu tristique ut. Praesent non enim diam.

which seniors do you look up to?

Nunc elementum eget mauris a varius. Cras felis nunc, elementum nec ligula eu, iaculis mollis tortor. Vivamus convallis laoreet ligula, a ullamcorper arcu tristique ut. Praesent non enim diam.


Nunc elementum eget mauris a varius. Cras felis nunc, elementum nec ligula eu, iaculis mollis tortor. Vivamus convallis laoreet ligula, a ullamcorper arcu tristique ut. Praesent non enim diam.

the sky's the limit

last words Finding Japanese songs for singles and stuff was really hard cause it's not really my area of expertise ;; so I linked Korean songs cause I figured they could be songs Kira releases when Tarot promotes in Korea. And if you have any good Japanese songs?? please halp me senpai I got nuffin ;;

scene request Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.


[  Memories, Love Me Harder, Noid  ] -- Woodz's

[  Blue ] -- Sungwoon's

[  Stardust  ] -- Ha Dong Qn's

[  Nostalgia & EP  ] -- Ha Hyunsang's

[  Way Back Home  ] -- Shaun's

[  idk the name  ] -- anime openings/endings ftw. MAYBE?? Promised Neverland opening? MHA?

Rewrite The Stars  ] -- A cover Kira and Hikaru post during the SLJK live program? I actually almost used this as their vocal piece int eh training audition thing and then decided to go for other options because uh. ...reasons. That do not involve me simping for Kihyun and missing Monsta X.



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(*coughs* dadriellllll-- saeran *update* has just been finished and sent off with a bow so... i'm totally good with plotting hyeonsae (idk shipname) whenever you’re able!!!! XD)