[ 𝕊𝕃𝕁𝕂 ] ▸  #81 tori  ▸ #sns | #ffebf3 #fc8781 #66555c


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birthname Victoria Min
birthdate Aug. 3, 1997
birthplace Charleston, South Carolina, USA
hometown Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity  Korean

faceclaim Doyeon (Weki Meki)
backup Chaewon (IzOne), Lua (Weki Meki)
height 173 cm
weight 50 kg




△ English (100%) ; English is obviously Tori’s native language, and one she speaks fluently. She maintains that fluency by speaking with Tyler, other English-speaking members of SNS and MLSM, and dance instructor Sam Lee.


△ Korean (90%) ; Though technically Tori’s other native language, until the family’s move to Korea, Tori’s fluency in Korean wasn’t quite as good as Tyler’s simply because she spoke more English at home and didn’t take as much of a chance to practice Korean as Tyler did. Immersion in the language helped a lot though, as did becoming a trainee, because she was forced to pick up more vocabulary and refine her conversation skills. At the time of SNS’s debut, she’s pretty close to fluent in Korean.


△ Japanese (45%) ; While Tyler grew up on anime and manga, Tori’s interest in Japanese didn’t really hit her until the family’s move to Los Angeles, where she was exposed to Little Tokyo. Initially, she learned Japanese out of a combination of necessity and spite -- she wanted to order food, and some of the clerks were jerks and refused to speak English to her because she was obviously Asian. So yeah, she took offense, and she learned phrases and pronounciation just to spite them. But it dodn’t take long for Tori to develop a fondness for Japanese. It was pretty, and it had a pretty sound to it, and seeing the reactions of those around her as she ordered in perfect Japanese? That was a major confidence booster. So she did some research, watched videos, read books, all of it on her own. After moving to Korean, her learning did take a pause, at least until signing as a trainee udner SM Ent. Then her Japanese lessons resumed, this time as actual lessons. At the time of debut, Tori can hold a casual conversation, knows several fun fan friendly phrases, and is generally the one left to order food when they’re in Japan or Japanese restaurants.



other names

△ Min Taeri ; this is  Tori’s Korean name -- her government name, she jokingly calls it -- and she answers to it only like 5% of the time. She’ll usually at least respond and correct the speaker with Tori, but. Hey, at leats she answers.

△ Victoria ; Tori’s actual name, her English name, and one she answers to when she knows she’s in trouble. Still, not the preferred name.

△ Tori ; the name Tori actually likes, prefers, and uses regularly; also her stage name. she’s worked from the beginning to make everyone try to use this name, as it’s the one she’s most comfortable with (and, really, it’s harder for non-English speakers to butcher) 

△ Vic ; used more by the family, Sam, and occasionally other English speaking trainees, much to Tori’s frustration. She’s not a big fan of Vix, simply because she doesn’t like the sound of ot and she doesn’t want to encourage the use of “Vicky” 

△ T, Toria/Toriah ; less common nicknames, but still pulled from Tori/Victoria by mostly English speakers. They’re not Tori’s favorites, but she answers to them. ...mostly 

△ here

△ here


Victoria Min  |    빅토리아 민    |  Tori


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ESTP-A, Firebender, Gryffindor, Candor, Valor
Chaotic Good

sociable, charismatic, hard-working, athletic, confident
direct, independent, tencious, daring, competitive, bold
blunt, messy, extreme, secretive, stoic

sociable, charismatic

Tori is an incredibly social and charming young woman. She’s not as exhuberantly cheerful as her brother or her younger siblings, but she is sociable enough to get along well on her own in social situations. She’s also good at making small talk and mingling, making those around her comfortable and pulling them into conversations. That friendly, approachable, charismatic energy works well for Tori on stage and when she’s performing as well, lending to an overall charm as a female artist and idol.

confident, hard-working

Tori’s time as a trainee did wonders for an already unflappable confidence. Growing up overseas, constantly on the go and making waves as an athlete in her local community, she learned to walk tall, exuding and oozing confidence. In Korea, that confidence was often real, but sometimes she faked it, too, particularly when she wasn’t as confident as she knew she should have been. Still, as a trainee, that confidence worked wonders for Tori, providing her with a layer of protection against those that would drag her down. Coming from nothing forced Tori to work hard and build herself fromt he ground up. She got a later start in music than many of her fellow trainees. She started dance late, and really only started to rap a year or so before becoming a trainee. Still, it was hard work, a lot of late nights and red-eyed dedication, for her to be able to reach the level she stands at currently. She’s not the best. She knows she has room to grow. But Tori’s also confident that she can get there, and she won’t stop until she hits that level.

athletic, active

Tori’s youth in Charleston and Los Angeles led to a lot of outdoor activities, and lended to the way Tori grew up like she did. And during all that time outdoors, she became incredibly sporty. Surfing and swimming, running, jogging, exercise in general. She loves anything with the water the most, but she grew up active, and aside from helping her later to maintain better dance routines, it gave Tori the energy and ability to keep up with the extra demands of the SLJK program as well as the members of the group. Over the years, she maintains a level of activity outside of the program. Morning runs, working out, extra dance practices with some of the dance-oriented kids. It given the opportunity, Tori is more prone to being up and active, motion from start to finish, than lazing about and avoiding the work.

competitive, tenacious

The SLJK program is incredibly competitive, more so than even a regular trainee program, and it’s a place where Tori thrives. She’s not one to stoop so low as to satbotage other in order to be better, but she’s deifnitely the sort to use failure or a second best ranking to motivate herself to be that much better the next time. That competitive edge stems from her youth, as does the tenacity that goes hand in hand with it. Failure is not an option -- at least, it’s not an option for Tori. Failure is just a call for her to do better, be better, and she takes it to heart. She won’t stop until she’s where she thinks she needs to be, whether it’s a small step, like learning all of the footwork for one song, or something larger, like convincing the members of SNS to go to bed early or eat breakfast, or somehting larger, like convincing the managers to let them have a day of rest.

independent, secretive, stoic

Tori is an incresibly independent individual. Growing up in America with a sitter and her siblings as her parents worked extra hours to provide was one thing. Even teaching herself to swim and surf, taking trial and error and failure and using it as motivation, that’s one thing. But moving to Korea with her father and brother while her mother and siblings stayed in America, moving to an entirely new country with a language she’s not quite as fluent in, that’s another thing. And being so independent has made her more secretive and stoic, keeping her true thoughts and emotions closer to her chest than she initially realizes or desires. As a captain, keeping her concerns private isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but that secrecy and her independence can lead to issues with Tori overworking herself, unwilling to lay down the burden of leadership and risk the trouble of asking for help. (Usually, Tyler sees it before she does, and he’ll ask one of the other SNS girls to approach Tori about it. Usually. Not always.)

daring, bold, extreme

Tori is very much the individial that hypes up the “dare to dream” motto. She dares, and she dreams, and she dares to be big and bold and larger than life about it. She toes the line as a rapper within the company, pushing the envelope a s afemale rapper because she dares to aim higher than other female rappers at SM Ent. And she’s not quiet about it, either. Tori is confident in herself, and she takes the necessary risks to not just get her individual point across, but to take the biggest strides she can. Tori has a “go big or go home” attitude, and while she’s prone to going to the extreme as an artist and individual, she’s careful to curtail herself around the members of SNS, to be more responsible with them and only push the line when she knows they can get away with it.

blunt, direct

Tori’s not the sort of person to beat around the bush. She’s honest, though not quite to a fault -- she understands lies can be necessary -- though she also won’t lie just to get her way or to make someone happy. She’s straight to the point about it, giving the necessary and pertinent information to make her point, and she takes that approach as a leader as well in order to offer the girls as much time as she can give them to get things done. It means she’s not always the best for touchy feely heart to hearts. You’re homesick? Tori’s probably not the person to go to. She’ll just pat your back and ask you if you want to quit, then remind you why you’re in the program and what you’re working toward, not so much denying that feeling of missing, but reminding you why you have it and what you’re working toward.


Unfortunately, like Tyler, Tori’s a bit messy. She has her own system of organization, and can find anything in her possession despite the messy. But...well, she’s not the best roommate because she tends to leave a mess in her wake and only clean up on the weekends or free days, much to the chagrin of the others. (In her defense, it’s not that Tori wants to be messy. She just had other things that require he rattention first, and cleaning tends to fall pretty low on that list.)


[ 1997 - 2002 : the beginning ]

Victoria Taeri Min is born August, 3 1997 to Min Hongseok and Min Taeyeon. She’s the first child of the pair, but certainly not the last. Living in Charleston, South Carolina, Victoria grows up in the sun and surf. Her parents are busy during the week, hard at work, but on the weekends, the family spends their days on the beach and in the sun.

Two years later, on June 8, 1999, Victoria’s younger brother, Tyler -- Taehyung -- is born. Due to the close gap in their ages and the fact that he’s the first, Victoria bonds quickly to Tyler, and the two remain close as they age and all through childhood.

On January 5, 2001, Harper -- Haeun -- is born. And on November 15, 2002, Hayden -- Hyunjin -- is born.

Despite their family having grown rapidly, Hongseok and Taeyeon take to the increased responsibility  well, taking on extra hours and additional chances to make money. This means Taeyeon and Hongseok are often busy on the weekends as well, at least for a little while, leaving Victoria and the younger kids in the care of a babysitter. They end up on the beach more often than not, with the younger trio lingering around the sitter as Tori runs off to play in the ocean. Sometimes Tyler joins her. But more often than not, it’s Tori on her own, learning to swim and eventually surf, and diving to search for shells and fishes in the shallows.

[ 2002 - 2008 : sunny paradise ]

For the next couple years, things continue in that manner. The children spend much of their days on the beach, enjoying the sun, sand, and surf. When Tyler is big enough by Tori’s standards, he joins her in the waves. But where Tori had taken to surfing like a fish to water, Tyler takes to swimming and diving, and even tries his hand at kite surfing. The two spend more and more time in the water, with Tori entering some surf competitions and Tyler becoming more and more knowledgable and skilled with diving.

As their siblings age, they begin to join Tyler and Tori in the water, but they don’t take to it as easily and spend more of their time on land, walking the line between sand and surf, collecting shells and cheering their elder siblings on.

It’s during this time that Taeyeon and Hongseok begin spending more time at home with their kids, taking them on adventures through Charleston and the surrounding area of the state, visiting other beaches and hotspots, and going so far as to arrange a vacation for the family in late 2007.

The family take a vacation to Los Angeles, California, and despite the similarities between home and their vacation destination, the children immediately fall in love. 

[ 2008 : the resettling ]

In 2008, Tori and the others discover that the vacation they’d gone on the year prior was not just a vacation. It was, in fact, their parents way of scouting the city in search of a home close to their new jobs.

In 2008, the children find out they’re moving.

Hongseok’s company has offered him a better paying position at their new location in California, with room to grow within the company. And while Taeyeon’s job won’t be able to relocate her, she does find a new job in California that’s only a short distance from her husband’s. They set a time table for themselves and get to work.

It’s not a quick affair. They have to keep their home otherwise spotless and routinely vacate the premises as an agent brings families to loong at their home in order to sell it. And in the meantime, the family packs what they want to keep and either donates or sells the rest as they wait for their offer on a new home to go through. 

And as much as Tori lives the idea of moving to California, she hates moving, and all of her free time is spent at the beach, often with Tyler by her side, wandering and committing their childhood playground to memory.

Too soon, their parents’ bid on a home is accepted, and they pack their belongings and begin the cross-country drive to California. (When asked, Tori refuses to ever spend that long in a van ever again. Not with her whole family, any way. No more road trips, thank you very much.)

[ 2008 - 2011 : eternal summer ] 

California is beautiful, and Tori dives into her new home, surrounding herself with more sand and surf. But unlike in Charleston, Tori has a new outlet to explore, and she does so with absolute glee. In Los Angeles, Koreatown is a thing that actually exists, entire blocks dedicated to Korean culture and cuisine. There’s Little Tokyo, too, and so many other places, and Tori is in love. She and Tyler often venture out into the city to explore, coming home with stories of their explorations.

While exploring, Tori stumbles across a mall in Ktown that caters to the locals cuisine, beauty, and music tastes. It’s there that she discovers Kpop. 2009 is the year of f(x)’s debut, and one of the members, Amber, is actually from California. A local. And Krystal, another local from San Francisco, is also in the group. It’s an novel idea, music. Singing, dancing. But it’s not one that sticks. At least, not immediately.

It takes another year, and Tyler’s interest in kpop, before it sinks its teeth into Tori and refuses to let go.

In late 2010, she discovers Infinite and Teen Top, Miss A and Girls Day and Sistar. She also discovers Hyuna and IU and...okay, maybe she’s a little bit in love with the idea. Before, Tyler had been learning the dances and posting them alone. In 2010, Tori begins learning with him, an active participant in his videos...and in some of her own. 

For the next year, things go pretty smoothly. Tori delves deeper into kpop with her brother, they begin taking dance lessons at a local studio, Tori and Tyler both begin expanding their horizons musically. And then at the start of summer in 2011, Hongseok drops a bomb on the family.

His job is expanding an existing branch overseas. They want Hongseok at the head of his own department. A pay increase, a really good one, awaits him if he accepts. the only catch? It’s in South Korea.

[ 2011 - 2014 : hello foreign soil ]

After much consideration by both Hongseok and Taeyeon, they agree that the job is for the best of the family. It’s not a move than be made immediately though, not by the entire family, but the job offer has an expiration date, pushing Hongseok and Taeyeon to strike a deal with themselves, and with their children. 

In order to keep the job, and to search for housing for the entire family, Hongseok will go over first. Taeyeon will wait behind with the children, work on packing, and sell their home. Except Tori has an idea. And when she shares it with Tyler, they don’t see a reason to not at least try. They ask to join Hongseok in Korea when he moves.

Taeyeon isn’t exactly thrilled, but Hongseok finds their enthusiasm endearing, and it doesn’t take long before Tori and Tyler both have their passports and are preparing for the long flight to South Korea.

Landing in a foreign country for the first time is a little daunting, but no more so than the struggle to navigate to the hotel they’ll be living in until they find themselves new housing. Luckily, it’s summer, and while Hongseok is at work during the day, Tori and Tyler explore, wiling away the hours by looking into apartments for the family to look into with their father on the weekend. And in between apartment hunting, exposed to the rich, new culture and music straight from the source, Tori and Tyle dive right into music.

By the end of August, Taeyeon and the other children join the rest of the family in Korea. Tori and Tyler have also happily immersed themselves in music, convincing Hongseok to enroll them in a dance academy that they can walk to from home. Being in Korea also helps with their fluency, and it doesn’t take long at all for the duo to begin to flourish in their new surroundings.

By late 2013, at sixteen years old, Tori is pretty sure she knows what she wants to do with her life, and she beging chipping away at her parents’ resolve. And in early 2014, they finally decide to let her. After all, what’s the harm in it? Tori’s still just a child, and Tyler’s Korean is better than hers. No entertainment company will accept her. 


[ 2015 - present : the big leagues ]

For an entire year, that’s true. For an entire year, Tori attends auditions and sends in auditions, and at every turn, she’s shot down. She’s a decent dancer, and she’s an okay vocalist, and rapping...well, she’s an okay rapper. But somehow it’s not enough, so she pours herself into dancing, into the online world, digging through videos and practicing to them. Girls groups are good for singing along to, but she’s not a big fan of singing. Her voice isn’t amazing. She needs to stand out more, be more visible, more present. 

she takes to rapping along to the music, to learning the songs and the raps, to knowing them like she knows her own name and history. She works on pronounciation, enunciation, and delivery. She’ll never rap like a boy, she tells herself, but she can be a better rapper than most girls, and that’s enough of a goal to work toward.

In May of 2015, at an auditon at SM Entertainment that Tyler drags her to on a whim, an audition that Tori didn’t even entirely want to go to -- SM Entertainment isn’t exactly known for their rappers, much less their female rappers. SM Entertainment isn’t YG, or even AOMG or Big Hit. But on a whim, she auditions, and she makes it in.

Inexplicably, beyond all reason, they see her, a diamond in the rough with so much potential, and they want her. 


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▸ as many as you'd like


△ as many as you'd like
▸ as many as you'd like


△ as many as you'd like
▸ as many as you'd like


△ as many as you'd like
▸ as many as you'd like


△ as many as you'd like
▸ as many as you'd like


▸ optional 
▸ can be catch phrases or those tumblr meme formats to get a good idea of the character
▸ as many as you'd like


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△ as many as you'd like

▸ as many as you'd like

▸ as many as you'd like

▸ as many as you'd like



Pop/Stars ✦ Gurenge ✦ More ✦ The Real Folk Blues ✦ The Baddest
Gashina ✦ Revolution ✦ Home ✦ Snapping ✦ Cause I'm A God Girl ✦ Cider
So What ✦ Get It ✦ Hobgoblin ✦ DDD ✦ Rule The World ✦ Empire



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[ May 2015 - June 2018 : general trainee ]

Life as a trainee is a far cry different from life as, well, not a trainee. And though Tori thinks she’s ready for it, it still manages to take her by surprise. Her schooling is almost over with, thankfully, but at first she sitll has to find a way to balance academics and trainee life, often resulting in late nights dedicated to one or other other. Like Tyler, Tori feels there’s a divide there, a gap between her and the others as far as progress goes. Unlike Tyler, however, who seems to hit his stride more easily and more quickly, Tori doens’t quite find a schedule and routine that works for her until a few months into life as a trainee.

By that point, at least, she’s done with school. Having graduated, she dedicates herself more completely to training, wiling away the hours in practice rooms, learning choreographies and songs, practicing until she feels like being an idol is something that isn’t just a pipedream, but something real and achievable. So she works hard, improving her flexibility and memorization, adding more songs and choruses to her repertoire and spending extra time with Tyler when they have it to spare, learning anything and everything she can from him, their fellow trainees, and their instructors. It’s hard work and she largely tries to keep her head down, but it’s so rewarding to see her name rise in the ranks of the trainees.

[ June 2018 - present : enter SLJK ]

Trainee life for Tori changes a few days before the June evaluation when, in the middle of a routine practice with her fellow female rap trainees, there’s a knock at the door. Tori leans back in her chair as she watches the course instructor stand and move to the door. They have a brief conversation there, one that Tori tunes out as she looks over her highlighted paper, before she snaps back to the present.


Tori makes a face as she turns back to the door and, confused, stands. “Tori,” she corrects without missing a beat. Despite using her Korean name more than Tyler uses his, it still feels wrong to hear it. She’s not used to it, and while she’s managed to break her fellow trainees of it, the instructors seem adamant about Korean over English.

The woman at the door shrugs and gestures for Tori to come over. When she’s close enough, she finds she recognizes the male beyond the frame.

Im Kijeong. Known more for his previous life in the underground rap scene, he’d joined the company as a producer and instructor. He even sits in on practices with the male trainees sometimes, and the occasional evaluation, though Tori has never seen him stop by to look in on the girls. She can’t imagine why he would be here now.

Kijeong nods to her, and then to her class instructor. “We’ll be going now. I’ll have her back to you when I can.”

Somehow, Tori’s instructor doesn’t seem to believe it, but she doesn’t say a word against it, allowing Tori to follow Kijeong from the room and down the hall. For a long moment, they walk in relative silence, broken only by the faint sounds from the practice rooms they pass by.

Eventually, Tori’s curiosity gets the better of her.

“Where are we going?”

Kijeong’s silent for a long moment after that, long enough that Tori wonder if he might be trying to ignore her, but then he pauses in his stride, turning to study her with a scrutiny that Tori finds a bit unnerving. It feels like an evaluation. “As one of the best female rappers within the company’s trainee pool, leaving you in a class that can’t challenge you or offer you any further growth bothers me.”

Kijeong says a lot, and also a lot of nothing, and Tori frowns as she continues walking without waiting to see if she’ll follow. She does, of course, but not without more question. “What are you going to do, put me in with the boys?”

Kijeong hums something like a laugh. “Eventually. Maybe. Not yet.”

He’s so mysterious about it, and his answers so enigmatic, it takes Tori entirely too long to realize that they’ve wandered into a section of the building that she’s unfamiliar with. In fact, it isnt’ until Kijeong stops in front of a studio door that Tori realizes that she doesn’t know where she is, much less how to get back to her regular haunts. She’s still trying to recall the way back, or at least part of it, when Kijeong opens the door and steps into what is revealed to be a studio.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Kijeong greets with a bow, one that Tori hesitantly copies before she moves into the room behind him. Kijeong leaves her just enough space before stepping around the glass to adjust the microphone inside. As he does that, Tori glances around the main room, somewhat surprised to see the older woman sitting in the corner. She’d been so quiet andhadn’t even responded to Kijeong’s apologize, Tori hadn’t noticed her there.

Except now that Tori’s seen her, she can’t unsee her.

Kijeong returned a moment later, moving to mess with the dials. Without looking at Tori or the woman, he says, “Victoria Min, joined the regular trainee program in May of 2015. She’s been improving regularly since then and has risen in the ranks of the female trainees for her rap and dance. ....and she’s being wasted there.”

The woman smiles, but the expression isn’t entirely fond. “You never bring me trainees, Kijeong. She must be special.”

Kijeong shrugs and straightens, meeting the woman’s gaze head on. “You wanted to see some of my picks. She’s one, and she’s being wasted. This is your opportunity to snatch her before the company’s new girl group team get their chance to.” Kijeong looks to Tori then, nodding to the microphone inside the room. “Two months ago, the day of the April evaluation, you stayed late in the studio after one of the male trainees said you girls couldn’t rap.”

Tori remembers that day. She’d been given a flimsy, weak excuse for a rap and hadn’t been allowed to showcase anything she’d been working on that month. Some of the male trainees had laughed at her frustration before telling her to work on being cuter, that SM had no place for a girl crush wannabe. To make it worse, the girls’ trainer hadn’t cared much at the time aside from telling the rap trainees to buck it up, that the industry wasn’t in it for female rappers. 

Tori had been unwilling to take it lying down, and she’d stayed late in the studio that night, pouring over lyrics and reciting them to herself. She’d worked on the verses for days, schooling the rhymes into muscle memory as much as actual memory, desperate for the chance to prove that girl can rap just as well as any boy can.

Is this really her chance?

Kijeong smiles, the expression softening his features. “It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just show us what you wish you could show them.”

It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to be enough.

Tori squares her shoulder and marches into the studio, putting on the headphones at the stand. she’s pleasantly surprised to find the microphone is exactly her height, and she grins as she rocks back on her heels, waiting for the music to start. When Kijeong offers her a thumbs up from on the other side of the glass, Tori nods. Seconds later, the song begins and calm descends upon her.

She can do this. She can absolutely do this.

Five minutes later, the song over, Tori slides the headphones from over her ears and looks out into the studio. What she sees isn’t exactly what she expects. On the other side of the glass, Kijeong is watching her, so satisfied and proud, speaking to the woman next to him that watches Tori as if she’s a new and particularly interetsing species to examine

Seeing her watching them, Kijeong gestures for Tori to return to the main room of the studio.

Tori steps back through the door in time to hear the woman say, “Even if she can’t do anything else, I want her.”

Kijeong glances to Tori, brow arched, as if to ask what else she had to offer them.

Still riding the high of being able to show what she can really do, Tori offers an immediate, “I can dance. I’m not the best in the class, but I’m pretty good.”

The woman nods after a moment. “Your evaluation is coming up, right? Show me what you’ve been working on for that.”

Tori glances around herself, making sure she has enough room to move freely. She’s a little cramped on space, but it won’t be a huge deal if she’s careful and limits her range some. When she glances up again, Kijeong’s already working on pulling up the song, the cover of the file familiar, and she wonders just how much of this was prepared ahead of time. Probably all of it. Or at least a lot.

Still, when the music starts, Tori falls naturally into the rhythm of it, putting her game face back on in order to execute the dance as it deserves. It’s all over just a couple minutes later, and Tori is breathing hard, legs a little rubbery from the excitement and from nearly hidding a chair that had ended up in her way. But from the looks Kijeong and the woman are giving her, she defintiely didn’t bomb it.

“You’ll have to do better than that,” the woman begins with a frown, only to be interrupted by Kijeong.

“She's in a studio with limited space. You knew that when you aksed her to dance.”

“I did.” Her head inclines, and after a moment, she sighs. “I expect your first evaluation within the program to be better than that dance just now.”

“Yes ma’am,” Tori breathes.

After a moment more, she nods. “Kijeong, bring me the paperwork by the end of the day. Place her where you see fit. I want her settled and ready to start by the morning.”

“Yes, ma’am.”




   POSITION    main rapper + lead dancer


▸ talent twin(s)

   --   DANCE   Ryujin Itzy  [ ex ]  [ ex ]


   --  VOCAL   Gahyeon Dreamcatcher  [ ex ]  [ ex ]


   --   RAP   Soyeon (G)-Idle  [ ex ]  [ ex ]


   --   SPEECH   Rose Black Pink  [ ex ]  [ ex ] 


   --   VARIETY   Soyeon (G)-Idle  [ ex ]  [ ex ] 



   --   etc   this is wehre any tidbits would go! the story starts in late 2018/early 2019 and will follow the trainees all training together and filming pre-debut specials. this would be a good place to be like "oh [ name ] trained with GEMS but was switched to SNS last minute before the final evaluation and roster reveal" or "was in charge of decorating for holidays" type trivias related more specifically to training era!


birds of a feather flocking together

 BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes  BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes

name format anyway you'd like


BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes  BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes BIODATA FROMIS_9 | Kpop girls, Memes, Kpop memes

name as many as you'd like but emphasis on the most important relationships




love interest

name matchmake?
backup  matchmake!
status  here



i hope it's cute


love story 

give me the feels

* feel free to add couple trivia and etc


Tori leans back in her seat, expression wide and pleased. “Hello! My name is Victoria Min, but I prefer Tori!” It’s a such a great feeling, because able to say this, and Tori can’t quite hide her glee. “I’m one of the dancers and rappers of SNS, and I’m also the captain of the Sweetz team!”

why did you pick the number you chose?

“Well...” Tori ducks her head with a laugh, playing with her fingers. “It’s a funny story, you see. I originally wanted a different number, but then I decided on 81. 81 is the country code for South Korea, which is super important to me, because this is obviously where we live, but it’s also the country where I got my chance to pursue my dream!”


Tori’s never really been the sort of person to think that far ahead in the future, and she can hear the muted giggles from behind the camera and interviewer. She shoots them a look, meeting eyes with Sora and Hana, and then with Marelaine, before she looks back at the camera. “I’ve never been someone to look that far into the future,” she admits, honest. “Anyone that you speak to can tell you that about me. I’m a ‘live in the moment’ kind of girl, so thinking that far ahead is hard for me!” There’s another round of laughter, less muted, before Tori continues to try to answer the question. “In ten years, I’d like to be promoting with SNS still. Like, yeah, I want us all to be successful on our own, soloists here and in our home countries, choreographers, producers. But I want us all to still come together to promote as SNS, too.”

which seniors do you look up to?

Tori’s lips twitch. It’s a trick question. What a trick question. “I look up to a lot of the rappers in the company,” she admits honestly, though perhaps not entirely truthfully. “SM Entertainment isn’t known for their rappers, so I look up to those that ahve come before me for guidance and guide on how to be better and further our company’s name and image. I also look up to all of our trainers, but that’s not exactly what you asked, is it?” There’s laughter again, and Tori knows that some of the girls are aware she’s talking about her respect for Kijeong. Let them know. 

“I also look up to NCT,” Tori says after a moment. “They’re all incredibly talented artists, and they give us all an image to live up to and work toward, and though I’m female and they’re male, I like to see Taeyong and Mark as something like rivals.”


For a moment, Tori is still, reflecting back on her first day within the program, as well as the events leading up to it. She’ll never be able to thank Kijeong enough for taking the risk on her, or thank Madame Kang for taking her into the program. She’ll never forget seeing some of the other trainees that had disappeared and realizing that she’d been placed into a more elite class of trainees. She won’t forget the chaos of Hana and Sora and the other girls instigating a dance off as they waited for Sam to get to class, or the way Liam had been so relaxed around some of the other boys. And she won’t forget the way Tyler had flung himself into the dance off with a cheer as the girls switched to early SNSD songs.

“Chaotic,” Tori breathes with a small smile. “It was so chaotic, and loud. And then when we finally got started.... I knew I’d come home. that was where I was meant to be.”

the sky's the limit

last words Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.

scene request Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.


[  solo ] -- tba

[  solo  ] -- tba




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(*coughs* dadriellllll-- saeran *update* has just been finished and sent off with a bow so... i'm totally good with plotting hyeonsae (idk shipname) whenever you’re able!!!! XD)