I can't do it

I just want to talk to someone (in private) .....I'm feeling like I have no reasons to live anymore, feeling like a totally ing loser/failure


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This is two days late, but I'm always here if you want to talk, so drop by anytime. I hope you're feeling a little bit better now. Some days are just very harsh D:

sry for late reply but you can tell me what's bothering you which made you think that you can't do (whatever) anymore...and why are you feeling like failure?
B2st_Highlight #3
what`s wrong my dear? come on... talk to me.. anytime you want...
Always here if you want to talk!
sslvrue #5
You can talk to me :) I have a weird interest in listening to other people's thoughts and problems :)
Omg please don't say that :( You can always talk to me if u want, I'm here for u! ^^ <3
boreddddd_xoxo #7
talk to me on kakao!
If you ever need to talk, I'm here!
But don't think of yourself like that, don't put yourself down!
Don't think of yourself like that!