Ugly? I prefer less-pretty. (rant)

So... I just came back from a mall (5 minutes ago I think) and I'd LOVE to tell you guys what did I get from staying there for more than 10 hours. (Don't even ask me what i was doing there because idk the answer too duh)

As we all already know, mall is popular place where teenagers go to hang out and couples go dating and blahblahblah. Sooooooo there's this group of boys, gathering at the escalator (ikr like wtf there are more suitable places to hang at wtf) They were like "woooo~" at the girls who wore very ily (and have y figures too) and "boooo~" at those who covered their body and said, "You forgot to shave gurl?"

hah yeah i was mad too at that time. i almost slapped that boy's face hard okay.

and then when an ugly less-pretty girl passed by - and she walked confidently (like not cowering behind their friends etc etc) they were like;
"Wow so confident of yourself eih? You think you are pretty enough to walk like that?"

and then when a less pretty girl walked in front of them while covering her face, they were like;
"You think we want to check you out? You are too ugly for us."

and then when a cute girl passed by and she walked confidently, they were like;
"Eyy she knows she is pretty! That's cute!"

And then when a cute girl passed by while covering her face, they were like;
"Why are you shy? You're pretty."

I don't know what the is wrong with these s. I thought I came on the wrong day that's why I met with these uneducated animals but when I asked the janitors there, they said that these s are always here, complimenting and bashing people. these s need to be burned in hell asap.

How can one be so insensitive about others' feelings? This is soooo saddening. Moreover when I saw one of the girls ran away while crying after she got bashed by these s. I've been keeping an eye on them today and seriously, they never stop. I don't know where do they find the 'good feeling' when they bash people. 

I heard the friends of the less-pretty people said 'dont take it to heart'. Do you think that's easy? Those animals rubbed the fact that we are ugly right on our face. 

I don't know what had happened to our society now. And the weirder thing is, why no one takes any action against these s. I've already reported this matter to the manager of the mall but he said that this is a small matter. 

People's feelings are never small matters.




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What about it is that if you tell them to stop they'll use the 'freedom of speech' excuse.
Someone needs to go up to them and say that they aren't any better either, tbh.
fnctnk #2
I really want to know, do they think they have the right. They cant bash people, I am curious are they good looking. In my eyes they are ugly. Wow people are so mean. You dont need to bash people to feel better. Someones sadness can't be your happiness. I am disgusted. Who gives you the right to call someone ugly.
That bastards should be slap in the face.. HARD!! I would have talk to them face to face Of course when i have backups!
Seriously =_=...who those guys thinks they are to judge people like that..duh..