BTS are a bunch of lifewreckers. Today proved that.

Today was just...I can't even put into words how today happened.

One day last week I was crying inside because I thought the tickets for the Tokyo leg of Bangtan's 1st Japanese Tour were sold out, when my friend comes out with "They're sold out? Let's see about that", whips out her phone and with a few clicks reserved two tickets with awesome views for the 10th.

And after last night (considering what time I'm writing this), I still can't fathom what happened. It's like trying to run a Youtube video at 1080p on a super slow internet connection. I haven't completely processed that I just saw them live; it hasn't sunk in at all, but at the same time my mind's going haywire.

Their dancing was sharp, crisp as in "freshly laundered and pressed linen" crisp and they even have time to enjoy themselves and mess about in between. People don't lie when they say Bangtan's singing and dancing is exactly the same as in the music videos, if not better because it's actually ing live. To sing without lipsyncing or messing up is one thing, but to be able to sing AND rap in Japanese, whilst dancing with precision too?

I need a moment because I need to study they are a bunch of lifewreckers istg.

Because we were in their line of sight, we made sure they saw this:


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