If you're gonna set your story in a Korean school...

If you’re gonna write a fic that’s set in a Korean school…

Here are some notes for you.


I wrote this little blurb because, sometimes I’m reading fics and there is some stuff that really bugs me because it is NOT how it would happen in Korea… Now, before some of you get iffy with me, let me tell you that I understand that some people are just writing out their fantasies, using what they know from their own life as a base, but some of it is just so unrealistic that it really makes me roll me eyes. Still, freedom of speech and all, you’re free to write whatever you want, but I just figured I’d put in my two cents.


So here we go.

The Korean school year starts in March. Kids usually have one month’s vacation in the summer and one month in the winter, with one week off between school years.


Junior High school is 3 years.

High School is 3 years.


Some schools have both Junior High and High school together on the same grounds (though usually in separate buildings).


Kids stay at school a LONG time.
Lots of them are in school clubs after class too, and many of them go to special cram schools afterwards as well.


A lot of schools have school on Saturday, so Sunday is the only real day off.


Korean kids don’t have cars!! Have you never seen a drama? These kids walk everywhere. Or take the bus.


PDAs at school are highly unlikely, except maybe holding hands, or like “Kabe-don”, and when and if bigger displays happen, it would be in a secluded space where no one would see.


There are no school dances or proms. Events would be things like a school festival or sports day.


Most schools are really strict about appearances. Girls aren’t allowed wear make-up, dye their hair, have piercings, etc. Boys can’t have long or dyed hair. (although i understand how this point is one you could forget when writing a fic about boys with multicolored hair...)


Kids clean the school at the end of the day (although if it’s a rich school, they usually don’t), the whole homeroom together. They don’t do this every day though. (there’s a rotation)


A lot of students wear their uniform all the time. It’s not unusual to see groups of kids in their school uniform on the weekend.


There is no such thing as detention. That’s an American concept. (do they have it in Europe though? I’m not sure… but I think it’s an American concept…)


Bad students also don’t get sent to the principal. The principal has other things to do than bother with deviants (lol) and in fact, even the teachers don't see him that much. If a kid is in trouble, it will usually be his or her homeroom teacher who will scold him, or maybe the P.E. teacher (they tend to be scary).


Teachers don’t have offices. There is one big staff room where all the teachers have desks all crammed together, and if a student must come talk to a teacher, there is literally no privacy. Some schools might have other smaller teachers’ rooms, like an English room for all the English teachers, or a Math room for all the Math teachers, etc.


At a lot of schools (though it varies) you are not allowed to bring your cellphone to class. You must leave it in your locker. And if the teacher catches you with a phone, you will be in biiiiiiig trouble.


Well, that’s all I can think of for now…




(btw, if you are wondering, I’ve taught at schools in Japan. Yes, Japan is not Korea, but their school systems are really similar. And I have friends who have taught in Korea so I’ve either double checked these with them, or looked it up online. Cheers)



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jun-kiseob_b2uty #1
i noticed that the facts kinda similar with the drama i ever see.. nice facts, i'm curious about something, what if an idol go to school, they usually dyed their hair, right? well mostly, school in asian had a strict rules about appearances, including mine.. anyway, good to learn about school in other's countries:)
MikuJae #2
there's detention in Europe (at least in Germany), but at my former school it didn't happen often that somebody I knew got detention...

and wow, thanks for the facts, I actually don't plan to write a story which is set in school right now, but these facts were really interesting and I always like getting to know more about daily life in other countries ^.^
i think girls are allowed to wear piercings tho
don't you think?

maybe you should correct it by saying "more than one on each ear"?