Wow College(And BANGTAN/PROJECT art post!!!)

It's come to my attention that it's been nearly a year(In April) since i updated Picturesque and for that i am deeply sorry my little ones. 

in that year i have not updated i have been busy with school and getting my life on track as much as possible so i haven't  had much time to sit down and think of a good update building up to a mini soon(SPOILER????? omg i'm so bad) but i promise i have not abandoned the story. i still try to think of satisfactory updates but when i sit down to write for some reason i hate it and end up deleting it to try another night or something... i think i just have to practice when i have time to get back into the swing of things. 

for those of you who don't know though, I HAVE BEEN ENROLLED IN ART COLLEGE !!! Ah yes, my dream is slowly coming true !! 

So i hope that some of my bangtan fan art/college artworkmakes up for my ty lack of fanfic updates(i kno i'm a ty person you can tell me i'll take it like someone is critiquing my art~ tough skin~ also if u wanna critique my art while ur reading this go ahead and do that too lmao !!! being at an art college has made me thirsty for ways to improve myself)

(These next three are part of a series, i still have to find time to finish the rest of the members)


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