
I would like to apologize whole heartedly to those of you who have stuck by me through my long and lengthy hiatus from my stories, especially Picturesque which is one of my most successful stories. 

Unfortunately, I can not tell you when I will be able to update the next chapter but PLEASE do not give up on me! 

Since the last update a lot has happened, and to cut it short;

I am now a freshman in an art college living off very little food and is severly lacking sleep. I have on average 3 major projects happening at one time and it's difficult for me to keep up with not only my schoolwork, social life, and overall health. But I have a hard time keeping up with my social media and accounts on the internet. 

I still use tumblr of course so I invite you to follow me there if you would like to keep up with me and ask me questions about the story if any of you are curious because I think about Picturesque everyday and how I plan for character development and chapter progression. I have NOT given up on any of my stories, I still try to come up with plots for each chapter, it's just finding the time to write down my thoughts. 

But with all the negatives that college has brought down on my shoulders I have a few positives to balance it out.

School is bitter sweet for sure, and the work load feels like too much but deep down I enjoy it. I have made many friends here that I enjoy spending time with. I have also met a boy whom is very dear to me, no I do not have a boyfriend but it's something that I hope goes farther than just a close friendship. If you are at all curious about my life or your favorite stories by me, I once again invite you to my tumblr account(mamadiva-dubu) to chit chat with me because I still love talking to all you lovely subbies! 

Thank you for taking the time to read this, y'all mean a lot to this chickie. 



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