two years

well i had this entire blog post written in my head days ago but apparently ive suffered an extreme mental blank and i stupidly didnt write any of it down so ummm yep we're flying blind here. ill get down to business ^.~ on this day 17/01 two years ago, i caved and made my account. im certain that i had some really important and heartfelt statements to make here but they've all escaped me.

so ill just say quickly how indescribably happy i am that i was encouraged to sign up to this site, to start writing again, to challenge myself, to never give up (even when my muse disappears for MONTHS at a time), to believe in myself and the talent of others. ive had the absolute pleasure and joy of meeting some of the most wonderfully talented and kindhearted people on this site. (not to mention, ive been so lucky and had the chance to meet three of you in person )

if i remember anything else i eventually wanted to add to this, ill come back. i was gonna do a round-up thing of my fics but ugh, no. (LOL can you tell i am tired and fed up tonight?) besides, i would just become extremely disappointed when i see all of my failures listed in one place ahaha. but i will just link my latest projects justtt in case you missed them. i am shameless. (THEYRE PROBABLY FULL OF MISTAKES STILL OMG SHHH)

Motion has just one last part to go (except maybe one or two bonus chapters. idk. maybe. someone gave me ideas and i-- yep.)

Bolster-ssi is for the most part, complete. but i WILL write it from Ji's perspective because i purposely left some bits n pieces out for that reason.

ps. this will be started VERY soon. as in, this week. or a matter of days. lets just quietly ignore how long its been okay. thank you.

i sound grumpy in this dont i? i do. im sorry :c im not, im just tired and and and i really wanted to acknowledge my time here on aff/how much ive grown/all the AMAZING people ive met


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Hehe oh sophiness, why would you ever think I was a voice of reason?? All I can say it that you are both magnificently , wonderfully talented writers, and if you ever stop writing...well let's just say there will be trouble. Hugs <3

Cough cough Princess fic Tina
I just checked and FOR ME TOO, this year represents 2 years on AFF (on April 22nd to be exact)! We are kindred spirits.
Do you remember the first time we broached the subject? DO YOU?
Because I do! (Well, kind of. I was high on kpop and awesome new friends Hehehe).

Us: talking happily about kpop, talking about groups we liked, talking about everything
Me: So... do you guys err.. do you like, err, I mean, do you follow the fanfi...
Tina: *breathes heavily, clutches chest*
Kara: *voice of reason* I read it, but I don't write it. But Tina...
Tina: I write crack fluff... *squeals*
-friendship sealed for all time-
Tee! You know I (and we!) will always be here for you. I'm so happy and excited you're back! Love you always! ❤️
I miss you and I can't wait to have you back, love. <33333