
So I've been sick since just before New Years.

Like to the point where I've had to leave the house and I've almost fainted.

Now I'm sick again, it's totally stopping me from writing which is a pain in the backside.

I was that ill I couldn't even be bothered to use my laptop which means it's serious.

I had a three hour nap yesterday and then proceeded to going to bed at half 8 in the evening [the earliest I've ever been to sleep is 11 and believe me it's rare that I do]

So I've had a total of fifteen hours sleep yet I still feel sick.

Now I'm supposed to keep writing Rouge, for all of those who don't know it's one of the stories I haven't pre-wrote and managed to finish.

I only have one chapter that is completed left and I'm too sick to concentrate on writng more.

So I'll probably only update the stories that I can if I'm not better by next Wendesday which doesn't look likely considering it's already Friday and I honestly feel like I'm going to throw up every thirty seconds.

I really hate being one of those people.

So I'm sorry.

I get sick a lot but it's rare that it knocks the creativity out of me.

Not to mention the lack of get up and go I have to do things outside of my apartment or to actually draw/paint/read/watch anything.

But I appreciate all of my subscribers

All of my readers

All of the silent readers.

The people who do comment and make me laugh.

The upvotes.


So thank you and I honestly hope I get better soon.

So I can keep updating, including some of the old ones which I have had major writers block with.

Please be patient.



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... *wipes tears*
I really hope you get better soon... Seriously, if you're sick - don't worry about your fics. People should be able to understand and you should pour all your energy into getting better so you can go about your normal routines again.
Here's hoping you get better really quickly...
God bless and good luck, Jayjay