♔ Gu Hyera / CHAEBOLS

gu hyera




goyangie ⋮ her school friends call her that because she looks like a cat
→ lady rara ⋮ her annoying best friend calls her this to annoy her. her friend thought it was funny to call her lady rara when hyera was drunk one time and she ran around the streets at night singing bad romance

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ may 5 1996
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ busan, south korea
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ seoul, south korea

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ korean
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ korean


→ korean ⋮ koreaning since born
→ mandirin ⋮ her father forces her to study chinese because he said "chinese is the next international language"


→ may 5 1996 ⋮ hyera baby was born
→ 1999 ⋮ her parents got divorced and she stayed with her father
→ 2000⋮ met her super duper best friend, hara
→ february 2013 ⋮ dated her first boyfriend, ken
→ december 2013 ⋮ broke up with her boyfriend
→ 2015 ⋮ ready to love again and participates CHAEBOLS


⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ park hyojin
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ park seul
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 49kg, 167cm


 . . . . . . 

hyera likes to dress in skirts and shirts with cute collars. she's used to wearing dresses and skirts so she seldom wear pants. during school days she will wear her school uniform

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ she thinks she's more of a cutesy person than beautiful or hot. she aegyos a lot and people always pinches her cheeks because she looks too cute



(+) happy-go-lucky - she doesn't frown much and she always has a smile on her face even when the unluckiest things happen to her

(+) positive - even when everybody has a bad mood, she still can smile like nothing bad happen. she will always flash her father a million watt smile when he's feeling down

(+) sociable - she always make new friends because she loves to know that she's surrounded by her friends. she can talk for hours even when she just met that person

(-) timid - sometimes she's timid because she's scared of deny and failure. she doesn't raises her hand in class because she's scared that what she says is wrong

(-) nosy - she's really nosy and can't keep away from other's business. sometimes people thinks she's annoying but she's still nosy as ever

(-) slow - she's always slower than anyone else when everyone is talking. she always can't get the jokes the other's are saying


hyera came from a chaebol family but unlike the others, she became a chaebol only when she's in high school. her father''s company slowly became bigger and it's worldwide now. when she's little, her parents divorced because her mother used to scold her and abuse her when she's drunk. her mother is an alcoholic and her father can't stand it anymore so he filed for divorce. her mother disappeared from her life and she never seen her since then. she moved to seoul with her father and lived there happily until now. 


- she has a pet rabbit, two cats and horse

- she loves painting and sketching

- studying in the prestigious school in seoul

- every weekend, she would go back to busan secretly because she actually like busan more than seoul

- her ex-boyfriend, ken, cheated on her and insulted her on the night they broke up. hyera always felt pain in her heart and she could not forget ken

- she is really good in her studies

- she thinks she has no other talent than studying 



→ RelationGu Jonghyeon ⋮ 39 ⋮ ceo of an electonics company ⋮ loving, protective, humourous ⋮ father - daughter
→ RelationGu Jihyeon ⋮ 35 ⋮ freelancer ⋮ rebel, fun, carefree ⋮ aunt - niece


→ RelationJi Hara ⋮ 19 ⋮ student ⋮ calm, sassy, quiet ⋮ best friends


→ RelationKen Kim ⋮ 20 ⋮ student ⋮ cool, talkatiive, sociable ⋮ exes




⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ student ⟪ AGE ⟫ 21
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ jb/jaebum ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ suga


calm and cool - he doesn't talk much and he's never seen in panic before. girls like this side of him a lot

dorky - very least people seen this side of him, and only elle seen this side of him 

gentleman - he always let the girls first and he's really good-mannered to girls

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT ⟫ i really like the storyline and i personally like romance so i can't wait! excited!

⟪ SCENE REQUESTS ⟫ l is being a gentleman to the other girls and that made hyera jealous / something to do with ken hohoho

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ a sweet picnic date in the back of the school where it's a really beutiful meadow with flowers



hyera got attracted to L on first sight. ever since then, she kind of stalked him and paid all her attention on him. she found out he is studying in a nearby college so she will always run out of the school and go look at him. it's kind of a stalkish relationship and when she found out L is attending the CHAEBOLS, she literally swear that she will attend too or else she'll kill herself. she hoped that they will bond through this event


L was hyera's crush when they are in kindergarten. they took the same road home so she would always stare at him like an alien. L probably doesn't remember but on valentine's day, hyera even gave him a rose secretly by putting it on his chair before he came to school. she eventually forgot about him when they parted ways and she also loves her boyfriend/ex. when she saw him one day, she didn't realised it's him all along


- ken and L went to the same high school which is an all boys school. hyera met ken through hara, because hara learned hapkido with ken once. 



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