♔ Bae Chaerul / CHAEBOLS

bae chaerul




→ goddess ⋮ her friends call her this because chaerul always blushed really hardly and become shy. her friends find this really funny.
→ rul ⋮ she likes it a lot when people call her by this nickname so mostly everyone calls her this

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ 18th of November 1997
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ seoul, korea
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ seoul, korea

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ korean, part chinese
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ korean


→ korean ⋮ native language
→ chinese ⋮ her grandmother is chinese, making her part chinese. her grandmother speaks to everyone in the family in chinese so rul learns it since young.


→ 1997 ⋮ rul was borned
→ 2015 ⋮ became a participant of chaebols

⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ kim shinyeong
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ pony
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 46kg, 166cm

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ chaerul likes dressing in skirts and dresses. she usually puts her hair up into a bun or in beautiful soft curls. she likes soft and light makeup that lightly colors her face instead of dark colors. she definitely prefers to dress more like a princess because since young, she always dresses like a princess in frilly dresses, tiaras, and flower crowns.

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⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ chaerul always has the cute and nice image. she always looks kind and approachable because of her light makeup and constant smile. her style of dressing also attracts a lot of guys since she looked feminine.



(+) happy-go-lucky - chaerul's joyful trait is one of her charisma. she's always in this happy mood that affects other people which made her a lot of good friends. even if you hurt her in any way, she's always fast to forgive and forget because her mother always taught her to be kind to others and to yourself.

(+) loveable - chaerul has this charisma that made it hard to ignore her or hate her. she's loved by many many people and she always felt the love surrounding her. 

(-) naive - chaerul always get fooled by guys. whether if she fell for them or the guys got attracted by her, she's always really naive and the one who's usually hurt is always her.  but this doesn't stops her from falling in love again and again. 

(-) never learn from mistakes - chaerul always make the same mistakes again and again, from a mistake in a test to mistakes in falling for the wrong guy again and again. 

(-) quick to fall in love - her best friend always find this dangerous to her, chaerul always falls in love quicker than lightning. she always fangirls over handsome guys on the street, always staring at the guys in class and always changing boyfriends.


chaerul is from a family which runs a huge company that is based in china. it has many sub-companies and businesses in korea too so the whole family lives here except for her aunts and uncles that are running the company in china. chaerul is expected to be the heir to the family's entertainment company after she graduates. 


- chaerul means kindness

- she has thought on being a trainee before she knew she's the heir to the family entertainment company

- she is really good in planning things but not making them a reality

- she is good singing and always wins the school competitions

- she always wanted to meet her one true love one day

- she hopes to find love in her first chaebol event



Father, Bae Dohyun ⋮ 50 ⋮ ceo of baeh group ⋮ strict, serious ⋮ really strict with chaerul's studies and well-being
Mother, Gu Hweji ⋮ 48 ⋮ yoga teacher ⋮ flexible, nice ⋮ a very loving mother to chaerul
Grandma, Bae Jihyun ⋮69  ⋮ retired ⋮ funny, caring ⋮ she cares the most about chaerul 


Best Friend, Ssul ⋮18  ⋮ student ⋮ fun, cool ⋮ best friends since middle school, ssul has always took care of rul



⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ student / heir to R group ⟪ AGE ⟫ 18
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ wonwoo ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ joshua


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ mingyu's a t

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT ⟫ comments to me or about this fic--

⟪ SCENE REQUESTS ⟫ come on i need ideas

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ insert here chaebol



Praesent luctus, dui eu viverra sollicitudin, est leo blandit eros, non finibus velit ante vitae lacus. Vestibulum finibus egestas mi, at egestas dolor congue ac. Phasellus sed dapibus felis. Nunc vestibulum consectetur massa quis condimentum. Nam felis leo, fringilla eget ligula a, porttitor elementum elit. Quisque vel scelerisque ex, id ullamcorper nisl. In nec mi a augue fringilla convallis at ut ligula. Duis quis quam facilisis, congue nibh non, tempus nibh. Praesent ut enim at felis convallis rutrum. Donec ac arcu egestas, mattis elit ac, vulputate augue. Sed lectus augue, laoreet sit amet tristique ut, mollis ac urna.


Duis vitae est rhoncus lorem posuere eleifend. Vivamus risus mi, iaculis sagittis cursus eget, varius et dolor. Integer lectus ex, varius ac ligula a, pulvinar rhoncus lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur finibus leo a magna sodales accumsan. Vivamus venenatis tortor sit amet diam tincidunt mollis et sit amet elit. Cras lacinia ut mi et pellentesque. Ut id ex neque. Suspendisse nec semper lectus, efficitur ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse consequat ante fermentum leo finibus, in interdum justo commodo. Donec in nulla vitae eros fringilla lacinia.


Duis vitae est rhoncus lorem posuere eleifend. Vivamus risus mi, iaculis sagittis cursus eget, varius et dolor. Integer lectus ex, varius ac ligula a, pulvinar rhoncus lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur finibus leo a magna sodales accumsan. Vivamus venenatis tortor sit amet diam tincidunt mollis et sit amet elit. Cras lacinia ut mi et pellentesque. Ut id ex neque. Suspendisse nec semper lectus, efficitur ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse consequat ante fermentum leo finibus, in interdum justo commodo. Donec in nulla vitae eros fringilla lacinia.



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