
1. How long have you been on Asianfanfics?
One year and one month. 

2. How many stories have you written?
I don't have any stories here on aff.

3. What is your favorite fanfic that you've read?
I don't have a favorite but i really enjoy Irony by get2herheart, The Blood Brother Code by Korekrypta, Malade by shainiak and more.

4. What do you love seeing in stories?
It's quite similar to what Korey said. Complex characters that develop throughout the story, a good and well thought plot, intelligent dialogue between the characters, humor, and of course the cherry on top that is the slow built.

5. What do you hate seeing in stories?
Mary, Gary and all the Sue/Stu family. It's hard to relate to someone so perfect and beautiful all the time.
I shouldn't complain on grammar since english is not my first language and i make mistakes myself, but i would still like to understand what i'm reading.
I don't like holes in the plot, and unrealistical development of the story, happy endings when they don't make any sense, or stories where every male fall for the female lead. I also don't like unnecessary drama meant to make me like the OC, and the usage of korean words in an english written fanfiction.  

6. Name three things you love about Asianfanfics.
The tallent and imagination people here have. 
The fact that people from different places and different cultures get together and share their love for k-pop in a friendly and non-judgmental way. 
This place is like a huge online library, where you can pick what you want to read from genre to characters.

7. Name three things you hate about Asianfanfics.
There are some very good stories that should have been a long time ago featured and they're not. 
The plagiarism issue that is affecting both authors and readers.
I'm sure there's also a third one but i can't think of anything else at the moment.

8. What is your favourite pairing to read?
I don't have one.

9. What is your favorite genre of story?
I usually like fantasy, sci-fi, action, but as long as the story is good, i don't care much about the genre.  
10. How often do you go on Asianfanfics?

11. Who is your best friend on AFF?
I talk to Korey the most.

12. Who is your favourite Author?
Too many good authors to pick just one, but some of them are Korekrypta, get2herheart, sundaysundaes. 

13. Where do you come from?
My mom's womb. 

14. If you could change anything on AFF what would it be?
The featuring system.
And some sort of anti-plagiarism measures that need to be taken.  

15. What is your biggest peeve?
Really really bad grammar. And stories written in second person. 

16. Which group do you mostly read about on AFF?

17. What is your favourite narritive to use in your stories?
I don't have stories here on aff, but it's either first or third person that i enjoy reading.

18. What is your most disliked sort of story?
A story that doesn't have an well developed plot, and goes on and on without anything actually happening. 
Mary Sue stories are also hard to swallow.

19. What age are you?
Over 100 in Mercury years. 

20. Who is your diddly bias, why, and who do you mainly ship him/her with and if you don't ship them with anyone just ship them with yourself it's acceptable
I can't pick just one, i like more than half of the exo members. 
I don't ship them with anyone.

21. Who was your first group and how did you find out about them?
SS501, and i found out about them after i saw Boys Over Flowers on tv. 

I tag shainiak, lovelyndgrey2230 and Fanfic-Eater


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