Writing Contests and Prompts (IMPORTANT UPDATE!!)

Hi everyone! I hope that you rang in the New Year well and safely! I stayed at home without a New Year's kiss or with any alcohol, so that's how that went xD

I wanted to inform everyone how I was doing (and possibly go on a rant or two...^^')

First off, I would like to say that I will be returning to college in a couple of weeks which is kind of weird to say. I feel like I haven't been on break for that long (whereas freshman year's break felt like forever~ I thought I was going to die of boredom). Needless to say, I'm happy to go back and be with my friends. It's better than being cooped up in a house and having writers block Dx.

That being said, I have been trying to write diligently every day. I have created ideas and prompts for myself to fill in, and hopefully I will be able to fully flesh them out. My goal before leaving is to post one of them to aff, so that means I need to get my gears into shape. 

Good transition~! I participated in a particular writing Contest (the Lackluster -Kyungsoo Writing Contest. Be sure to check it out, it's pretty cool. It's Do Kyungsoo guys, come on). This contest is where I got the motivation to start my horror piece (check that out too. It's amazeballs cool). It's an awesome way to get your creative juices flowing and get a kick out of writing prompts! :D

I guess that's it.... here, have some eye candy while you're leaving:

    looks like you lost your shirt there kjd. i'm am not opposed to this becoming a regular thing. 

 hello goregous - UH I MEAN FLAWLESS

 ya'll need to stop being cute. In the words of Beyonce: goddamn goddamn goddamn

okay... that's enough for now (also I'm lazy :P)






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