Dream time (again)

The latest in my Exo dream saga! lol

Last night I dreamt I was waiting for some exo members to go to the beach with them. Tao turned up with some ballerina girl. She was called Romina the Ballerina or something. And they were messing around on a surfboard, it was weird.

Then me and Chen went into the sea on one of those foam raft things you learn to swim with but it was really big. And we went out too far and had trouble paddling back to shore

But we made it back just as the sun went down and the other 2 members who were with us (BaekYeol I think) dug a hole and put some wood in to make a little fire and we lay on blankets around it.

Wait, if Tao went with bellerina girl and I went with Chen does that mean Baekhyun went with Chanyeol?

Were we triple dating at the beach?


(No Sehun that I remember. I'm sure that sneaky bastard was watching us from somewhere though *shifty eyes*)


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captivateinsgraphics #1
Aww that was so cute lol! I didn't even get to dream of them bleh://