Journal Entry 10

OMG I'm on the subway right now and there's this pair of really cute siblings right across from me and they are so adorable! The older boy is about thirteen or so and the little girl is about three or four and the boy is being all big brother-y and exciting when he talks to his sister and just now he was teaching her how to breath hot air on the glass window and draw smiley faces XD he's letting her stand on the seats and looking out the window and pointing at stuff and smiling and talking with her so cutely like I can't even!!! I can just see how they would have each other's backs and how amazing their relationship is going to be when they grow up! I swear they represent the very reason why I want to have an older brother but sadly I don't :(


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That little girl is so lucky ;u; he is probably gonna treat her like his little princess omg thats so cute I wish my older brother was like that ;u;