the hollaback club
Character name Lee Hyun Jin
nicknames "" - this is the result of Byun baekhyun's immature mind when she first introduced herself as a French horn player. he's the only one who calls her this and she doesn't seem to mind after growing numb to it.  This keeps luhan's mind running all night.
birthdate April 3, 1995
birthplace Seoul, south korea
hometown seoul, south korea
ethnicity Korean
nationality Korean
» korean - mother tongue, diversity is not strong in this one
» music - random Italian musical terms. she feels the music.
Faceclaim May/ eom yoon min ( + )
backup faceclaim Baek jae ah ( + )
» specifics! Height: 5' 2'' (159 cm), weight: 123 lbs (56kg)
» inked! During one eventful night on band tour in her freshman year of high school, Hyunjin and her roommates decided that a tattoo would be the best way to remember their trip. Right by her armpit, hidden from her parents is a small treble clef permanently fused to her skin.
» chopped! As the young teen Hyunjin passed through her rebellious phase, she decided by impulse that long black hair didn't represent who she truly was. fed up with her image, she locked herself in the bathroom with scissors and discounted box hair dye. To this day, she is still trying to grow it back to the length it once was. 
style - season by season
"How to wear a potato sack + having a bad hair day 24/7" - Lee Hyun jin's fashion
Summer - autumn - winter - spring
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Chronically cold, Hyunjin's clothing mostly consists of baggy knit sweaters with bright colors for
every occasion. She has a fair share of hats (thanks to an unfortunate hair massacre in the past).
personality traits
( + ) Creative, carefree, protective, experienced
( - ) impulsive, absent minded, nosy, slob
» "Is it creativity or is it just impulse?"
- From day one her life, her parents have always encouraged her to think outside of the box. With a mind free to roam the big outdoors, Hyunjin is no stranger to individualism. She likes taking things into her own hands, making sure small details are in line with whatever she's working on. Though artistically challenged, her views on certain issues can bend the thoughts of anyone. 
- Along with her jumbled mind and usually useful problem solving skills,  Hyunjin is awfully impulsive. It's not the issue of acting before thinking but rather she believes too much in her gut. HER BRAIN NEVER REALLY RETAINS INFORMATION CAUSING HER TO FORGET SMALL DETAILS THAT EFFECT WITH HOW SHE MAKES DECISIONS. sometimes HER IMPULSIVE ACTS WORK OUT FOR THE BETTER, BUT THAT'S USUALLY OUT OF LUCK.
» "Always absent minded, but as carefree as can be."
- She doesn't know sarcasm and she can't take hints. She tends to take playful insults and flirty comments to heart causing restless nights over a couple of words. Many would say that it's innocence, but other's would argue that the air in her head is just due to her mind flying off somewhere else. She's one of those people who would put more effort into concentrating on listening than actually paying attention.
- picture a small child roaming through a field of small flowers, wind blowing through their hair, and the sun shining down on their face. as hyunjin walks through the halls of her chaotic high school, that little scene plays through her mind. Always open to everyone, finding that the easiest way to make friends is to let take whatever you can get.
» "she'll always protect us...but it's a bit too nosy sometimes."
- in her second last year of junior high, right before her precious seniors left for the big bad high school, hyunjin felt a desire to fill in the shoes of her older band mates. now in the same situation as before in high school, her love for the class radiates right smack into their faces. this doesn't only apply to her biased classmates. even if she doesn't realize it, hyunjin takes extra care of those she loves in the hollaback club.
- Mix gag worthy puns and a girl who really knows how to get deep in your skin. Though many would say that her over the top affection is touching the first time, but after repeats of the same dry jokes can just get irritating. Sometimes she doesn't know how to stop a joke, causing her teasing to drag on for far too long. She likes to reuse her old jokes on new people that she meets.
» "People always call her a slob. I like them experienced."
- Being a slob could mean many things. She could be messy in the dorms, constantly disoriented, or scramble brained. Unfortunately for Hyunjin, she's all those things. She doesn't mind though. Using the excuse of calling her life an "organized mess", She somehow is still able to get from the door to her bed without breaking anything, body and all.
- Being a bit on the messy side, there is another type of people who seem to enjoy her spontaneous combustion, pushing and pulling with what ever she can get. She can easily adapt well to situations thanks to her approximate knowledge of many things. She can have a sharp tongue that some call annoying, but to others a whole new charm that they've never experienced before. 
» "i thought I was special" - In the first year of junior high, kim Jonghyun said hello to innocent Hyunjin. Everyday he told her that he loved being around her, that he wanted to protect her. Little did she know that the flirty sunbae was not just her bae. Though she is over her little crush, she is still grateful for him more than anyone else.
» "Rap_gawd420 - She has an unavoidable love for rap and hip-hop music. She currently has Gold status on Fanclub forums and almost signed to a record deal with a small company. As she walks through the hallways with a wide smile, earbuds in, it's only until you walk by her that you can faintly hear the deep bass.
After being born into a pretty well off family, Hyunjin was always supported by her parents in everything she did. If she wanted to play soccer, then her parents would pay. if art peaked her interest, then her parents would send her to classes. if she wanted to have private recorder lessons, then her parents would allow it. She never considered herself spoiled, just indecisive. when Hyunjin looks back on her life, it almost seems as if her 4-year-old self was way more confused than her teenage self.
it was only until her final private recorder lesson that she wanted to keep making music. her parents, of course never allowed the simple thought of becoming a professional musician taint their daughter's mind. if there was something they wanted to hold her back on, it was to make music as living. however, never wanting to disapoint their daughter, they payed the school intrument rental fee and away she went.
in the eager years of elementary school, Lee Hyunjin  was always known as that girl who jumped around from friend group to friend group. Not because of pure promiscuity, but because of the slim chance of finding true best friends. Call her self centered, but her real wish was for those pretty girls across the field to come up to her and ask if she would play with them. Unfortunately, her dreams never really played out and she was left mostly alone for the remainder of her elementary years.
Sick and tired of letting her loneliness get to her head, Hyunjin took her point of view and changed it 180 degrees around. Gone was her silent moping and self pity and out came over confidence and shocking bravery. On the first day of Junior high, she marched right up to those pretty girls and asked to join them...only to be blatantly rejected simply for being one of the few who had signed up for band class. Feeling as if she was due to be alone forever, one talented sunbae held out his hand and asked her to be friends.
thanks to her father's 8am-5pm office job, they are able to keep up with her daughter's wild requests. Fifling papers and making reports just in time to make dinner is his daily routine. On the other hand, Hyunjin's mother is always stuck at the hospital working weird shifting schedules. She's almost never home in the evening, causing her to worry about her daughter even more. being the head of her hospital unit, Hyunjin's mother knows all the right people to get the connections she needs.
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The HEARTTHROB OF THE BAND ROOM, MUSIC PRODIGY, and TOP OF THE CLASS, jONGHYUN HAS PLACES TO GO AND PEOPLE TO SEE WITH UNIVERSITIES TRYING TO CALL DIBS ON HIS NAME. Due to his loving persona, he has an unhealthy bias towards his bandmates and views everyone else as below him. he HAS A PROTECTIVE WING OVER HIS UNDERCLASSMEN who have felt the curse of being a musician, ESPECIALLY FOR LEE hYUNJIN. keeping A WATCHFUL EYE OUT FOR HER SINCE DAY ONE,
safe, or just keeping her to himself.
» "Who are you?" : ​bYUN bAEKHYUN / '95 liner / band without the band
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Though he seems like the weirdest, most annoying member of the Hollaback club, Byun Baekhyun is exactly what Hyunjin needs to keep herself grounded. They had only met under certain circumstances, thanks to their parents, but his addicting, caffeinated personality was what made her curious as to what this club was all about. His outgoing demeanor and overall ecstatic personality KEEPS HER GLUED TO THE GROUP ITSELF. never JUDGING AND NEVER HOLDING BACK, bAEKHYUN SEEMS LIKE THAT COOL BROTHER THAT MAYBE SHOULD HAVE MOVED OUT OF THE HOUSE BY NOW.
dorm mate amber LIU
dorm life Still unsure as to how she ended with a jock of a roommate, Amber and Hyunjin get along in casual symbiosis. Though they wouldn't consider each other the best of friends, THANKS TO OVERBEARING EMOTIONS SECRETS ARE USUALLY SPILT BY ACCIDENT ON OCCASION. 
school lifestyle 
» "Date me, I'm a brass player"
Though she is usually secluded to her own special niche of band students, Hyunjin suddenly realized that life was much more on the other side of a music stand. Maybe she'll finally find a real boyfriend who kisses her more than he his reed. 
» "i think she's that girl in bio class?"
Hyun jin wouldn't say that she is the most popular or graceful person in school, usually staying out of people's way just so she won't have to deal with any attitude. She likes to sit in the front of the class, trying to make sure that she doesn't miss anything while being distracted by any annoying people. She would occasionally crack a joke that might get the people around her to snicker, but other than that she is like a fish out of water. 
» "pssst....what's the answer to number eight?"
cheating is bad, well at least if you get caught. Besides, it much worse when the person your cheating off doesn't know. Hyunjin is not the type of person to cover up her entire test just to aviod the shifting eyes from the person next to her. If her desk mate ever pokes her lightly asking for help, then hyunjin would gladly undercover. She's usually pretty good a studying, feeling sorry for those who struggle so much. It's not the greatest thing she could do, but it seems as if no one is complaining.
how did you join the hollaback club 
» "Hello, my name is Byun Baekhyun and you're a lonely band kid."
due to a mother desperate hunt for some cooler friends for her daughter living in a dorm away from home, there were several things taken into the hands a random boy knocking on Hyunjin's door. not going into much detail as to what he was doing or who he was, Hyunjin was into a new group of friends that didn't seem to mind her at all. He had explained that her mother gave a call to her coworker to tell her son to convince hyunjin into joining the club. if it weren't for the fact she was starting to grow restrained from Jonghyun's walls, she would've ditched him on the way to their headquarters.
extracurricular activity Concert band - 2nd chair French horn
life in extracurricular activity
» "living, breathing, dying, crying = band life"
Starting at the wee age of 12, Hyunjin has been involved with music. Little did she know on the first day of middle school that signing up for band class would dictate her life in the future, labeling her with the name "band geek". Thanks to her mother's lovely comments of "sounding like an elephant", her dedication to her instrument pushed her into landing the second chair of her section by the end of her freshman year of high school. 
» "The french horn is just as complicated as the people who play it."
Many of the underclassmen would consider Hyunjin intimidating whilst she plays, but is the other half of the band that knows she's likes to mess with people's minds. to make up for her sort structure, she made sure the whole band knew  her authority and that she was not to be messed with.
» "this one time at band camp..."
From the outward eye, band geeks live up to their name. little do those people know, the picture of innocence is wiped away every summer at band camp. these students aren't shy to experiment, and Hyunjin is no different. She's had her fair share of summer flings in the past and knows exactly how to play the instrument of boys hearts. After all, the greatest musicians know how to improvise. 
love interest Luhan
personality traits
( + ) analytical, enthusiastic, flirty
( - ) paraniod, indecisive, restless
love line 
» He said: the chicks always follow the mother hen, and luhan's mother hen is the student body. Since the beginning of his innocent adolescence, Luhan has always been one to stick to the status quo. His life would be easier if he just believed every word his peers told him and never tried to figure out things himself. Unfortunately for him, that was not the case. 
- Upon meeting the seemingly dorky Lee Hyunjin, Luhan only knew her as one of the band kids who always dragged their instruments around the school like battering rams. "Don't look at them," they said. "They're weirdos," they said. And luhan drank up every bit causing him to run dry of excuses after his first conversation with one. He thought Hyunjin could be someone to play around with. A flirt buddy that would kneel to his every wish because heck, band geeks only kiss their instruments. He looked her down one day and tried his best to radiate manliness for her to bask in only to have her burst into laughter right in his face and in front of his friends.
- he watched her from afar, secretly admiring her and not daring to let the guys know of his infatuation. At the sound of her nickname "", his ears would perk up shamelessly and his mind would flicker through inappropriate thoughts that would make him blush. Night after night, he tossed and turned at the dirty dreams he would have of his little band geek. He had lonely nights where he would scroll past the American pie movie, band camp, and his mind would be in flames once again. There was no way things like that could happen, at least that's what he thought. Soon enough he is left with his own inner conflict.
» she said: In every person there is at least one ounce of a sadistic qualities. For Hyunjin, there are multiple. She was well aware of the stereotypes that were written on her forehead and she played off her fellow student's games. If they wanted to believe only what they had just heard about her friends, then she knew exactly how to play with their minds.
- Luhan was no different than these sitting ducks, just waiting for any new gossip floating in the halls. She noticed the way he looked at her and saw the turning gears inside his mind. He was just waiting for something to spice up his life and on his face was curiosity and conflict. She knew very well that she was the one to do it. She was tired herself of all these labels of innocence that were fused to them forever. If there was anyone she could seriously mess with, it would be the pretty boy who needed a little push.
- She spent many days practicing in the headquarters, eyeing Luhan from over her music stand. She loved watching him squirm silently to himself, trying to keep his composure. Contrary to the popular belief of Luhan's many experiences with the ladies, he was just like any other teenage boy. Curious, hormonal, and downright ually frustrated. She knew of his struggle and basked in the glory of making him thirst for a girl that was from the bottom of the barrel. If making him humiliated was going to make him fall for her, then Hyunjin was more than ready.
relationship The love story in which breaking stereotypes can lead to breaking hearts.
backup love interest Wu Yifan/Kim joonmyun
scene requests 
Jealousy - A scene where Jonghyun notices the extra attention that Luhan is getting. They have a man to man talk, and Jjong notices his new acquaintances' nervous behavior at the mention of Lee Hyunjin's name. Being another person who finds small pleasures in messing with people's heads,and knowing that Jinhyun is protected once again, he gives Luhan advice that would attract 
Spillage - On a late night back at the dorm, Amber and Hyunjin are spending the night studying. with her phone constantly going off with messages from the hollaback club's group message, Amber goes postal on  her roommate. All of a sudden, Hyunjin opens the floodgates to her crush on luhan that is slowly turning from playful messing around to dangerous fashination.
suggestions, questions, comments I was really excited for a story like this to come out! I love the teasers you've posted and I can't wait to read how the story progresses whether I'm chosen or not! I hope you found something interesting in my app, and also anything else I can approve on! I'm a little rusty in my app writing, but I really did have a lot of fun making this character up. I just hope that there wasn't too little on anything.
Anyways I patiently wait for your review! (the two titles for her background are from the monty python song, "always look on the bright side of life")

im sorry for my terrible first shot ahaha i have a bad habit of being too implicit with my writing so i'm guessing that's what happened. well, thank you so much for giving me another try -_-
Luhan: "is it true what they say about band camp...? All the things you guys do?"
Hyunjin: "Oh yeah, we blow on horns all day long."
© 2014 layout by influenza | do not steal.


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