: // SUMMER TIME BLUES » Yoo Soojung


Soojung IS A city kid.


NAME » Yoo, Soojung
BIRTHDATE » August 23
AGE » 20
HOMETOWN » Busan, South Korea
LANGUAGES » Korean + English phrases that don't make sense
SHORT BIO » She is in a love-hate relationship with her hand me down laptop and and has an intimate connection with old coffee mugs. Soojung writes stories about budding romance and unrequited love as if she's gone through it all. While spewing out words and phrases that describe the "full love experience", she's never had her own taste of romance. She's clueless when it comes to boys and she relies on her wild imagination. It's about time she stretches her boundaries. 
FACE-CLAIM » Girim > galleries:  one  &  two  &  three
BACK-UP » Chom > galleries:   one  &  two  & three
APPEARANCE » It's pretty surprising that Soojung's height was able to reach just around 172 cm. Being scrunched up in blankets and staying up late drinking coffee, one would think she should be shorter. By some sort of grace from God, Soojung can proudly say she likes her legs.
STYLE » Her style is the same as Girim's. She knows how to dress up and dress down.
OTHER » As of now, Soojung is clean of any odd marks. However, she is planning on getting couple tattoos in the near future. 
KEY TRAITS » creative but irrational - thoughtful but bottled up - attentive but innocent
creative & irrational: In the mind of any author or painter or any form of artist for that matter, the world before them is an empty canvas that is just waiting to be messed with. Soojung can find inspiration in anything; let it be a small toy, empty swings, or even the ramyun stain on her bed sheets. Depending on how you live your life, constant inspiration can either be a blessing or a curse. To Soojung, it just means more stories to write (whether that be a blessing or curse in her mind). However, her active mind can make up expectations that no capable man could fulfill. She tends to blow things out of proportion. Maybe if she got her head out of her books, she'd be able to see the real world.
thoughtful & bottled up: Ever since she was young, her mother taught her to "just listen" and that the ideal woman was one who never spoke too much. Thanks to the life-long lesson that was drilled into her mind throughout her entire adolescence, Soojung stuck as the listener in her group of friends. However, up until now, there aren't many things she feels comfortable saying out loud. Her world revolves around her made up characters and personas that break that ideal woman imagery that has stayed with her up until university. She tends to speak not through her own verbal words, but by the way she acts and moves with those she is with. 
attentive & innocent: The moments in which Soojung sits quietly and just listens, her mind is running. She notices the small details like how one's hands would move unnecessarily or how another's eyes would blink more when it's dark out. When she doesn't get to say too much, her mind and eyes show her just what everyone else is missing. This causes her creative mind to kick in, only adding the the flame. Although see can see all these odd, but beautiful quirks in people, she is some how blind to all the hints and suggestive gestures boys hint at her. She finds the way how boys act around girls is amusing rather than incredibly attractive. 
HISTORY » Growing up in a relatively "normal" family living by the sea in Busan, Soojung only aimed to please her parents. Before she and her older brother moved away from home, the Yoo family were the definition of tryhards. Every Wednesday night they would have Family Talk Time and every Sunday night was for Family Prayer Time. In the eyes of others, they were the perfect family who had breakfast and supper together. But if you really knew this family, it's quiet obvious how distorted they are. Constant interaction with your parents was not the teenage life Soojung had in mind. 
Now that Soojung and her older brother have moved away from the quiet life and were throttled into the busy city of Seoul, their way of life has changed. Both siblings can agree that being away from the people that were practically glued to their hips is like stepping through a looking glass. Although Soojung misses the family dinners and family prayers, she can't help but feel free despite all those mannerisms that have stuck throughout the years. In some way, she isn't as free as she thinks.
DREAMS » Her dream is to write. She goes to university to write. Not necessarily to be a professional author, but just to live her life painting pictures through words. She wants to fill in all those childhood gaps. Maybe one day she'll have someone to fill those gaps with.
Her parents are not strict, they just assume what's best for their children by keeping them close.
She has weak ankles, but when she's bored she likes to bend and roll them.
her lips is her bad habit.
OLDER BROTHER » Yoo Junghyuk / 21 / Paramedic Student / Being only a year apart, these two siblings understand each other when it comes to family. They live in the same apartment complex and when they are apart in the summer, they write to each other.
BACK-UP » Lu Han or Kim Jongdae
Kim Jongin: He is the type of man who doesn't really care about outer appearance. Though that may make it seem like he is the ideal man for any willing woman out there, he quite the opposite. He is lazy, he complains often, and his humor only appeals to himself. Jongin asks questions that make people uncomfortable and reevaluate their lives. He is not a bad or negative person, Jongin just seems to rub off on the wrong way with people and he's starting to realize that maybe speaking out isn't the best. He's the type of guy who likes to analyze and take a look at the big picture, never looking too close. 
He said: Typical, normal, boring. He watched her amongst the other people in the group of city kids and there was nothing that struck him. She was too clean. She was too quiet. And Jongin wasn't into that; he wasn't interested in someone who would ridicule him. He could already hear her voice (even though they had yet to speak) nagging at his dirty appearance. But as the days went by, and he watched her more and more, Jongin waited for the criticism from this city kid, but with no avail. The other girls in town gave him great reactions from his antics and inappropriate comments. However, whenever his eyes slid to Soojung, her eyes would be everywhere but on him. The little kid inside him became bored of how predictable everyone was and jealous of the city boys who were already her friends. Compared to everyone else, he was one step behind. He wanted to see her smile. There were days where he thought he could see a glimpse of a grin, but they were only shortcomings and close encounters. Soon enough, that girl who was typical, normal, boring, became that puzzle of a girl Jongin just wanted to figure out.
She said: He was the diamond in the rough, unique and rare. She saw the way he scanned everyone, and in the depths of her heart, she longed for his eyes to land on her. She wasn't sure what attracted her so much to Jongin, he wasn't like the men she wrote about. He was more. He was messy but she saw him as carefree. He was inappropriate but she saw him as funny. It was as if she was a child, looking at her crush from across the playground. At first, she would sit back and watch her friends fall into his tactics; they wouldn't laugh, but Soojung secretly giggled for him. Behind her hand she laughed harder than anyone else in the room. Unsure of how to speak to him, Soojung only stood paralyzed, afraid to slip up on her words and not daring to look him in the eyes. Meekly, she would ask her fellow students advice on this boy. Her male friends told her, "He'll come to you eventually. We can already tell he's into you. We're guys, we know these things." At first she was doubtful but as Jongin became more forward with Soojung, she allowed him to love her. She allowed him to fill in those gaps she thought only stories could fill in before. In the end, after secret glances and stares, they fell in love.
RELATIONSHIP » They loved in a way that was ideal, perfect. As their rocky friendship moved fast to create some sort of platonic love, the boy who spoke too much and the girl who never spoke at all, fell in love. It was a flawless kind of love because in each other, they found what each other was missing. It was a weird balance and they admitted it themselves however, their relationship was so blissful to the point where flaws were out of the picture. She was spotless and pure, he was tainted and unusual.
After the nights in which they laid together, she would just watch his face. Noticing the drool out the corner of his mouth and his messy hair (created by her very own fingers), she couldn't help but giggle. She found herself laughing more with him around, he was the funniest in her eyes. He brought up ideas that she'd never dare think of before. The way his lips pouted whenever he was thinking too hard brought her imagination to life. He made jokes that only they could hear, that only they could understand. She didn't have to worry about messing up her words because he was there to speak for her. Her subtle touches and secret glances gave away her feelings. And at times, she would wonder if he ever got the message. She continued to love him, he was bound to see her eventually; he was perfect for her.
He wasn't sure how or why there was a girl in his arms. His friends made bets about how long it would take for him to fall in love. He always seemed to scare girls away with his weird humor or his scary questions. She was too beautiful for his own good, as if she was a fragile doll. Sometimes he'd let his tongue get the best of him and slip up on his words. Despite what the others thought, she stayed and laughed. Their minds were in sync and the way her body felt against his felt almost surreal. Day in and out he'd spew out words and phrases causing her heart to melt. She never really said anything back to him, but somehow he knew that her laughter was all he needed. He hummed unforgiving melodies, hoping that she would stay in his arms. She listened to his questions and answered them causing new questions to open up, and she would just answer them calmly again; she was perfect for him. 
OUTCOME » There is no such thing as perfection. Even a diamond has it's flaws and some puzzles seem unsolvable. As the their puppy-love fades away, and their deepest desires shine through, Jongin and Soojung are left with their emotions toyed with, their thoughts tangled up, their hearts aching. She becomes bored, realizing that fantasy isn't worth it without the adventure. He wants to ask for more, upon learning he still has so much to discover. In the end, they fade away from each other, realizing that what they thought to be perfect was just too good to be true. 
» "For the first 20 years of my life I have never gone on a big trip away from anyone in my family. Plus, I miss the quiet country side. Maybe there won't be any distractions out there."
» "It was beautiful. The way how the grass seemed to dance in time with the wind, moving hand in hand with each other. The mornings felt new and fresh, as if everyday was completely different. I found this nice corner for me to write in, but Baekhyun told me I wasn't allowed to just sit and write. Huh."
» "I have yet to go on a big adventure and I'm still trying to find the real meaning to it. If I were to experience a real, great adventure I'd need someone special by my side. He would protect me and teach me everything I need to know. But figuring out any kind of boy is an adventure all on it's own."
COMMENTS/QUESTIONS » I'm sorry if it's a little short. Please let me know how I can improve!
Update: I tried fixing a couple things up! I hope it's okay! (maybe better? hehe) Also, thank you for the quick review! I appreciate it! :)
SCENE REQUESTS » A scene with just the two of them laying in bed, innocently holding each other while being caught in their "perfect" love.
PASSWORD » sun shy
USER INFO » haz-spaz / Hazel / 10


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