` Universal Rulers : Jeon Seoyoung — The Club。


jeon Seoyoung

kissmeshawol25 : Lico : 9


the basics.

name » Jeon Seoyoung

nickname(s) » 

- Jen : Her friends who have trouble pronouncing her Korean name. Genesis is her English name.

- Fumbles : Barom, her close friend back in Australia.

birthday » 07/24/1994 : 20

hometown & BirthPlace » Melbourne, Australia | Sydney, Australia

ethnicity » Korean.

language » 

- English : Native & Born and raised in Australia
- Korean : Fluent & Parents speak to her in Korean
Japanese : Basic & Loves anime and memorized little phrases.


singing twin » APINK's Eunji

rapping twin » 4MINUTE's Sohyun
dancing TWIN » SNSD's Tiffany

Talking TWIN » 4MINUTE's Sohyun (10:27)





" Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. "

" Love is a journey, not a destination. "



face claim » Yonnie

backup face claim » Kim Min Seo


appearance » She has platinum blonde hair with teal highlights at the ends starting from the middle. Her hair goes down to the middle of her back, and has bangs swept to the right. Has dark brown eyes and wears glasses more often than contacts. Seoyoung is pretty tall, standing at 172cm, and has a healthy weight of 57kg, mostly made up of muscle mass. Has a star pattern tattoo behind her right ear. 

style » Seoyoung tends to own more light colored clothes to match with her bright hair, and doesn't have a lot of neutral colors. Doesn't own any skin-tight articles other than leggings and skinny jeans, she hates the feeling of her top being constricted by clothing. Baggy sweaters, usually in light pastel colors, and shorts or skirts and leggings for the colder weathers. Knit cardigans and shorts, and flowy skirts or dresses, for warmer weathers. Shorts, or sweatpants, and loose shirts for dance practices.

- Dorm/Casual : 1 2 3 
- Practice : 1 (Hyorin or Bora) 2 3

- Airport : 1 2 3
- Dressed up : 1 2 3

- Everyday Attire : 1 2 3



She grew up well with support from her parents. Their family is pretty wealthy and wouldn't trade it for anything more. Seoyoung always had her cheerful personality, and only had a couple of close friends in Australia, rather than a whole bunch who didn't even know what foods she liked. Her parents were supportive of everything she did, and never had high expectations, leaving her to have a stress-free life growing up. They allowed her to go for whatever she wanted to do.
During school she met Rome and became close like siblings right away. (They were actually reading buddies) Turns out her parents were friends with his as well. They all would spend holidays and celebrations together, and that was when Rome started dancing. Seoyoung got interested in the songs he would dance to, and started singing. The two realized they wanted to do something in the music industry, and they made videos of themselves. Seoyoung mostly helped in filming Rome, but she didn't really show her face in covers, she was camera-shy back then. One year later, Rome wanted to move to South Korea to audition at a company, and wanted to bring Seoyoung with him, so they went to ask their parents, and they approved.

Currently Seoyoung is living in the apartment she bought with Rome, and looks forward to dorming with other memers if she debuts. She's been feeling a bit lonely ever since Rome dorms with C-Clown, although he does sleep over sometimes when it's too late for him to go home after he picks up some clothes, but she likes having freedom by herself too. For her daily routine, she usually just wakes up, get ready, and goes to the JYP building for training. Seoyoung stays there until late, practicing her dancing after the other trainees leave. On her rare day offs, she would either go to a cafe and relax, or visit Rome if he's free. She also likes window shopping and volunteering at the animal shelter, since she's unable to raise one herself, she'd at least want to care for the animals in some way. 
There's really not much that Seoyoung is going through, considering she's only concentrating on becoming an idol. She has the greatest friends she could ask for, as well as good living conditions.


personality » 
Positive: Outgoing, straight-forward, respectful, and confident.
Negative: Naive, quirky, childish, and stubborn.


Seoyoung is a friendly and an outgoing person. She's always smiling or trying to make someone else laugh along with her. When something is on her mind, she doesn't ponder on it and instead questions it out loud, whether it makes sense or not to the situation, but then makes a joke about it. Seoyoung is a bit boyish in terms of her personality, and actually doesn't have much girlish thoughts. She sounds rough when speaking, but actually uses formalities a lot more than needed, unless speaking in English. Even when speaking in English, her manners are visible. Seoyoung speaks with her mindset though, and doesn't waver from it. If there's something she believes need to be said, or someone wants her to say something for them, she will say it with a strong voice and not stutter. 

She knows when to be mature or to stop joking when the situation calls for it, but can lose that sense of calmness in a second. Seoyoung is pretty oblivious to the ways other people think of her, but if they don't make a big impact in her life, she doesn't really care. She doesn't like dwelling on past matters, and tends to forget or move on really quickly. Actually, her ability to quickly forget something is something worrying on its own. Sometimes Seoyoung will be doing something when something else unintentionally distracts her, and if she walks away from what she's doing, she most likely will forget about it until someone reminds her or she walks back to it. (Did that sound confusing?) 
When Seoyoung is just joking around, she seems like a child who is trying to find out many new things the world offers. She gets easily amused by silly jokes and physical body gags, and very impressed by things that just straight out look amazing. Despite her childish and immature nature, she's observant of the world as well, and works hard towards her goals. Seoyoung definitely does not like giving up. She believes that if she wants something, no one else can tell her she can't. (Unless she wants to buy something odd and useless. Seoyoung will whine for a bit unless you distract her with something else, like food.)


- Feline animals, wants a cat, but doesn't have time to raise it.

- Dumb puns, either in English or Korean.

- The color teal. She dyed her hair blonde so the teal highlights would be able to stand out. Most of her items are teal, such as her handbag, her phone case, etc.

- Lattes, preferably vanilla.

- Karaoke, loves singing her heart out to her favorite songs.


- When people tell her what to do. For example, when someone rushes her to finish something, she actually will take longer to complete it. If no one were to push her, she would finish it right away.

- Strong scents, like perfume or cologne.

- Being ignored for no reason. Can understand if there was a reason.

- Slow internet connection, would rather have none.

- Being cold, would wear a bunch of layers than risk getting cold.


- Sits normally on a chair, but over time will curl into a ball.

- Rolls out of bed when sleeping.

- Washing dishes when stressed.

- Her laughs are silent, but giggles and chuckles are quiet.

- Often has random urges to either cook something extravagant but end up making simple dishes, or vice-versa.
- Misses the beat with footing when dancing, hence her nickname "Fumbles". 
- Spaces out sometimes and will trip if walking, or drop something.


- Cooking

- Origami

- Reading (fanfiction)

- Writing

- Making her own remixes


- Seoyoung loves eating kimchi, but doesn't handle other spicy food well.

- Is very skilled in cooking, but can't bake.

- Knows about fanfiction, reads a couple in her free time.
- Her star tattoo is because she enjoys star gazing.

- Big fan of BTS and Apink. Is a fan of many other groups.

- Her clumsiness is an obstacle to her dancing.
- Looks up to Song Jihyo.
- Ryu Hyun Jin is her ideal type.
- Used to be a trainee at Yedang Entertainment before JYP.
- Had a YouTube channel with her covers of songs, but deleted it.
- Used to be in love with video games back in Australia. Longs to be able to play again, after if she ever debuts.




-Jeon Hyoyoung : Mother : 44

Personality : Outgoing, gets along well with many people. Outspoken, talks to everyone about everything. Supportive, is open to many things that Seoyoung wants to do and supports her 110%. Stubborn, she believes everything can be done with just a bit of passion and hard work, nothing is impossible. 

Relationship : Hyoyoung was the second person to know that Seoyoung wanted to go to South Korea to become an idol, first person being her friend who convinced her to go, and allowed Seoyoung right away. She called up Rome's mom and together they started researching real estates and calling old connections in South Korea as well. The two mothers lectured the youngsters what they need to bring, what they need to buy, what they need to do once they get to South Korea, and so on.
Even though her mom is very outgoing and supportive, she's the second one to call if Seoyoung needed someone to talk to, most likely because long-distance calls are expensive, unless it's something girl-related.


-Lee Jaeho : Father : 49

Personality : Confident, very sure of himself and what he talks about, though sometimes it may be wrong. Responsible, makes sure everything is going according to plan and they always have what they need. Humorous, he always makes dumb jokes and puns out of everything.

Relationship : Jaeho is rarely home, since he works long hours at a far distance as a construction worker, so when Seoyoung moved to South Korea, he wasn't able to talk to her too much. Unless he's at home and she calls her mother, then he gets a chance to talk to her as well.


Friends » 

-Barom Yu (Rome) : Best Friend : 24
Personality : Down-to-earth, he's a very realistic and moral person. Rome would go out of his way to help the elderly or disabled, and offer to stay with them if they're waiting for someone. Free-spirited, he knows how to stay true to himself and doens't let others influence him. Mature, after being named leader of C-Clown, he would have to look after the group and be like the father of the group. 
Relationship : Bestest pair of friends one would ever see. They travelled to South Korea together, and live in the same apartment. Since Rome dorms with C-Clown now, Seoyoung is alone, but many of his items are still there and he goes back sometimes to get them. They call each other right away when something is wrong, and need someone to talk to. 

-Im Jaebum (JB) : Close Friend : 20
Personality : Sophisticated, gives off an aura of self-confidence and charisma. He's really kind of dorky and childish, but because he's the leader, he has to refrain from it. Only when the situation is care-free, he will just let loose and be himself. JB often has silent periods when he thinks things over and will create his own stressful thoughts, so he would go out in the middle of the night to be away from everyone.
Relationship : The two met through Rome, who used to take vocal lessons with him, and got along well. She kept in contact with JB and enjoyed his calm presence. Because of Seoyoung's observance, she does notice sometimes his tone of voice when he talks and knows what to say to cheer him up. She will listen to what he has to say and give him back advice.





-Ok Taecyeon : Sunbae : 26

Personality : Off stage he is this really sweet, humorous, all around good guy. His face seems to soften behind his glasses as if they’re a shield that holds in the beastly image he’s very well known for. On stage, he turns into Taecyeon, the beast idol who gyrates on stage and causes fangirls in the audience to loose their minds as he stalks around the stage with that confident smirk.
These are just a few of the reasons why he is Seoyoung's celebrity crush.

Relationship : Taecyeon is a sunbae to Seoyoung, and they've only spoken a couple times when she was being introduced, and lost in the halls. They are not particularly close or anything, but are friendly towards each other, and Taecyeon has offered his help a couple times when she got lost in the building.




Back-up plotline » The Queen

trainee background » 1 year in Yedang Entertainment, 2 years in JYP Entertainment

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE » Auditioned with Barom to Yedang Entertainment, made an M/V appearance, and stayed for a year until moving to JYP. 

how'd you get in? » JB once invited Seoyoung to watch him practice, and he was taking a break from dancing when Seoyoung wanted to listen to some EXID. She was singing along to 'Every Night' and was belting out Solbi's high notes and attempted some of LE's rap. GOT7's manager came by to check on him and heard her voice from the outside of the room and made his way to inform Park Jinyoung. JYP also went to the room and was touched by her emotion, so he went in and had a chat, offering her to be a trainee at his company.

TRAINEE LIFE »  When Seoyoung was in Yedang, her trainee life was fairly simple. It was a small company, so everyone got along and knew each other well. However, during dance training sessions, her clumsiness was a problem, and she struggled a lot. She would practice overtime and often push herself, but had her trainee friends to help her out a bit, especially Rome since he was a dancer.
When she moved to JYP it was a bit different, since it is one of the Big 3 companies. There were a lot more trainees who have been training longer and were eager to debut, but when she came along with experience in Yedang, some of them got pushed back and they were jealous. She wasn't able to make as much friends in JYP, also because somehow it was known that she was close friends with JB as well. She was isolated from the others and no one offered to help her, except JB and his group members whom she met a little after she settled in JYP. With support from them, and her other old friends from Yedang, she continued to ignore the negative comments towards her and concentrated on the positive feedback. 


persona » 4D Condition (Similar to Onew Condition)

Stage name » Genesis

Position » Lead Rapper, Main Vocalist

Back-up Position » Main Rapper, Leader (of the girls)

fanclub name » Clubbers

fanclub color » Teal #33cccc


past events »

Appearance in C-Clown's M/V :  With C-Clown : Yedang were planning to debut her soon because of her vocal skills, but with her poor dancing, they wanted her to train a bit longer. They allowed her to get more exposure with this music video.
Cameo in JJProject's M/V :  With JB and Jr of GOT7 : No special reason as to why she was chosen, but the producers were looking for JYP trainees who wanted and were professionally ready to appear in a music video.

future events » 

Song Collaboration :  In the future, with a main vocalist of a boy group : For a special stage at Inkigayo.
MC at Inkigayo or Weekly Idol :  In the future, with other popular idols such as Zico and Minho, or Ilhoon : Seoyoung really wants to try MCing and begged JYP to help her get a position.

Model for TheFaceShop : As a rookie, with the Diamond of Universal Rulers : JYP wanted to give more exposure to Universal Rulers, so he signed another contract with TheFaceShop for the two to model for them.

solo album/cover » 

Going Crazy : Originally by Song JiEun and Bang Yongguk, done with C-Clown's T.K, when she was still at Yedang Entertainment. Video of the cover was released, just after she joined JYP, by Rome. He left this comment along with the upload, "Here's a taste of Seoyoung's talent! Please give her lots of support as she trains hard at her new company!"

scandals » 

- JYP Trainee seen wearing GOT7's Jackson's hat. : Seoyoung's photo was taken as she was leaving the JYP building for the night, wearing one of Jackson's frequently worn snapbacks, by the fans waiting outside. Fans became suspicious because they also claimed to have seen Jackson leaving the building with a different snapback than the one he wore in the morning. Fans, making scandals out of every little thing, made those pictures of Seoyoung swarm around and started a rumor that he and the trainee are closer than sunbae and hoobae. It was resolved when Jackson tweeted that it was all a misunderstanding because Seoyoung was not feeling well that day, and blindly picked up a snapback she thought looked similar to hers, and left after a whole day of practice. 

Past pictures of Seoyoung and Rome living together resurface : Rome and Seoyoung used to live together before C-Clown's debut because they went to South Korea together, are close friends like siblings, and thought it'd save a lot of money than living separately. They had old pictures of them picking out furniture and setting it up in their house so they could send the pictures back to their parents in Australia to let them know they were just fine. A sasaeng fan hacked into Rome's phone and found the pictures and spread it all over the internet. It was resolved when Rome just told the truth of them living together to save money, and that they only saw each other as siblings. Crowns are relatively understanding fans, so it was not much of a big issue. Many netizens found this rumor to be a bit irrelevant, since Rome has talked about her a lot in interviews about his time back in Australia, as well as their time as trainees together, so it wasn't much of a shock either.

social media » 

facebook : n/a

twitter : @jensyj94

instagram : @ur_syj94 (Made after debut)


the one and only.

love interest » Jackson : GOT7

Wangson : Gets called that by Seoyoung, because it shows their closeness.
Wild and y : Himself, in his own view of himself.

backup love interest » Applicant : Universal Rulers



personality »
Jackson is very confident and adorable at the same time. He acts tough and shows his y side well, especially for performances. However, off-stage, he is very dorky and a bluff-idol, which means something like he acts tough but something happens and he embarasses himself (or others). Jackson is down-to-earth, and kind of naive as well. He's bad at acting like someone he's not, so he takes lots of pride in being just himself. 

Jackson is also kind of a child, in terms of not really thinking things deeply before acting. Especially his weak side when he gets sad and misses his parents in another country, and gains energy from looking at people loving him. Jackson can't control his emotions well, but that's because he always has a smiling side showing. He's very stubborn and hates being ignored. He always tries to do something different to attract attention to himself. 


HOWD YOU MEET? » Since JB and Seoyoung were already friends, JB introduced her to his group members when she got used to the routine set as a JYP trainee. JB told Seoyoung to go to their practice room after she was done training for the day, and that's where she met all of GOT7. Because her, Jackson, and Mark all speak English, they got along pretty well. Jackson and Seoyoung started to chat and just clicked because their personalities are pretty similar. 


RELATIONSHIP » They're really casual and open with each other. Seoyoung supports him with his GOT7 and Roommate promotions and makes sure to watch every performance and episode. They often see each other around inside the JYP building, since she would be in trouble if she were to be caught outside with him after that hat scandal. Seoyoung doesn't know too much about love, all she knows is that she's happy and comfortable around Jackson. Jackson sees Seoyoung a bit different from other girls around him, especially because he has Youngji, Guk Ju, Nana, and Sunny around him during Roommate. They don't let any of that emotion show when they're together, they just act like the bestest of friends.


IN THE END... » With a cliche kind of confession, they end up together. Jackson is helping Seoyoung practice her dancing, when she trips and falls on him. They get awkward around each other for the next few weeks, Seoyoung tries to avoid him, but eventually  they run into each other and Jackson confesses to Seoyoung, saying he can't stop thinking about her. At the end of the story, they've announced that they're dating and Seoyoung gets hate from JacksonxYoungJi fans, even just the Jackson fans, at first, but most of them accept and wish the couple happiness.






- I feel closest to the Ace, mostly because we can speak to each other in another language that the other girls aren't too familiar with -chuckle- Also, our dancing level is kind of similar? Well, in terms of performance. Ace's skill is way above mine!



- I would like to say the Jack because of our similar positions, but it's actually the Spade. His looks make it hard to not confront him, am I right? -chuckle- Also, he's a bit awkward in terms of variety skills, so maybe hanging around me is advantageous for him?



- Mm... I think the Diamond. I mean, I try to get along with everyone, but our interests seem to clash a bit... We're not really able to practice together as two, since her dancing skill is far from my reach, and my vocals are a bit different from hers as well, so it's a bit awkward when we're alone.



- Least closest? I would say the King. Kind of the same reason as Diamond, but also because we have less of a reason to see each other often.



- Haha, I think I'm a mix of a mother and slob. Weird combo right? Well, there are certain things I'd very much like to be kept clean, such as the floor of random items, dishes in the sink so we can eat, and laundry so the dorm won't stink. But while I try to keep the dorm clean, I actually leave my own room really messy -chuckle- I guess I don't really care if it's just myself, but if a lot of people are involved, it's better that an area be kept clear right? Also, I love cooking! I definitely wouldn't mind if I were in charge of our food!



- I think I'm more weird than the other members? I admit it, I've also been told many times by other friends haha. Sometimes I seem very mature, but that's because of my habits at home. Sometimes I seem bold because I speak my mind about things I question. Sometimes I seem like a child because of my reaction to things that make me happy, and of course, this baby face! -points to face-



- I like a lot of other idol groups. Honestly, I think if I weren't aiming to be an idol myself, I'd at least be the vice-president of a couple fan clubs. -smiles secretly-


last words.

comments/suggestions » Messed up the layout a bit with the 'Turn In' and 'The Story' links by trying to add pictures of Rome and JB ><"... Hope it's not too bad though? I tried to make it look better than if I left it alone though :')
Anyways, hehe, hope you like my character ^^ I tried to make my app fun to read, as well as get a better feel for her character. I feel like I repeated a few things though D: I took some time writing all of this ;w;
I look forward to your review~

scene requests » 
- Winning their first award!
- Showing off their dorm, kind of like how the living area is clean, but when the camera gets to Seoyoung's room it's completely different, like in the interview up there ^, and showing Seoyoung cooking for them?
- Universal Rulers at Weekly Idol! 
- Any other scandals you can think of with Jackson and Seoyoung's kind of relationship ^^
- Universal Rulers telepathy game, like in EXO and Apink Showtime :D

password » Universal Rulers


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