Story 004; Loverush Layouts

chapter --; 


 Part of the reason why I am so caught up between the mess in my head and the storm in my heart is because of a certain boy, Zitao. I'm trying so hard to hold on to nothing, and I think it's time to see him for what he really is. Imperfect. But not that that's a bad thing. It's good, in a way that I know that he's still human, still a part of my world because I have yet to find one thing that disappoints me. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. It's funny how when someone says they love you, you can't really feel it. But when they say they don't love you anymore, you can feel every ounce of what was drained out of your entire being. The essence of life is not being perfect, impressing people, or succeeding at everything. The essence of life is simply making mistakes and learning from them, surrounding yourself with people that love you when you're being yourself, and getting through the failures so that you can continue improving. Most of the shadows of life are caused by us standing in our own sunshine.

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Praesent egestas, orci id blandit mattis, mauris massa hendrerit erat, sit amet aliquet eros tellus non lorem. Quisque eleifend tellus et lorem faucibus volutpat. Nunc eu tempor ligula. Quisque erat quam, facilisis in vehicula sit amet, mattis id arcu. Curabitur purus lorem, pharetra nec mollis vitae, viverra nec metus. Curabitur interdum, nibh vel gravida tempus, metus est luctus sapien, non congue lorem felis ut sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla sed nisi diam, non pharetra est. Aenean sit amet metus vel erat commodo consequat. Ut in augue ante, eget interdum felis. Quisque a dui arcu, nec convallis urna. Nulla laoreet dui sed turpis blandit adipiscing. Donec placerat, mauris ac consectetur porttitor, elit enim consectetur enim, posuere imperdiet metus nisl et ligula. Aliquam in quam neque.




Word Count: (-12)


 {author says}  --



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