Story 003; Loverush Layouts

CHAPTER --   “--”


Love comes in our lives in a tricky way. Sometimes, we think that we're in love not knowing we're really just friends, But sometimes, we stick too much to friendship not knowing that we are already in love. It's hard to take care of someone when you know that one step forward will make you fall in love and one step backward will ruin your friendship. Some things are true no matter how hard you might try to block them out. A lie is always a lie, no matter how prettily told. Some doors, once they're opened, can never be closed again, just as some trust, once it's been lost, can never be won back. Hope is the most dangerous emotion in the world. It has the power to blind the most perceptive individuals, silence the most rational of doubts, forgive the most heinous injustices. Hope has the power to heal, but only in equal measure with its power to destroy. We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce convallis, urna et fermentum elementum, orci velit feugiat metus, vel ultrices neque ipsum vel nulla. Cras tristique tempus venenatis. Cras arcu risus, viverra nec elementum at, ornare vel mi. Nullam et lacus at nibh porta pretium. Donec tempor mollis nulla quis suscipit. Proin ornare suscipit neque faucibus vulputate. Fusce ornare tincidunt lorem, id ultricies odio tincidunt sed. Sed velit nunc, rutrum cursus posuere elementum, blandit nec ligula. Nullam commodo, tellus ut egestas lacinia, justo nunc mattis lacus, vitae porta risus lectus eu justo. Fusce porta tincidunt nibh, a elementum nisi dictum quis.

Praesent egestas, orci id blandit mattis, mauris massa hendrerit erat, sit amet aliquet eros tellus non lorem. Quisque eleifend tellus et lorem faucibus volutpat. Nunc eu tempor ligula. Quisque erat quam, facilisis in vehicula sit amet, mattis id arcu. Curabitur purus lorem, pharetra nec mollis vitae, viverra nec metus. Curabitur interdum, nibh vel gravida tempus, metus est luctus sapien, non congue lorem felis ut sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla sed nisi diam, non pharetra est. Aenean sit amet metus vel erat commodo consequat. Ut in augue ante, eget interdum felis. Quisque a dui arcu, nec convallis urna. Nulla laoreet dui sed turpis blandit adipiscing. Donec placerat, mauris ac consectetur porttitor, elit enim consectetur enim, posuere imperdiet metus nisl et ligula. Aliquam in quam neque.



Word Count: (-11)

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