MESS (메스) x Ahn Gabrielle x Maknae, Lead Dancer, Vocals


— Ahn Gabrielle.

Pinkbunii/ 10



♚ — Gaby, called by her parents, shortened like her brother's name which is Danny or Niel. 

♚ — Close friends they would call her in english Sunshine, since she's bright and always hyper active and happy around people.



AGE — 17

BIRTHDAY — 10/06/1997

BIRTH PLACE — Incheon, South Korea

HOMETOWN — Seoul, Korea



♚ — Korean; ) Fluent / Mother Tongue
♚ — English; ) Basic/ Times at school, and when she was a trainee she was asked to learn some english since it's mandatory, to atleast learn a little.








(there aren't alot of galleries.. sorry x-x)

BACK UP FACE CLAIM — Lee Hyeri (Girl's Day)



APPEARANCE — She stands at 168 cm with a weight of 53kg. She oftenly dyes her hair, since she enjoys trying new things, and when she finds a good hair color she usually buys more of that and uses it ocasionnaly, and more regularly. When she gets haircuts, she would probably cut it a few centimeters off, she prefers long hair than short hair. Earrings vary on how she styles herself, daily days though she would probably wear small hoop ones. When it's at a party or a celebration event she would probably fancy it out more, which would be like snowflakes, that are made of diamonds and sapphires. Other than earring she does NOT like wearing other jewllery like rings or bracelets often, it's probably because on how it keeps getting caught on her clothes. Although necklaces for her are fine, since she would always wear one that has a moon while under it, it has clouds. Identical to her brother's except the moon is facing the opposite direction.

STYLE — dorm, practice, airport, formal, casual 



+Loud and wouldn't be afraid to speak out and say what's on her mind
+Creative and likes to make new concepts/ideas
+Always happy and jolly which can make people think she's clueless
+Extroverted, she likes to be around people, and talking to strangers

-Gets angered easily, so she's pretty much a hothead at times
-She likes going with the flow too much which can lead her to bad choices
-Telling the truth (too much truth), too much truth leads her to lots of problems, and people getting mad at her
-Most of the times she doesn't take problems seriously, it's either she doesn't know what is going on or she doesn't want to be in it
-Easily attached to things
-Can get naggy/demanding
  Gabrielle, is one of the extroverted types of people - this is because her blood type is AB, normally blood type AB's would have a high-temper (since she's half & half), and getting angrier alot more. She might like talking to people but, people who annoy her either by talking too much or being a a--- and hate on people she cares dearly for she would probably burst at that moment and blow up at them right at that second if she heard. IF they are just normal problems, she usually won't take it to heart, and would usually leave them alone/not taking them seriously, she has noticed this, therefore she either keeps quiet and ignores it, or she probably didn't notice. At times, she would probably create these problems. Sometimes she won't notice until someone knocks into some sense in her, or she does. These problems are created by probably her being a big mouth, or it's because her telling the truth too often, telling truth maybe nice, but at times it shouldn't really be said. When she sees something nice, she would probably go back to it and look at it, possibly buying it later, she simply in other words is attracted to things very easily, it is not only a bad thing for her as a habit, but also her money, for example when she see's a nice jacket, she would buy it, but later after a week or so she would prbably just give it to a donations box. She likes to go with the flow and follow trends, following with people's ideas was a habit to her since little, not having her own thoughts, which now when she grew up lead her to having difficulties figuring out ideas. As an AB blood type she may also seem 2-faced to some people switching from one emotion to another. By demanding, it doesn't mean she wants attention, she just doesn't want to be ignored.
 She has flaws, but of course she has some nice things about her also. (no puns intended)  Now that she has grown up and learned from her mistakes, she is slowly but trying to get her creativeness back from learning and making new dance concepts, clothing designs, and choreography. She enjoys doing those things which is letting her improve. Most of the time you would normally see her smiling everywhere, she is that type of person who likes to smile even though she may seem like an idiot. Loud and not afraid to speak her thoughts outloud, she won't/wouldn't be scared to speak up and say what's right. Being, happy all the time she is also pretty social and outgoing, which makes her friends love her. She is loved by people around her... as long as you don't tick her off. She can make friends easuly and talk to strangers if there's no one around her that she knows, it may sound dangerous, but she just hates sitting there and sitting alone being bored. The chatterbox she is she wouldn't be like that. 




PAST — She is the middle child also since she's in a family of 4 being the 3rd child (David, Niel, Gabrielle, Bosung). Gabrielle, she has always been insipred by singers, in Korea but also worldwide, just like her brother they were both inspired by Michael Jackson. They have English names because of their father but are Korean and have not been overseas. He was like their rolemodel. Also going to vocal lessons with him, she stopped half-way, which meant that she didn't really have a strong voice like his. She got along with many people in the past, but as time flies by her friendliness and appearance to people from her brght playfulness increased to people liking her more. Having Daniel (Niel) and her getting along the best, they both had the same dream, which was a singer. Being in a mid-class family everything wasn't really easy, from practicing and going back home, so they had to elaborate. At such a young age, her and Niel were already given their won apartment so they can still go to their practices without being late and getting crossed to conflicts with traffic and money. After Niel had succesfuly achieved his dream, he had moved out and went to his own dorm, visiting her every so often even if his schedule was packed. In school, during her childhood time, she was usually picked on because she would use thes glasses with circled lenses that made her look funny, everyday people would make fun of her. She really didn;t care what people said to her, and just kept smiling like she didn't notice. This stopped when she eventually had to switch glasses because her oldest brother David noticed, and told her to get new glasses. 

PRESENT —  Basically, she still lives alone in her apartment with Niel checking up on her and the rest of the family visiting her also. Her schedule is staying at a part-time job to work at a electronics shop at the morning till afternoon, while early-evening to night/morning would be for her practicing at YG. She tries hard and doesn't want to give up, especially now she has 2 inspirations. She usually gets very little sleep considering her schedule, and eats mostly, instant ramen that you would get from small shops, so she would have enough energy to dance and do all her activities. Some days she would be lucky, and actually have a decent meal at a restaurant. Times like those are usually when her family comes over, and she would show them that she's eating fine and not blocking any time to eat some food.

TRIVIA — Likes-
+bubble tea
+people that she can talk to
+singing time to time
+watching kdramas
+listening to other kpop bands
+cute things
+collecting rares
+any kind of music
+trying new things
+being active
+watching in her free time
+fight with her stuffed animals
+running for exercise
+playing sports like baseball 
-Hot weather
-Wearing layers of clothing
-Being alone
-Broken things
-Objects out of place from where she placed them
-People who make fun of others
-Things that make no sense
-Sweet candies
-Energy drinks
-Scented things
-Being compared to other people
-Forced to do things
-Cleaning her room
-Not allowed to do what she wants
*she likes to clap alot at random things, and actions
*blasting her music in the middle of the night
*drinking alot of water
*sleeping at late times
*sleeping without a pillow and ending up 180 degrees around when she wakes up from her original sleeping position
*hiding from the sun
* she is immitate animal sounds, especially bird noises
*finish a whole can of sprite, chugging it
* speaking in funny voices




Good / Ahn Binmoo / 48 / strict, reliable, demanding; Dad
♚ Good / Park Hwa / 45 / joyful, kind, devoted; Mom
Closest in the family
 / Ahn Daniel / 48 / loyal, ambitious, considerate; Older Brother
Just fine / Ahn Bosung / 15 / impatient, persistent, cheerful; Younger brother
Not close / Ahn David / 24 / quiet, cooperative, optimistic
Even though they live far from each other, one half of the family always visits the other half from time to time. Which means that their relationship wouldn't be broken and awkward. Other family members though, are a different story since she barely gets to see them. Even though she has 3 brothers, the one who was there for all her life, she gets along with best, and the others are either just okay or they don't really talk to each other because they aren't that close.



Close friends / Yook Sungjae / 20 / derpy, funny, strong-willed
Friends / Choi Jonghyun / 19 / quiet, faithful, sincere 
Friends / Shin Jun / 18 / caring, proffesional, brotherly
These people would be the most important in her life, not only did they help her through her trainee days, but also giving her happiness. Yook Sungjae was a close-neighborhood friend she used to live near by, and when they were children they would always hang out outside or at teach others houses pretending they were singers. As for Choi Jonghyun, also known as Changjo, they met when Niel her brother checks up on her, he either brings the whole group or a alone or with someone else other than him. When they met, it was awkward maybe for her since it felt to like talking to a wall, because he would never reply back, or if he does he would reply with short answers, but eventually they started to get along. Shin Jun was one of her closest friends in elementary school while she was still living with her parents, and ofocurse they still keep in contact with each other.





— Jung Ilhoon.

chOi jonghyun/changjo




( ♚ — Hoonie; ) shortened name, called by people around him that are friends/close
( ♚ — Clown; ) called by Gabrielle, since he likes to joke around often with her/around her 

SUMMARY — His personallity, is somewhat like Gabrielle's. He is usually happy, and doesn't get sad that often, even if the rest of the people around him are crying, if it doesn't have to do anything with him he would still be smiling. Weird, but that's just how he is. Being a blood type B, he can get mad pretty easily also, he usually doesn't get mad but probably just irritated. He likes to be himself, around people and just when he's by himself, being cute but at times also a bad-boy rapper he is like.



FIRST MEETING — They first met when she attended her first and only year of middle school. They were in the same classes especially  the first 2 periods (which was music and tech since this was an open class and all the grades were mixed up) they were seat partners, and  each project they would do, they would do it together. After getting along together for a long time they opened up with each other, and noticed that they also had the same dream. She, did fall with him love-at-first sight but ofcoruse if she said anything it would've been awkward since they treated each other somewhat like brother and sisters. Even he himself said that, which she thought about...and agreed that she shouldn't say anything to him. Doing prjoects at each other's houses (her apartment shared with Niel) they not only got along with each other but also she got along with his parents, them treating her like a special guest that sometimes went too overboard, but also Niel's impression on him.

RELATIONSHIP — Friends, although they are close. In public because they seem so close and joking around like their space is only for each other, it may seem different to others.

CONCLUSION — either they start dating or rejection, since love wouldn't always go the way you want it. -w-





STAGE NAME — Angelle (Using the word angel and part of her name)

FANCLUB NAME AND COLOR — #3399cc - Curious Blue

STAGE PERSONA — Smiling Sunshine

POSITION — Maknae, Lead Dancer, Vocals

BACK-UP POSITION — Main vocalist, Visual

            Singing — Dasom of Sistar (Backup: IU)
            Dancing  — Jia of Miss A
            Rapping — N/A

PRE-DEBUT EXPERIENCES — Before she debuted as an idol she is also oftenly in some tv shows like star king, for viewing and being on the side near where the idols are. She also has worked backstage with other idols doing their makeup or picking out what kind of style/clothes, as a practice given from the stylists, to show her what she is probably going to wear on stage.





FAMOUS LAST WORDS — I hope you enjoy. If there are any mistakes i'll gladly fix it. :) 

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — MESS having a party with either Teen Top or Btob as a congratz for the debut
Ilhoon and her doing a duet dance stage
Singing with her older brother on stage for a performance
Sub-unit with Teen Top's L.Joe
A dance stage with a member from iKon or Win

PASSWORD — I can't choose between these songs so...and idk if an ost counts so I included one just in case ^^;;
& B2ST's Dongwoon & Yoseob + BTOB's Changsub & Ilhoon - Byebye Love (this is an OST but I still love it, it's so goooddd * v *)
& AOA Black-Moa/BTOB's When I was your man




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