Carméline || Angel Winters


username: Devilicwolf
nickname: angel
activeness(1-10): 8
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- Snow Queen ( Fans and friends - due to her love for winter and her name and a bit of her personality)

BIRTHDAY + AGE - 25 12 1994 + 20 years old

BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN - Born in Austin, Texas, USA. Had moved to New York when she was 14 with her family as her father had gotten a job offer there.


ETHNICITY - Half-English, Half-French

HEIGHT - 167cm

WEIGHT - 55kg



- English (Very fluent/Native - Had to learn it since she's living in America + her father is English )
- French ( Very fluent - Her mother is a French hence she has been speaking it since young )
- Korean ( Conversational - Learnt it after having to move to Korea to pursue her career, had only learnt it for 2 years )
- Thai ( Quite fluent - picked it up for fun when she was young )


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Face Claim
lee da som
416 x 310
back up Face Claim
baek su min

APPEARANCE: She has a tattoo that says 'Tu Me Manques' which means something like 'I miss you' in French along her right shoulder blade as a tribute to her older brother. She also has a single earlobe piercing on her left ear and one earlobe and helix piercing on her right ear. She likes to have her hair colour natural which is a dark brown colour that looks copper under the bright sunlight. 

STYLE: There is no fixed style in Angel's fashion. Being born in the US, Angel has tried on different styles and its deemed that she can wear technically everything and anything and pull it off nicely. And her choice of clothing usually depends on her mood too. Also she's always spotted wearing a dogtag necklace,even if that accessory is what ruined her fashion. At the dorm,since she won't be seen by anyone other than the members, she won't really care abt her appearance, hence you will find her wearing either a tank top, oversized t-shirt, hoodie or sweater along with shorts (when its hot) or sweatpants (when its cold). At the airport she'll dress more presentable and yet comfortable, wearing jeans with a t-shirt or a flannel shirt and a singlet underneath along with sneakers or boots. Her casual wear (outdoors + Autumn/Summer/Spring) includes jean shorts with any kind of top she can find with converse sneakers or even slippers,but usually she wears jean shorts and a crop top. During Winter, as she likes the cold, she will wear her favourite black leather coat or her army green parka with a hood along with jeans and a sweater underneath along with boots and a beanie to complete her fashion. During practice she'll wear shorts with a black tank top and a black and red flannel tied around her waist with converse sneakers and a snapback. As for formal wear, she'll wear either jeans or a skirt with black tights along with any top she can find or a dress depending on the on the occasion. 

PERSONALITY TRAITS: One's first impression of Angel would be that she's serious and mature, maybe a bit anti-social, which is true. Angel dislikes taking the first step into socialising with people, hence she doesn't have many friends. However,once you get to know her, you would realise that she's actually quite friendly. Once she gets comfortable with you, she'll become more outgoing. When she gets too happy, she might even act like a little kid or become too sassy. However, sometimes Angel is too uptight for her own good, and she can be insensitive when it comes to telling the truth too. She can be really stubborn too,always wanting to have things go her way. 


Like most girls, Angel is an independent woman, and like most people, Angel is strong on the outside, but actually has a weak side of herself that she doen't want to show others. Firstly, Angel gives out an intimidating aura when people first see her. With her poker-face on, Angel seems anti-social to others, but that's just the way she is. At the age of 20, she is already way mature for her age; she knows how to look at a situation from many angles,able to think logically and not make rash decisions or panic in situations. This mature side of her gives her a very charismatic and sophisicated aura, seemingly like a natural leader. She doesn't like taking the first step into making friendships, because she's scared of getting hurt; in the form of being used or just getting rejected as a friend. And because of that, she doesn't trust people easily, so if one wants to be friends with her, Angel will definitely makethat person work for her trust, in ways such like petty arguments or giving that person the cold shoulder to see if he/she will give up. However, to those who know Angel's real personality, she is a girl who is really fun to be with. She is friendly towards her friends, and fun to be with too. She would talk more, and give you her fullest attention.Compared to being a talker, Angel is more of a listener, and is a good advisor too. And at rare times, her dirty-minded self would even show, giving her friends a shock. Angel is easily amused, to the extent that she would even giggle at the coldest joke ever. When she gets too happy, her childish and sassy self would appear,making comments that would either hinder people speechless or laugh until their stomachs ache. In addition, Angel has a habit to say things with a hidden meaning. Also, she is actually quite easy to read, if you know her well enough; her smile tells you everything about her mood. Only when she's truly happy, will she smile with her teeth showing.

However, Angel can be too uptight for her own good, especially for assignments, she would want everything to go smoothly and successfully, hence she tends to stick to the rules to stay out of trouble. This characteristic of hers sometimes frustrate others, along with the fact that she's stubborn, it makes changing her mind almost impoosible for one to achieve. She also feels awkward easily, and likes being in the background than the center of attention. Angel, despite her name, can be quite violent too. With her having an older brother to hang with since young, it is natural for her to be a little bit more boyish in her ways. For a girl, her strength is quite big and she hasn't learnt to control it completely, and for her, when she feels insulted, her way of settling it would be through small violence, such as kicking and a bit of punching, but of course, she knows when to stop. She also has a short temper, and this is due to the fact that she takes things to heart too easily, and then overthinking the comments made, making it seem worse than it really is, hence she gets hurt very easily. And when she's upset, she'll become insensitive, losing her ability to think logically, in turn letting loose, making mean comments to everyone around her,and not caring about whether it'll hurt them or not. Another bad point about her is the fact that she always pretends that everything's alright, even when they aren't. She'll act strong, and only those who really understand her will see through her facade, and even if one tells Angel that she's lying,her stubborn streak will not allow her to admit that she's really not okay.


Angel is born a  Christmas Baby, hence her name. She has a raw talent for singing ever since she was born. However, even though she was blessed with a good voice, singing wasn't one of her hobbies, neither was being a singer one of her dreams. Instead, she had a love for winter sports, especially figure-skating and snowboarding, both which she picked up at the age of 4 and 6 respectively. Her older brother, a Marine Officer, however, was her first fan of her singing. Hence, because of him, she slowly developed the hobby of singing, but, she had only sang when her brother was around. When her father had received a job offer to become a professional wedding photographer in New York, the whole family moved there. After that, her mom and dad became very busy,so her brother was always the once who took care of her. At the age of 15, she met Ailee through her brother's friends in school, and clicked well with her. As their singing abilities were on par, they decided to make a few covers to post on Ailee's youtube channel. Later on, when she was 17, her brother had sustained a fatal injury due to an accident at work, and his last wish was to hear Angel sing once more before he pass away. However, as Angel was taking part in a figure-skating competition at that time, she didnt know about her brother's situation until it was too late. She was broken ever since as her brother was her best friend and she hated herself for not being able to fufill his last wish. She then suffered through depression for a few months after the loss of heer brother before being able to get back on her feet. That was the time when she decided to become a singer, to fufill her brother's wish of hearing her sing again. So, she gave up on figure-skating and snowboarding as competitive sports, and instead just did it as a hobby. And after getting acceptance from her parents, she went for some vocal lessons to polish her singing skills, before tagging along with some friends to Korea to go for the audition at JYP. Although she lacked in the dancing segment, she has a powerful voice and hence was accepted for it along with her passion for singing. Along with her training in JYP, she also attends an international school in Korea to continue her studies.



Father || Michael Robert Winters || 56 || Wedding Photographer || Harsh but loving|| Talks at least twice a week with Angel. Always brings her to his photoshoots when she was young.
Mother || Camille Deneuve || 54 || Wedding Coordinator || Soft-hearted and mature || Cares a lot about Angel especially after her brother's death. Sends letters to Angel to update and check-up on her.
Older Brother (Deceased) || Vincent Winters || 26 || Marine soldier || Protective and understanding older brother || Him and Angel are always stuck at the hip, doing everything together. He's her best friend.




Ailee || 25 || Idol || Big sister persona,sweet and outgoing || Friends ever since they were young. Had met through mutual friends. A big sister to Angel and always talks in english whenever they're together.Angel reveals the sassy side of her whenever she's talking to Ailee.



Miss A's Min || 25 || Idol || Friendly and funny || Clicks with her well due to the fact that she lived in America too and since she's more outgoing and friendly, Min is one of the few that knows Angel's true personality. Angel usually approach Min for dancing lessons or to just talk.


LIKES (5+)

- Soft toys (Teddy Bears are her favourite)
- Cold treats 
​- Snapbacks 
- Neon and Pastel colours (Blue being her favourite)
​- Challenges
- Food (Able to eat almost anything)
-Motorbikes (Loves the adredaline rush one feels when riding a motorbike)
-Puppies (Always wanted one but father didn't allow)
- In love with Starbucks (Caramel frappucino is her lover)




- Vegetables
- Crowds/Noise
​- People who talk too much and ignore her

- Insects and bugs
​- The heat

- People who are judgemental
-People who force her to do things
-Christmas Eve
-Horror Movies 
- Showing her weak side to others
- Being center of attention

TRIVIAS (unlimited)

- Angel has a raw talent for singing; Being able to reach both low and high notes with her chest voice
- Winter is her favourite season
- She can fall asleep anywhere and anytime
​- She has a flat and toned stomach

- When she gets angry or frustrated she usually scolds in English or Thai and swear in French.
​- Brings a camera with her wherever she goes.

- Has her own blog where she posts her pictures
​- Has a love for Winter sports

- Has her own collection of snapbacks and flannel shirts
​- In love with the thai rap that BamBam from GOT7 performed

- Has a huge appetite
- Keeps a pair of skates and a snowboard in her room
- Tends to feel insecure when her hands are empty
​- Doesn't talk much when on stage

- The dogtags that she wears is in tribute to her deceased brother
​- Prefers being alone than having company

- Acts younger than her age whenever she's too happy
​- Hates Christmas Eve as her brother had died on that day.

- Would be depressed on Christmas Eve and on 13 August (Brother's birthday) as she'll be mourning over her brother
​- She isn't really a fan of Kpop

- She actually has to wear spectacles to see clearly but during practie and performances,she'll wear contacts instead
- A huge fan of Demi Lovato
- Can lie very easily



- Photography, due to the fact that her dad is a photographer as well
- Reading (Loves romance or fantasy/supenatural books)
​- Figure Skating

- Snowboarding
-Skateboarding (Naturally since she knows how to snowboard)
​- Listening to music



- Plays with her hair whenever she's nervous
- Tends to look elsewhere when she's talking to someone
​- Sing or rap when she's bored

- Pushing back her hair
-Lying to herself and others to make everything seem better.
-Tends to fall to the ground when she's laughing too hard


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BIRTHDATE + AGE: 04/09/1994 + 21



PERSONALITY: Usually quiet but also a bit playful and sadistic at times. Gets excited easily over fun things. When he is comfortable with someone, he tends to talk a lot. Mark is also caring and supportive towards his friends. He is logical in his thinking and straightforward when talking. Has a different persona when on stage and off stage. Adorable and funny when he opens up to people. However, he may also be a bit narcisstic and blunt at times. He knows when to have fun and when to be serious. He can be very romantic and sweet at times due to his straightforwardness (Honesty is the best way to a girl's heart,no? ;) )


HOW YOU MET: It was Christmas Eve, and like every year, she was mourning over the loss of her brother. That day, it was quite late into the night and she couldn't stop thinking about her brother, she wanted to cry but didn't want to disturb her dorm mates,so she went to a empty practice room and sat down and started to cry. At that time, GOT7 had finished their practice and were on the way back to their dorm when Mark remembered that he forgot something at their practice room so he headed back. When he wanted to enter the room, he heard someone crying from the inside of the room. Him, being a lover of horror movies, wasn't the least bit scared and thus,he went in quietly,but instead of finding a ghost, he saw Angel sitting in one corner of the room crying. He went forward and Angel got a shock hearing footsteps and looked up. Surprised to see her sunbae, she quickly wiped away her tears and stood up to greet and apologise to him. Mark at first started speaking in Korean asking her what's wrong but after seeing her confused expression (Her korean still ), he tried speaking in English, which led to Angel apologising for not understanding Korean and quickly rushing out of the room to avoid further questions.


INTERACTIONS: As Mark is the only one who had seen Angel at her weak moment, Angel tends to avoid Mark with only a polite greeting or pretending she didnt see him as she's afraid that he'll ask questions about why she cried that night.


RELATIONSHIP: Sunbae and Hoobae



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BIRTHDATE + AGE: 23/09/1991 + 23



PERSONALITY: He's a very unique guy. No definite word can describe his personality. Key can be thoughtful and caring and even motherly and realistic at times, but he can also be like a diva; sassy, which makes him fun to be with. He can be awkward when you first meet him, but after you know him, awkward is hardly a word you can describe him with. Key is also a very shrewd guy, knowing what he should and should not do. But sometimes he can become very childish and whiny, which turns out to be a bit annoying.

HOW YOU MET: Min and Angel were hanging out one day when they ran into Key, and with Min and Key being good friends, they stopped to chat and Min introduced Key to Angel. After that Min left to go to the washroom and left Angel with Key. Key was awkward with Angel because he didn't know what to say while Angel was uncomfortable being with Key because she didn't know who he was. Only after they made small talk did Angel know that he was from SHINEE. And so that day Angel had left a deep impression on Key as she was one of the few who didn't know who he was.


INTERACTIONS: Not much at the moment. As they are not from the same company, Key would only ask about Angel through Min.


RELATIONSHIP: Acquaintances



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RIVAL: Bae Sue Ji


BIRTHDATE + AGE: 10/10/1994



PERSONALITY: Suzy, despite her age, is never daunted nor disheartened, yet she is very optimistic and friendly, hence making everyone fond of her. She is innocent and modest and her actions are always filled with sincerity. She is very kind-hearted and loving towards everyone,making it seem like she's the definition of perfection. However, behind that angelic face, hides a competitive girl who hates losing.


HOW YOU MET: Through Min. As Min knows that Angel isn't an outgoing person,she tries to help her make friends, so she invited her to a lunch with Miss A,however,only Suzy could make it that day. They talked and started to get along with one another, and after lunch, Suzy wanted to hear Angel sing, so she did. And, being amazed at her singing skills, Suzy declared that Angel will, from then on, be her rival in singing, a friendly competition only of course.


INTERACTIONS: They hang out once in a while, usually with Min around. When they see each other they will only make small talk before parting ways. Usually the conversations are intiated by Suzy,with her being the socialble one. 


WHY ARE YOU RIVALS: Because Suzy wants to be better than Angel at singing, so Angel decided that it would be good to have a friendly competition with her as it would motivate her to work harder even more.





PERSONA: Quiet, two-faced power-vocal.

POSITION: Main Vocal, Rapper



FANCLUB COLOR: hex #99ffff


DANCING TWIN: Jia (For Backup position)




TRAINEE YEARS: Trained and studied at the same time for around 2 years.

TRAINEE LIFE: She got accepted for her powerful vocals and her passion for singing. During her trainee life, she could be described as a loner and that 2 years was a hard time for her. Although she had friends(trainees from overseas), she usually keeps to herself. Along with the fact that she doesn't speak Korean, it was hard for her to communicate with most of the trainees. She works hard during practice and even after practice or during breaks, where she'll practice by herself in one corner of the room. In front of others, she is a hardworking trainee who always has her pokerface on, but when she's alone,she's a girl who misses her brother terribly and have tear stains on her cheeks.Only she herself knows the countless times she had broken down a lot of times due to the amount of stress she feels from being a trainee, and yet, she has never given up on her dream. 


​- Collaborated with Ailee for one of her covers on her youtube channel
- Won first place in a national figure-skating in America when she was 14



COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS: The Persona part was a lil hard to write but i hope its satisfactory XD oh and the personality too! Pls give me suggestions on how to improve XD Havent written an application in a long while ^^"

QUESTIONS: None at the moment ^^



- Carameline Weeky Idol with special appearance by GOT7
- Argument with Carameline members
​- A sitaution where Mark finds her crying alone again

- When she opens up about her brother to the members







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