↺ R E B I R T H . 「Clarissa Angel Saunders


baby, it's you.
baby, it's you.
baby, it's you.

name: Clarissa Angel Saunders
nicknames: Ange, Clary
DOB and age: 12/25/1992
height and weight: 162cm / 50kg
nationality: Californian
birthplace: California
hometown: Los Angeles
languages spoken: English-fluent, Spanish-Only a few phrases, Korean-can understand if the person speaks slowly,unable to form full sentences in Korean

ulzzang: Lee Eun Hye/Yoo Jung Roo 
back-up ulzzang: Lee Da Som 
fashion style: Likes clothes that are easy to move in; tank tops,t-shirts with shorts or jeans. Often seen in a simple t-shirt with jeans and a flannel shirt tied around her waist. Worn with sneakers. Isn't afraid to wear clothes that show a little skin since she's used to wearing it in California

personality: Angel is one who is able to keep her cool at all kinds of situations. She doesn't freak out easily,nor does she judge people quickly. She'll be the one that solves a fight between two people. She tends to stay quiet most of the time,only speaking when necessary. She isn't an attention seeker and likes to be in the background rather than the center of the spotlight. When you get to know her,Angel is someone who one would want to seek advice or comfort from. She tends to be a bit straightforward at times, as that is how most of the Californians are,so she might just hurt someone's feelings by accident. She is easily amused,able to be put into a laughing frenzy with just a small joke. She is optimistic,always encouraging others to give their best.But she has her own way of encouraging,instead of walking straight up to the person,she would instead leave anonymous gifts with a small note.

Being the person she is,she has a high level of patience,so she doesn't explode easily. She likes seeing people happy,so when people around her are depressed,her heart immediately goes out to them and she would try her best to make them smile again. She smiles easily,adapts to situations quickly and is also hardworking. She gets embarrassed easily and can alsobe very forgetful.

Though she has a calm nature,there are also moments where she loses her cool. Even when this happens,she'll still act like everything is fine,though people who know her well would be able to find the loopholes in her act. She is independent,never being a burden to people around her and instead lets people rely on her. She is realistic,and likes things that are simply black-and-white,never too complicated. Although she is strong on the outside, what she truly needs is comfort and support,though she doesn't show it. Angel doesn't show her weakness in front of other people as she doesn't like being a burden to others. Thus she would only break down when she's alone. Angel is mature and caring,always putting others before herself. She knows a lot of stuff as she has gone through a lot in her life. It is kinda hard for people to understand her as she hardly opens up to people,even her family,doesn't completely understand her.

background: Born in the Saunders family,Angel shares the same love as her family;the love for engineering. Ever since young,she dreamed to be a mechanic. Being fascinated over how the engine of cars,motorbikes and aircrafts etc works,having shelves filled with books and walls filled with pictures of different kinds of them. Her family believes in God a lot,hence her parents had decided to name their children's middle name after the angels. For her,it was because she was born on Christmas,thus the name 'Angel'. Although she is born in California,the home of the surfers,she isn't like other Californians. She does go to the beach and shops in malls,but she doesn't have the out-going personality of Californians,thus she doesn't have many friends at school and is always categorized as the 'Loner'. Angel has been interested in learning new things since young,eventually picking up the guitar,piano,the bass guitar,and had been able to fix her own bicycle when she was 9. She gained an interest in photography when she was 11,when her father brought her to one of the photo shoots for his company's newest car,then she started taking photos of cars from different angles,then eventually taking photos of things around her as memories for keepsake. 

Since young,she was always bullied by people who were bigger than her as she's always the loner in her school. Until her new neighbor moved in and the boy,Caleb,started being friends with her. Caleb ended up protecting Angel from her bullies,and he was also the first person Angel had opened up to. In middle school,she met Wendy and her group of friends. Ever since,she had started feeling like a real Californian;going to parties,the beach,shopping,manicures,and was even dating one of the school jocks,Dan. But good things never last. When she was 15,she attended one of the parties at her classmates' house. Halfway through,she got asked to help bring Dan to the guestroom to rest as he was drunk. When her friend went to get Aspirin for him,he suddenly assaulted Angel,pinning her down on the bed and had almost took advantage of her. Luckily Caleb saw it and was there to stop it. Since that day,Angel would freak whenever someone gets too close to her,even her family members. That was the first time in her life that she had ever lost her cool,and her parents were worried,so they sent her for therapy.

It went well,and by the time she was 18,she had moved on,though she didn't believe in love anymore and is afraid to get too close to guys other than Caleb,her brother,Simon and her father. She became the girl she was before she met Wendy. In the same year,Wendy decided that she wanted to try being a singer,but didn't want to do it alone,so she got Angel to audition with her as well. Angel had hardly sung in her life, so when the results came out,both of them were shocked as Wendy didn't get in while Angel did. After her parents had known,they told her that she should go for it. And Angel realized that this opportunity could be another path for her,so she did. So,she ended up moving to South-Korea with Caleb,who'd gotten a scholarship at one of the Universities.

why did they want to become an idol?: Followed her friend to audition to give her support but ends up getting in instead. So she realized that this could be another career path for her,thus her determination to become an idol.
likes: -Quiet places;Libraries

-Cooling places



-Hands-on work


-Learning new stuff


-Rainy days


-Skinship,though she doesn't show
dislikes: -Crowded places

-Sour food

-People who cannot appreciate what they have



-Being disturbed

-Going for car races
habits: -purrs when sleeping

-Fiddling with her charm bracelet and when she's nervous

-Singing when she's bored,despite the place

-Talking to cars

-Tends to speak to someone in English by accident if she isn't careful

-Tends to start blabbering about something that she's excited about
hobbies: -Reading

-Listening to music

-Playing the guitar and composing with it

trivia: -Tries to avoid people who can't communicate with her;walking away when she sees someone who wants to talk coming her way,but if worst comes to worst,she'll try to use hand gestures.

-Often found buried in books;mostly on mechanics

-Plays the bass,piano and both acoustic and classical guitar

-Works at a car repair centre near her company;goes there whenever she's free

-Only lets those who are close to her address her by her middle name (Angel),e.g family and Caleb.

-Her room walls are filled with pictures related to engineering

-Owns her own motorbike

-Moves around like a ghost

-Always has a toolbox ready in her room in case there's any emergency

-Family doesn't trust her completely since they hardly understand her

-Lives in an apartment in Korea with Caleb when they became adults and goes back to it whenever she isn't staying at the dorm.

-Can't cook,might even burn down the whole kitchen if she tries

-Blushes easily,especially when the spotlight's on her

family: Johnathon Michael Saunders, 50, CEO of a Car Company, Father

Chloe Abigail Armstrong, 45, Technician, Mother

Pierce Uriel Saunders, 27, Architect, Older Brother

friends: Wendy Avery, 21, University student, classmates at middle school,was Angel's first friend in class other than Caleb

Simon Lightwood, 27, Architect, brother's best friend, known through Pierce

best friend: Caleb Presscott, 21, University student in Korea/Angel's translator and tutor for Korean,the only person Angel opened up to, childhood sweethearts,families were friends for generations,migrated to Korea with Angel
rival: N/A

love interest: Luhan
how you meet: Once,his manager brought him along to the repair centre where Angel was working at to get their van fixed,and she was assigned to fix it. And since the manager still had things to take care of,he left Luhan alone at the centre. He slowly tries to make conversation with Angel but receives no verbal reply from her,so he ends up thinking that she's mute.
how you act together: Angel tries to avoid Luhan whenever she can,while Luhan is determined to hear her voice whenever he can as she hardly speaks. Luhan is the first person who is able to make Angel so nervous to be around,taking away her calm nature which she is uncomfortable without,thus the avoidance.
back-up love interest: Tao
how you meet: Backstage at one of the music programmes. She ended misreading the sign at the door and went into the wrong room,finding herself staring at Tao's as he was the only one left in the room and was in the middle of changing is clothes.
how you act together:Their first meeting has haunted Angel ever since. Thus she is always awkward around him whereas he has moved on from the incident and has taken an interest in her.

stage name: Angel
on stage/screen personality: Tends to be the one that is in the background,nodding to agree with what the other members are saying,and only speaking when necessary. Is able to pull off whatever she's been told to naturally.

position: face
how did their scandal effect them?: At first,her confidence was still there,but then,her parents,after seeing the news,decides to send her for counselling,which in turn lowers her confidence as she had lost her family's trust,making herself think that she really is a freak. She ends up losing herself,avoiding everyone around her,even Caleb, whenever possible.

aff username: DevilicWolf
activity level: 7
anything you'd like to be called?: Hi ^^ I'm Angel
you 100% done?: Yep!~



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